"Okay, let's go back and talk about these words." The joke did not continue, and Akagi's gentle words dragged the atmosphere back to the battlefield.

"We have attacked the flagship of the Deep Sea, you should be careful on your side." The voice of Admiral Lu's house Veneto sounded from the wireless headset.

"Specific." The elder sister's voice also became more serious. She now needs information from Veneto to judge whether she needs support, or to go further.

"Deep Sea Bismarck, you guys... let's provide aviation support first, and if necessary, let Lion and Prestige join the battle." Veneto on the other end of the communication was silent for a while, she felt that she should add raisins enough.

Although this girl Tizi is unreliable when it comes to discussing business affairs, but when it comes to fighting, she is still a first-class expert.

Otherwise, Governor Xiaoman wouldn't leave her in Yuyan, and she was also named the flagship of the general.

Moreover, the deep sea Bismarck cannot be alone, and the other side also has the main fleet from the deep sea.

He brought a new ship girl who was basically equivalent to a fuel bottle. In order to prevent things from going wrong, Veneto decided to let the first team of Akagi and the others provide aviation support.

This is more stable.

"Okay, what about the enemy's deep-sea aviation power?" Akagi nodded and asked again. If it existed, then she and Dafeng would have to consider releasing a wave of fighter jets before releasing the carrier-based bombers.

"Zero, only the deep-sea Bismarck and the deep-sea battlecruiser as the main force."

"I see, then we will provide aviation support here first, and Shi and Ren Wang will rush over as soon as possible." After saying the last sentence, the eldest sister and the younger sister Feng looked at each other.

This is a show of surprise and shuttle bombing.


Akagi received a request for support from the second team, and it was even more unreasonable for Admiral Bai, who was the rear commander, to receive it.

There is no need to conceal this part of the information. After calling Yuyan's database, the parameter information of the deep-sea Bismarck quickly appeared on the general display of the marine radar.

Others are better, except for their solemn expressions, they don't have many expressions.

But the junior admiral is different. Her Veneto is only at the thirtieth level. If she had known that she would encounter such a situation, she would not have asked Su Qinghua to bring her out.

She held her hand tightly, hoping to hear some good news from Admiral Bai.

For example, the deep sea Bismarck was bombarded and sunk by Tirpitz on their side, and then won a big victory.

Unfortunately, it is not. The battle with the flagship of the deep sea has always been a long time, and it is the most ideal and fastest to solve it from daytime to late night.

If the level of the enemy is similar, and considering the exit of the injured ship, the replacement of combat power and the supply of resources, it is normal to fight for two or three days.

"Chicheng and the others have already carried out aviation support. If your vv is seriously injured, you will be covered and retreated immediately." Admiral Bai comforted the junior admiral.

It stands to reason that Mo Guiyao should know better than him, but considering the factor that cares about chaos, he also understands it very well.

Thinking from another perspective, if Dafeng's level is not high, but he encounters a high-level deep-sea flagship, he will also be worried.

"The first team of Lions and Prestige have also gone to reinforce." He added a comforting sentence, and also informed the substitute ship girl who was staying on the blockade line to prepare to bring resources to go out.

As long as you follow the route that has been cleared, there will be basically no problems.

"It's alright, my head maid is super strong." Su Beiguo also patted the shoulder of the junior admiral, paused and continued: "And even if it's a big break, you only need to issue the resources to repair the ship's equipment. , what is there to be afraid of?"

"..." Mo Guiyao wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

Although it is indeed as her predecessors said, as long as she can evacuate safely within the time limit, the price paid by the ship's mother is nothing more than repairing the ship's equipment, and there will be no danger to her life.

But how can it be so comforting.

Did you hear that this is still human.JPG


After notifying the substitute ship girl to carry resources to go on the expedition, Admiral Bai also contacted the fourth and fifth flagship teams that were the first to meet the enemy.

They are Admiral Wang's Hood and Admiral Mei's U47.

Hope they can go to support after solving the battle on their side.

After all, the injured ship girl needs to be escorted to evacuate, and the vacant combat power also needs to be filled.

And then, all they can do as admirals is to wait, and the atmosphere is a little quiet for a while.

Even the most heartless Su Qinghua didn't say anything.

"Do you want to smoke?" Admiral Mei, who was standing beside Bai Yanxi, handed over a cigarette, and then continued: "Admiral is a very stressful profession, the stronger it is, the bigger it is."

