"For this shoot, we only authorize the portrait right of the printed poster. If there is a contract document, please show it. If you don't have it, you can set up a fingerprint certificate to prevent the relationship from being broken in the future."

"Ah, if you have the contract documents, take a look here." After his reminder, the store manager's sister suddenly remembered.

It's normal for the ship girl to be ignorant, or to be so well-protected that she shows her innocent personality.

But the ship's mother doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that the admiral can't understand either.

In contrast, the wandering ship girl is much more experienced.

And in a broad sense, the admiral is the umbrella for ship girls to contact and integrate into human society, not just for cooperation or salary. And from the perspective of social structure, the status of the admiral who has continuously won military and meritorious achievements in the society will definitely rise slowly.

Under the circumstance that the famous admiral has a lot of social resources, if you want to get benefits from the other party with a little favor and small favor, but don't want to be attacked, it is inevitable to be cautious.

Therefore, Admiral Bai took over the contract that the other party brought over and looked over it carefully. There were indeed no oversteps and loopholes. It was specified in detail that the photos were only suitable for the printing of the base map of the poster, and there were strict one-time use restrictions.

This is also a way for both parties to avoid trouble, and he can also protect his ship's mother.

"It's not an example." After signing the name and keeping the backup, Admiral Bai smiled.

"What's the matter, it's our side that caused trouble. But I seem to see you very familiar..." The admiral who made military exploits will also be publicized as "heroes" and eventually become widely known. Not only the ship's mother, but as an admiral, he is also being known by more people, if the other party will pay attention to this news.

"It's just an ordinary admiral, and what he does is the same as all admirals, nothing special."

Men's makeup is relatively quicker than women's makeup, and Tirpitz's side only went out after applying light makeup, so after a while, he said, "Then let's start almost?"

This sentence was said to Bei Zhai, who was sitting on the side. After the courage she had just gathered up dissipated, she became a little shy again.

It's not that I'm ashamed to touch it, but my heartbeat that starts to accelerate can't calm down.

Helpless, Bei Zhai could only comfort himself with the excuse that this was to get reward resources.

"Well, okay." She nodded lightly, and then spoke in a low voice.


The photo shooting process is not very long, and the hug in the first act can also be said to be the easiest.

Although inexperienced, Bei Zhai is also working very hard to make expressions according to the requirements of the sister's photo. Although it is a bit blunt, in the end, the other party is satisfied and nodded.

Based on the reason that some ship girls would resist or even dislike contacting other men, the photographer also used the girl very considerately. In this regard, the store manager is still very interested.

And taking this opportunity, Admiral Bai also took advantage of the Bei Zhai very rudely.

The pink-haired girl's body is soft and soft, and it even gives the illusion that she will sink in with force. It is quite comfortable to hold, and there is a faint aroma, especially in the hair.

But the hand is still very honest.

It was a little bit stuck when the cup was handed over, because Tirpitz was always ashamed to look up at his admiral, and whenever he mustered up his courage, he couldn't show the sweet smile between lovers.

Simply put, the acting is not in place, and in the end, it can only be skipped due to limited time.

But it was strange to say that the last kiss was repeated over and over again, and Admiral Bai didn't feel her soft lips at all.

Just blushing with shame, he leaned in for a kiss, and the photographer called out at the same time that his hair touched it gently.

According to the other party's later statement, the main theme of this scene is the first kiss of the girl who is ashamed to open her mouth and has the courage to express her heart.

And what Bei Zhai just did, the jerky girly breath was about to break through the camera, so what's so picky about it.

It's different from the pink-haired girl who only had a cold look on her face, quarreled with her own admiral, and mocked each other. Now the North House has been given a more distinct atmosphere.

Become less like her, but more lovely.

Admiral Bai thought she would finally throw a ring with a cold face, and then yawned as if afraid of trouble: "You will be mine from now on."

The result is not.

"You have a good ship girl, I hope you don't let your heart down. The printed photos will be sent to Guigang District. Just leave a contact information for me." The store manager gave a resource card in a plastic pocket, and added He added with a smile: "Welcome next time, you owe her a... vow ring, that's what your admiral should call it, right?"

"That's right, I know, thank you for your reminder." Admiral Bai nodded, and just after the kiss, the too shy Bei Zhai had already fled the shooting scene.

"By the way, let me ask you one more thing." He thought for a while and said.

"You say."

