The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 142 The Spread of Serum Crisis!\r

"No problem, but you need to provide relevant data, combat data, and production data. Your conditions can still be met, and I will send a team to cover your retreat." General Morgan said coldly, he was very good at dealing with scientists.

First deceive these people in a good voice, and after waiting for what you want, that is to see the follow-up situation, and continue to use the ones that can be used. If you can't use it, just kill it! Crossing the river and demolishing bridges is very common in the Western Federation. The reason is because of the arrogance and arrogance of these researchers, not everyone will get used to them, and in the end it will be a dead end!

General Morgan is a ruthless character, most famous for creating the floating island incident, but it has not happened yet. His position is still a serious general, and he is also the general who directs the sterilization operation in Raccoon City!

"I'll give you the data "two and three zeros", but you can't take my art, don't compare those dirty things to my art, my art is banned from mass production!" Dr. Mueller seems to Thinking of something, he started roaring again.

"That's it, contact me if you have anything!" General Morgan hung up the phone after he finished speaking, and had nothing to say to a lunatic. When he got things, this Dr. Mueller could also die.

Eddie went to his company, ordered a few things, and handed the order to Gioni Pharma. Let Curtis go to West Africa to find a suitable place to build a research institute and build his own building.

Only by showing her strength, Axela will be obedient and obedient. The aristocratic background makes Axela have a particularly high vision, and it is not something ordinary people can order her.

After leaving the temporary office, he was about to drive back to the apartment when he saw Kevin running over in a hurry. "What's up?"

"Hey, Eddie is you. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I won't go to the police station. There are a lot of people waiting for your afternoon tea. I didn't come to you, it's a logging farm in the north. There was a vicious wounding incident. I'm going to take a look. Kevin explained that he is a member of the elite force, and once there is a violent incident, they need to deal with it.

"Is there such a thing? I'll go take a look, anyway, I'm on vacation, and I have money whether I go to work or not." Eddie frowned and set off with Kevin with Jessica and Lisa.

When I came to the logging yard, there were two people covering their shoulders, the door had been closed, and the sound of slamming the door could be heard occasionally.

"How are you?" Kevin asked and said into the walkie-talkie, "This is Kevin, I am in the northern suburbs logging camp, there is an armed conflict here, two civilians were injured and need a guard car."

Eddie noticed that the employees of the two lumber camps had bite marks, and the bitten part seemed to be directly ripped off by a piece of meat. This is undoubtedly the trace of a human bite. It seems that someone in the lumberyard has become a zombie! "How many people are there?"

"Ah! It hurts. There are the boss and his secretary, just two people. Just now the boss said to pay us wages, but suddenly he rushed over and bit us, as did his secretary. We tried our best to push them away. , Fortunately, there are other people to help, damn, it hurts, I need an ambulance!" The injured black youth cried out.

"I understand, we'll fix these things." Eddie nodded, took out his samurai blade, this pistol of the same style as Jill, after processing accessories, its power has risen a notch, and it can store ten times at a time. Five bullets!

"I suspect you were bitten by a beast, just kidding, never mind, Eddie, do you want to go in and have a look? Kevin asked.

"Of course, but it's better to be ready to shoot, otherwise it will be a bad taste if you get bitten." Eddie turned the pistol with a smile and played a gun.

As soon as Kevin opened the door, a ferocious head stuck out, trying to bite his hand. As a result, Kevin quickly retreated, and the zombie fell directly to the ground, on the threshold, slowly trying to get up.

This is a middle-aged uncle, very rich, but with pale skin and godless eyes, he is no different from a zombie. This is a zombie that has lost consciousness.

Bang! Eddie shot the zombie's leg directly, "These suspects can just be taken back to you for business, these people are not saved, and I don't know if they are sick.

"It scared me to death, Eddie, you shot so decisively, Joseph and the others were right." Kevin smiled and picked up the pistol and aimed it, because another female zombie came out from behind the gate...

"I must be very decisive, if it were me, I would shoot her in the head!" Eddie suggested, just a suggestion, the other party may not know what a zombie is, and just regard a zombie as a suspect.

"Stop joking, killing is a suspect, and I will suffer too." Kevin refused with a smile, this joke is not funny, unless the other party is the kind of person who is very annoying, the current situation does not need to shoot!

Eddie also knows that this will not happen, and it seems that he will suffer! Just why is there an outbreak of zombies here? It is close to the Akurey Mountains, has the pollution already reached this place?

Just two zombies, the problem is not big. The problem was that even if the two zombies had their legs broken, they were still roaring to arrest and eat people. Kevin had no choice but to tie them up and send them to the general hospital for treatment.

The General Hospital is also a hospital owned by Umbrella, and it is also the place where these cannibalistic patients are accommodated.

"It's really dangerous. This is the second time I've encountered these lunatics. What's going on recently, these people feel their scalps go numb when they look at it." Kevin walked over and said after solving the problem, and handed a bottle of Coke come over.

"Second time? Where did you meet the first time?" Eddie wondered.

"Further north, it's already in the Akurey Mountains. You know, there are quite a few hunters who live there. So if something happens to them, we'll have to go and see." Kevin 3.9 explained a sentence.

Eddie frowned, it seemed that the mansion and the cadre training center had exploded, and Umbrella's incriminating evidence had indeed been covered up and destroyed. However, the incident of serum leakage has not been completely cleaned up, and there are still infected people gradually spreading, which can no longer be stopped!

"What's on your mind?" Kevin felt Eddie's strangeness.

"No, I'm just thinking that there are more and more diseases now, and the speed of drug research and development can't keep up with the speed of disease. It's really difficult to make money. Well, after the matter is settled, I'll go first. Back to chat, evening See you at Jack's Bar!" Eddie waved his hand and left with the two female bodyguards.

PS: The book shortage can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Hero", an old book with 3 million words, no character guarantee! .

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