"Lu Yehuo didn't smoke at the earliest, and then you saw it at school. Now he even tells the students to smoke."


"It's also a way to relieve stress."

Indeed, as Admiral May said, many of the admirals present were old smokers, especially the group who brought high-level ship girls.

It's just that there are ships in the guild who are not high-level like Feiying.

Anyone in need took the mobile terminal and went to the open space outside.

"Forget it." Bai Yanxi thought about it, and finally shook his head and declined with a smile. For him, the pressure is not that great.

"You don't smoke me, anyway, I'm an old man, it doesn't matter if it smells of cigarettes." Admiral Mei took back the one handed to Bai Yanxi and put it in his mouth.

"They're all old men, but they're still married submariners?" He made a little joke.

"You know the shit, lo*ic*n is regardless of age, and you will have a marriage destroyer one day in the future."

Guess a fake

Calvin, wake up and update it.

Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Susu tears Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears Susu Tears

532. One salted fish

Whether or not Bai Yanxi will give a ring to the primary school student Jian Niang is really what Admiral Mei said in the end, it will be a long, long time later, and it is true that the battle is under the command of the present.

The ship girls, including the girls who are carrying resources to supply the main fleet, have already gone to sea, and there is not much he has to do.

It is nothing more than monitoring data and timely regulation of radar in the sea area. Akagi is also in charge of the battlefield.

Any interaction can be communicated by radio.

Admiral May and the Admiral who knew each other went out to smoke. For him, the on-site admirals are all juniors, and most of them have been helped by him.

On the other hand, Su Qinghua, seeing that there were not many people at the scene, pulled the somewhat restrained Admiral Zhao over.

"Let me introduce you, this is the most adorable girl in our class." She patted Bai Yanxi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

This girl has no pressure in her heart, and the prestigious security Admiral Su has never been worried. In addition to having experienced the Jing'an incident, she also had a general understanding of Dafeng's strength.

is strong.

My head maid not only practiced one-on-one with the other party, but later admitted that the skills of an ordinary shipmaid may surpass that of Dafeng of the Bai family in terms of functionality, but when it comes to her absolute strength, it is far inferior. .

This is also the reason why Bai Yanxi chose to let his eldest sister Akagi lead the team instead of his younger sister Feng.

"?" Wearing a radio terminal headset, he raised his head and a question mark appeared.

"I've known Admiral Zhao for several days, and it feels good to work with each other."

Su Qinghua was not surprised by such an answer. Although she had one salted fish, she still knew that her friend Zhao Qingcheng was a hardworking and serious girl.

The deep-sea fluctuations in the waters outside the blockade are unstable, which may give birth to a new deep-sea flagship. The news was spread on the Admiral Forum as early as a week ago.

Prestige's guess is that it should be related to Dafeng.

As for whether it was done deliberately, or because of the unstable state of the body, it is not easy to infer.

But anyway, these have nothing to do with her, a salted fish admiral who took the seal fee of the general port area.

"My life is very happy as long as I lie down like this." I don't know what kind of mentality Su Qinghua, who uses this sentence as his motto, has to build such a capable head maid.

"But do you know that she will also go with us on the ocean freight mission in a while?" She patted Zhao Qingcheng on the shoulder beside her and lowered her voice.

After all, it is a good thing that fat water does not flow to outsiders. Su Qinghua must be thinking of good friends of the same sex. The most important thing is that the girl never laughed at her bad luck.

When Dajian was penniless, he also borrowed resources.

"I really don't know this, should you give me some advice, Admiral Zhao." Bai Yanxi smiled and stretched out his hand to the black and straight girl.

In a normal port area, the life of the ship's mother must be focused on fighting. The admiral's words correspond to social command and the rational allocation of resources.

And this social interaction is not only with ordinary residents around the port area, but also regular exchanges with the general port area and colleagues.

The "social fear" caused by laziness must be corrected in the past, but now it is much better because of the admiral software. If the admirals who are familiar with blowing water on the forum want to gather together for some reason, they will feel more like a sand sculpture netizen.

"This kind of task is very rare, especially when the beard was cut in advance." Seeing the other party's actions, Zhao Qingcheng also reached out and shook hands with him, and spoke with a little envy. Perhaps a salted fish admiral like Su Qinghua would only think that he was arrogant, and he easily accomplished what most other admirals could not do.

