As for the deep-sea ship girls, I am afraid that they are not all natural. They will wear whatever the ship suits are, and they will not choose at all.

Yamato, who used to be in Yuyan, is also, although she doesn't know where she is now, when she was selling steamed buns, most of the girls were dressed in cheap T-shirts and shorts.

If you don't know, you think this store sells steamed buns in another sense.

"Good, be obedient."

"Don't listen, don't listen, it's impossible for me to wear so many clothes. Our deep-sea ships rely on our exposed skin for photosynthesis. Do you want me to suffocate me by making me wear so much? ?"

"Too bad, I obviously haven't even experienced the most basic ones, do I have to jump to such a high level all of a sudden?"

In order not to wear clothes, the little girl not only made a false statement, but even set new settings for herself and the entire deep-sea camp.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a fairly simple sentence.

Don't wear it, don't wear anything.

684. A girl with a daughter will coax people

Although pachina looks similar to Fubuki, it refers to the body shape. But in terms of character and level of trouble, it is much more troublesome than just a little naughty girl.

She showed unimaginable resistance to her own admiral's move to dress her, otherwise she would say that she was like a cat. Even if you think of your own way, it would be difficult to reverse it.

If the child is obedient, it is fine, but if he is not obedient, it will become a little difficult to serve.

"Let me try it." Seeing that the sun began to run towards the west, and the horizon gradually began to turn golden red, I knew that if I didn't hurry, I would go back in the evening, not to mention dinner, whether I could go back before ten o'clock. is a problem.

No matter which ship girl is hungry, they don't need to lose weight.

Seeing that this person is still stuck in the initial link, the gentle girl can only speak like this.

Who gave her sufficient experience in dealing with children?

Mia was not so well-behaved at the beginning, and was not cultivated the day after tomorrow. But time is running out. Of course, Xing Dundun will not deal with pachina in the same way as his own daughter, but the reason is still the same.

To deal with bear children, Lexington is a professional, who taught her to be the only perfect wife designated by Baijiagang.

"What do you want to tell me?" At this time, Fortress Ji was not in a beautiful mood. If the woman in front of her had not pulled her to a beach a little further away, she would have thought of biting her own admiral.

Is there anything wrong with being naked? It is naturally raised and close to nature.

The deep sea core gave her such a ship suit. If she is not satisfied and wants to replace it, why not give more at the beginning.

"You're even weaker than me, and I won't listen to you." The little cat-like girl turned her head arrogantly. If the previous Dafeng was here, she might still be obedient.

After all, the deep sea ship girl is subject to the strong, otherwise she can't be the eldest sister. If you want her to be obedient, of course you can, just make her submissive in a fight.

To put it bluntly, it is wild and hard to tame.

"Fighting is a waste of time, and if..." Lexington didn't intend to use this method, just as his admiral also believed that violence was not the only way to solve things.

Although this kind of idea that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, it can only be seen on the newly-emerged deep-sea ship girl. After being beaten a few times, they will soften.

Or not so evil female pirates and kind natives.

"You have recognized Bai Yanxi as the admiral, then we are considered as companions in the port area. Between companions, it is okay to exercise, but if the real guns are used, it is a violation of the convention."

Of course, the cannonballs of the ship's mother can take effect on the ship's mother. Except for accidental injuries on the battlefield, any private fights are prohibited, except for exercises.

But even in the exercise, special ammunition is used, which will not cause any damage to the ship's mother itself.

It is up to the girl in charge of the referee to judge whether it is too deep to penetrate the armor and whether it needs to be withdrawn.

This is not a job that anyone can do.

"You don't want to be hated by your own admiral because you did something to me."

"...Well, I hate you guys who play tricks." After thinking about what Lexington said, pachina was silent for a while, and could only speak like this.

She was just acting like a spoiled brat and refusing to cooperate. If her admiral really lowered her face, she would still wear that suit reluctantly.

The focus is on this reluctance, giving gifts should be happy. If not so happy, this is putting the cart before the horse.

Or how about a lot of good things.

"Well, that's what the score is. A huge port area can't be all silly and sweet. The secretary ship should be more mature and take more care of her own admiral." She spoke softly, coaxing the child, Xing Dun Dunke is good at it, especially without Dafeng present.

She can always find the feeling that she is the secretary ship.

"Are you the secretary ship? What about the big phoenix you saw before?" The little girl's arrogance was a little curious, but it wasn't that she was dissatisfied with Lexington in front of her.