"Have you ever been here with an admiral with a little girl, his surname is Mei. If so, can you give me more photos of him? I'm good friends with him."

573. Come and hit me, stupid.jpg

After coming out of the restaurant, the pink-haired girl never said a word.

He walked faster, and she walked faster, with a trance-like appearance.

Seeing that there was still a lot of time left, Admiral Bai sent a message to Lexington, saying that he might go back later in the evening and that he had places he wanted to see.

On the other end of the phone, the gentle wife quickly responded to her lover.

She would keep dinner in the refrigerator, and if he was hungry, he and Bei Zhai could eat outside first. As the number one person in the management and operation of the port area, how did Lexington not know that his admiral took Tirpitz out.

Moreover, it has been more than ten years since the establishment of the port area to the present. To put it badly, even raising a cat has deep feelings.

Not only Bei Zhai, but also Yi Xian, Welsh, and the **** ship's mother, who does not have feelings for his admiral above friends.

Lexington knew it all, but then again, she knew, she couldn't force the Admiral to let him loose the ring.

This is not appropriate.

If it wasn't for the naughty Saratoga who pestered her every day, she couldn't do anything in the end, and it is estimated that her sister wouldn't help her at this level.

"Come with me." After sending a message with Lexington, Admiral Bai said to the lovely girl who was still wandering around. Beizhai has been in a state of confusion since the kiss just touched.

Although the small talk on weekdays has always been a constant stream of jokes, it seems like a thoroughly old driver. But when he came across this kind of actual combat cover-up, Tirpitz, who only had theoretical experience, was easily defeated.

Who would have thought that being kept, the other party resting his chin on his shoulder, wrapped in such a warm breath, would make people feel so dizzy.

"Okay." Bei Zhai, who prides himself on being an excellent gamer, nodded. It was four or five o'clock in the afternoon, but now he can catch up with the event when he goes back, and he won't be unable to finish it due to lack of time.

The pink-haired girl still agreed with her admiral's proposal and agreed to take a stroll in the Yuyan City Center, which she had been to for a long time.

"Where are we going?" She asked when her intimate hand was lost due to lack of courage.

"I'm not too sure, just over there." Admiral Bai pointed in a direction, in fact, he himself didn't know why it was over there, he just thought it would be a little rewarding.

Because there is a car, no matter where he goes, it is not far away, and soon he took Beizhai away from the center of Huifeng's commercial street.

"Isn't the place you want to see in the city?" Tirpitz asked cautiously. She was not a destroyer girl who had just started falling in love. Of course, she could see that her admiral had something on her mind.

To be reasonable, why are you suddenly unhappy when you came out to play and didn't break up with her. The person he likes is not a middle-aged boy who is in the throes of his youth.

"It's in the old block, and it's very close. Isn't this coming at once, and the subway is only two stops away." Parking the car in the parking space on the side of the road, Admiral Bai led the Bei Zhai very quickly. It came to a place similar to a courtyard building.

"Baibai used to live here?" The pink-haired girl was a little curious. She woke up from a construction machine and knew that her admiral was also in the port area. The entire port area knows about his past, and only Lexington and Potato Girl, who were built from the academy, are O'Bannon.

Anyway, Bei Zhai is not particularly clear.

"No, I used to live on campus." Admiral Bai shook his head, trying to enter this compound that seemed familiar, but was stopped by the old guard.

"This is the family compound of Yuyan Petrochemical, and non-family members cannot enter."


The other party politely stopped him.

"Look, I'm looking for someone. The admiral of the port area around Yuyan is not a suspicious person, and he doesn't kidnap children." He took out the admiral's certificate and showed it to the old guard.

As a result, the other party still did not agree.

"No, young man, we have rules here, strangers are not allowed to enter, or you can call your acquaintance to come out and lead you in?" lovable cute girl.

But where is the acquaintance of Admiral Bai here, he just wants to go in and have a look.

No way, he can only say goodbye to the old man outside the door.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?" After walking along the road for a while, Bei Zhai asked him, and glanced at the not-so-high wall.

If she wanted to, it would not be difficult for her to jump over with her Admiral in her arms.

Up to now, Bei Zhai didn't ask him what he wanted to do. Anyway, if your admiral needs it, just do it yourself.

Isn't that the reason why the ship girl exists?

"Forget it, I was just curious for a while, and I remember that there should be a back door in this compound. You can get there by walking down this alley." During the conversation, the two of them also came to a small fork in the road.