But in her opinion, this is equivalent to a steady supply of resources, instead of doing complicated and low-resource expedition tasks like other admirals.

It is said that those high-ranking admirals have companies that operate HNA business willing to sign long-term contracts with them.

This is for a relatively high level of security.

Admiral Bai, who is more than 150 levels, should be no exception. This kind of advantage brought by strength is both enviable and depressing.

From Zhao Qingcheng's point of view, although his friend Qinghua is a little bit worse on the construction luck... No, it can't be considered bad, obviously he built a rare battleship girl avant-garde a while ago.

It was only because of the danger of this event with fluctuations in the depth of the sea that it was not carried.

In other respects, Su Qinghua also had luck that she couldn't envy.

Just like being taught by Xiaoman.

That was the current governor of Yuyan, and the first. The so-called internship, after all, is not recognized as a master.

Although an admiral belongs to an emerging profession, it also has a strong traditional element in it.

"It can't be considered an early cut off. In fact, it's because there are familiar friends who do this kind of business at home. Later, the task of finding the guards was handed over to me." He paused for a while before continuing to speak. Said: "You know, I will go to Pearl Harbor to do preliminary diplomatic work later, and the task of guarding the merchant ships can only be handed over to my friends."

The reason why the company is looking for it is actually quite good. Bai Yanxi does not need to consider the so-called "round lie" when it is used, because it is all true.

"That's amazing." Zhao Qingcheng spoke with admiration. Only by walking through the wasteland reclamation period step by step from nothing to something small can you better appreciate the benefits of shortcuts. For example, her secretary ship, although dubbed the "African lion", is really a six-star ship girl with a very low rate of construction in terms of rarity.

It also has the strength to match the rarity.

A rare battleship girl, the help that can be improved in the early stage is compared to other admirals who also built heavy cruiser and light cruiser girls in school.

It's not a shortcut.

"One is called Admiral Bai, the other is Admiral Zhao, aren't you tired?" Su Qinghua, who was standing on the other side, pouted, and then said carelessly, "You and I are friends, and Windsor is also my friend, so you are equal to friend."

"Who told you this." Bai Yanxi rolled his eyes, although he knew it was because of Admiral Jing'an's rough nerves, he still retorted: "Humans are independent individuals, and friendships and relationships are not in common. You have to give us a time to get to know each other."

"..." On the other side, Zhao Qingcheng also fell silent in embarrassment.

In addition to the lion, there are actually other people who like to call it Windsor.

That is Su Qinghua, who has been with her since she was a student.

533. Let me give you the next day

The relationship between the admirals is nothing more than starting from scratch, and if they have friends with each other, they can get to know each other faster.

Good things are shared, bad things are shared. For example, in this deep-sea riot, Bai Yanxi just made a post on the forum. Basically, all the admirals who had temporarily held Yuyan came to help.

Among them, there are many elites with super high levels, and he has also added a friend one by one, so that he has the opportunity to return the gift in the future.

As for Admiral May, he had already added friends early in the morning.

Compared with the admiral who is socializing, entertaining and trivial in life, the life of the ship's mother is much purer.

There are quite a few criteria to measure an admiral, whether he is kind, whether he acts likable, how he treats the ship's wife, how well he can fish the ship, how is the comprehensive strength of the port area, etc., and so on.

Some admirals are withdrawn and not keen to communicate with other people, but the strength of the port area is excellent, and it can also be regarded as a good admiral.

As for the ship's mother, one word "strong" is enough. Anyway, whether it is beautiful or not is the subjectivity of each admiral, and it has little to do with other people.

The admiral created a better living environment for the ships, and cultivated them with the resources they earned.

Satisfying the material life, the spirit is the same, and then the ship girls will respond to their own admirals with the fruits of victory.

It doesn't matter if you don't like fighting, anyway, in such a large port area, how could it be possible that the Admiral did it alone.

Helping each other and understanding each other is actually the most ideal way for the admiral and the ship to get along.

"I thought I would never fight again." Everyone has a sentimental side, and Dafeng, who is a literary girl, seems to be heavier. At this time, the other ships in the team had already rushed to support the Tizi team in the sudden encounter, and only she and Akagi were left to prepare for aviation support.

"How should I put it? The previous battles were passive. The more you experience, the more resistance you will feel in your heart."

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