But purely from the deep-sea ship's thinking, the talent with the big fist is the boss, and she should be the eldest sister of the entire port area. That big phoenix is ​​so strong, she is not the secretary ship, is the Lexington in front of you?

"..." And this question also hit the dead end of Xing Dundun. She subconsciously glanced at Bai Qianjian, who was far away, and found that this person did not pay too much attention to the situation here, so she was slightly relieved.

"Of course I'm the secretary ship. I've been with him for many years, and I've seen the blossoming of the port area more than a dozen times." Although it is in the subjective world of the deep-sea core structure, it's just these words, Lexington is in the heart.

After all, the expression of sincere affection cannot be deceived. Lexington in front of him has a gentle expression and a flow of friendship in his eyes. Up to now, she has felt that the subjective world is not much different from the objective reality.

Of course, only when the atmosphere is better.

"That's good, let's fight, and the position of the secretary ship is mine." Pachina rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his thin white and tender arms underneath, looking eager to try.

Maybe she didn't understand what Lexington meant, or maybe she understood and didn't bother to pay attention.

Bai Yanxi said for a long time that the little girl refused to cooperate. How could Lexington say a few words and Pachina would be obedient. Did she take fake medicine?

Facing Da Feng, this wild and hard-to-tame little girl complied. But in the face of Lexington, who is inferior to herself, she is about to strike hard.

"It doesn't make any sense. If you don't say you can't fight, you can win me. Even if you really win, Dafeng will take back the position of the secretary ship from your side, and I will still be the secretary ship at that time."

"Besides, even if you take 10,000 steps back, you will really become a secretary ship in the future. Will you manage the port area, will you reconcile the relationship with the ship girls, will you manage the allocation of control resources and know who to send for expeditions, there are enough the energy and confidence to maintain the day-to-day operations of a port area?”


After this paragraph, the little girl who rolled up her sleeves was a little confused, she could hear every sentence, but she just didn't understand what it meant.

Isn't this kind of resource directly obtained from the deep sea breath? What is an expedition?

"A qualified secretary ship is not for sticking with your own admiral all day long. The more you help him, the easier it will be for him."

"Instead of being busy with chores all day and starting to lose hair at a young age."


"If you really want to become a secretary ship, please beat me in this aspect, not pure strength. With the Admiral, you will no longer be alone, and you will have friends in the future, and you will gain happiness and friendship."

"I will experience the emotions that the deep-sea ship mother can never understand. It is not a wandering at sea and a natural raising, but the concept of a home."

There are some things that Admiral Bai is inconvenient to say to Pachina, but if it is replaced by Xing Dundun, who belongs to a third party, there will be no problem.

The little girl was silent for a while. Of course, she understood some of what Lexington said, so she could only speak like this: "Okay, I admit the fact that you are the secretary ship, but this has nothing to do with me. Wearing clothes has nothing to do with it, right?"

This topic went round and round, and finally returned to the starting node.

"Listen to me." Having stabilized her position means that Pachina will have more patience, and will listen to her secretary ship's words, so I can't say so much what I just said, and it doesn't make any sense at all.

You have to convince her that she will listen to you.

The little girl didn't say a word, but she didn't say anything and just walked away.

"The meaning of clothes should be warm from the beginning, to prevent the body from discomfort due to climate changes, and then gradually came to have the concept of comfort."

"That is to say, wearing it will be much more comfortable than not wearing it. It's just that this second point varies from person to person. Some people like it and some people don't like it. This is a normal thing."

"I'm the type that I don't like." After seeing Lexington's words, the little girl expressed her thoughts in a hurry.

"But the ship girl, including the deep sea, will not affect the body due to the difference in temperature. For us, the clothes gradually have a third characteristic and gradually become the mainstream."

Pachina doesn't really have a personality that doesn't listen to people's words. As long as what she says is right, reasonable, and agreeable to her heart, she will still listen.

Just like now, she nodded and waited for the secretary, Miss Ship, to continue.

"That's ornamental, the characteristics of pleasing one's own appearance. Ship girls, including the deep sea, are of course beautiful, all-round beautiful without dead ends. But no matter who they are, after watching for a long time, they will feel that the initial surprise is gone."

"And at this time, you need clothes. Wearing childishly will make people feel the beauty of a girl, and wearing mature will give people a sense of beauty that can't help but immerse themselves. Elegant and slim, these are things that the body can't bring. advantage."

If you want to capture a man's heart, you must always create a sense of freshness. No emotion is a layer of change, as always.

The ship's mother is, but not necessarily the admiral.