The roads in the old quarters are not smooth, especially this kind of inaccessible alleys. The road is an old bluestone road, and dwarf grass grows in the gaps between the stones.

"Baibai, don't you want to come and see your old love, for example, you have a good girlfriend before you became an admiral." Seeing him being silent and a little confused, the pink-haired girl felt a little distressed, so she played a lively atmosphere Thought said a word.

Then he was hit with a knife that didn't hurt or itch.

"No, you think too much. The first time I fell in love was with Lexington, and she chased me."

"But the secretary ship chatted with us, and all they said was that you were chasing her." Bei Zhai, whose ponytail was swaying, said this while covering the head that was attacked.


Okay, since the gentle wife wanted this or two points of face, Admiral Bai didn't correct it, he was a generous man.

The man's generosity is reflected in the fact that he is going to wait for the evening to go back, and then ask his wife alone who was chasing whom.

However, the interruption to Bei Zhai made him feel a little better.

"I remember there seems to be a restaurant inside, but I forgot the name." Walking in on the long bluestone road, Admiral Bai introduced it to the Bei Zhai beside him according to a vague feeling.

"Baibai, just say it straight, did you really have a girl before you became an admiral... Ah, don't fight, don't fight, I can't admit I'm wrong." Seeing her own admiral's gesture, the pink-haired girl quickly hugged him intimately Arm begging for mercy. Very cute, and with the idea of ​​​​wanting to pass the level.

"This is my first time here. I used to study at Yuyan's Admiral College, and I also lived on campus." He sighed and explained again.

I knew I had come here by myself.

But as he said, walking along the bluestone road covered with crawling tigers on both sides, there is a small restaurant at the end of the road, or it is more appropriate to use the facade to describe it.

And the back door of the petrochemical compound with a reception room.

"Do you eat hand-pulled biscuits?" he asked the girl beside him.

"Eat." Bei Zhai, who was holding his Admiral's arm, nodded vigorously. Although he had eaten and drank enough in the restaurant linked to the game just now, most of them were still desserts and drinks.

Although it is delicious to eat, but after a walk outside, it is almost digested.

Hungry is not hungry, but can continue to eat.

The price of two handmade cakes is not expensive, even after paying for a bunch of Tirpitz's house, he can afford it.

Soon they were sitting on a roadside bench and eating.

"Where are we going next?" asked the Admiral of Bei Zhai, who had wiped out the house after three strikes and five divisions.

"Go back to the city center, the second place you want to go is over there." Seeing her looking at the food in his hand, he generously handed it over. I have eaten all afternoon, where will I be hungry.

"...Then why didn't you go there in the first place, this time I ran back and forth over and over again."

"I don't know, I don't think it's very important here, so I thought I'd come here to take a look first." The rest of the hand-cooked cakes were quickly solved by Bei Zhai, who was not picky eaters and didn't mind eating the rest of his food, and took them out. After handing her a pack of tissues, Admiral Bai stood up.

"Let's go?"


"Wow, the scenery here is so beautiful." Looking at the magnificent scenery of the maple leaves in December, even the pink-haired girl who takes the house girl as her main occupation can't help but sigh.

Because really, quite pretty, so pretty that she couldn't find the right adjective.

I could have driven up the Maple Leaf Road, but under such a scenery, it was suggested by Tirpitz to go up.

After all, such a grand scene can only be seen once a year.

And Huifeng Garden is located behind the long road.

The outer wall paved with red bricks, only small high-rises and single-family villas, was built in the wealthy area of ​​Huifeng city center after Yuyan developed.

"It's very beautiful." Bai Qianjian didn't appreciate the magnificent scene of maple leaves, he was still thinking about the unusual familiarity brought to him by the courtyard just now.

"You said, if the compound just now is not a family compound, but a military police unit, do you think this is possible?"

"Admiral, you haven't woken up, do you want me to punch you, the military police are obviously built in the Yuyan General Port area." The pink-haired girl rolled her eyes.

Even a ship girl like her who stays at home knows how the general port area and the gendarmerie, both of which belong to the management agency, could be built on an offshore island and the other in the inland of Yuyan.

This is not normal at all.

"I think I might be dreaming, try hitting me."


As usual bickering, Bei Zhai was going to ridicule his own admiral. But after meeting each other's eyes, she was sensitively aware of the fact.

No kidding.

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