Therefore, in the subjective world, the gentle and mature secretary, Miss Jian, has her own big wardrobe, which is fully equipped for spring, summer, autumn and winter. That's it, Xing Dundun felt that it wasn't enough.

If Admiral Bai gave her a set of clothes in the objective world, even if he didn't show it on his face, he would actually be quite happy in his heart.

How could it be said to resist like pachina.

Isn't it just for the admiral and the sweetheart to wear nice clothes.

This is what is called viewing.

And the secretary ship in the subjective world is just to pass on this concept to the deep-sea flagship.

If it is to grow opponents, it is better to say that it is to buy people's hearts.

In the past, there were many ship girls in Baijiagang, and they said that there must be more than that. But Bai Qianjian's wedding with Lexington was also several years later. At that time, people like Bei Zhai and Yi Xian had already come to the port area.

Such an opponent, Lexington at that time was not afraid.

Now how could I be afraid of this little girl who doesn't even want to wear clothes in front of me.

When your daughter coaxes, you should also establish correct Baijiagang values ​​for your opponents.

At that time, we will fight with the NS handle Beizhai, with Yixian, and with Welsh's counterattack. The further the port area goes, the more attention is paid to the ownership of the wedding ship and the ring.

And the ship girls that are built are different from the wandering ship girls who are recruited, and most of them will have rings.

Of course Xing Dundun knew this, and he also knew that when Bai Yanxi's ability matured, Gaga would reappear in the objective world sooner or later. But then, it will be the turn of the girls in the subjective world.

As long as he dares to build big, then the girls in his mind will definitely appear.

It's hard to guess how long it will take. Lexington knew that this man's peach-crusting skills were improving, and so was giving gifts to the girls at home today.

Saving money is one aspect, and it is also for the diversity and coverage of testing capabilities. The energy of the deep-sea core and even the ship's mother, including the deep-sea flagship, can be continuously objectified, and it has a limiter to block the upper limit. She also has a deep-sea core very well.

Since it can be rubbed, it is not yet the critical point.

So Xing Dundun is not very worried that his body may not be able to bear it.

Just as his sister stated clearly, the deep sea core transformed his biological force field and evolved life to a higher level.

The next step, if nothing else, is to embark on a physical transformation.

And this process, unsurprisingly, is benign.

But exactly when and what kind of transformation will happen, it is not quite sure. But it is nothing more than the deeper the deep sea core is combined, the more likely this time point will be advanced.

"You are also very much like letting him see a different version of yourself, get more praise, and deepen the relationship between the admiral and the girl." Seeing that the little girl was still silent, the secretary, Miss Jian, added. one sentence.

As long as you can join the port area, it means at least 50 points of goodwill. At this level, it is very common to want to deepen the relationship between only two people with the Admiral.

Not to mention built.

"If you don't wear it, there will always be a later ship girl. Admiral Bai will have a better relationship with other girls, and he will leave you alone because he is disobedient and doesn't like wearing clothes. There are so many girls, but there is only one admiral. , you don't want to deepen your relationship like this, there are too many ship girls who want to do this." Give a date and hit again, this trick is really tried and tested to coax children.

"They dared to blow their heads off." Said indignantly, Pachina finally reached out and took the paper bag in the hand of the secretary ship in front of him.

"It's not just clothes, I just wear them."

Unbuttoning the big white T-shirt, the little girl's clothes were the same as never before. Holding the black sailor suit, she can just put it on.

It was Xing Dundun, who looked thoughtfully in the direction Feng and the others were in.

I haven't found them yet, but I came over by myself.

685. Many years old love to play deep sea

"Sister, I don't want to eat grilled fish anymore. This kind of grilled fish tastes very light, and it tastes bitter when sprinkled with sea salt."

Deep Sea Ruihe put down the branch he was holding, and there was a string of freshly cooked game on it.

Perhaps for most ordinary people, this kind of seafood that can only be obtained by going deep into the ocean is a rare good thing, and it belongs to the level of eating sashimi rather than roasting.

Enjoy the authentic taste.

But for these girls in the deep sea, this kind of light taste is really not as good as the normal food that is sprinkled with seasonings and tastes delicious, salty and spicy.

But there is no way. They have no way to get the seasoning, and it is impossible to say that they can go ashore.

Naturally, it will be missed.

Although the existence of human beings is definitely not as good as the ship girl as a new species from the individual level, the "eating" that has been studied for thousands of years is still far superior to them.

"I don't want to eat grilled fish, okay, I'll give you this bunch of sea vegetables." Xianghe was taken aback by what his sister said, and then he passed the grilled fish in her hand naturally and handed a bunch of wakame.

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