The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 194 Echo Squad Attack?\r

"You think it's so devastated to level a city with more than 100,000 inhabitants. How do we explain it to the public?" a fat senator asked.

"It's very simple to say that there are unknown things appearing, in order to prevent these things from spreading to other cities. We have taken the safest means to sterilize the entire city! To ensure the health and safety of the majority of residents, this is also We in the Commonwealth have always done for the citizens," General Morgan added, standing up.

"Those things were made by Umbrella, and we are just planning for the worst. And during this period, we can send a force to enter, there must be many Umbrella researchers, these talents are quite Valuable. If possible, even collect some Umbrella's incriminating evidence!" suggested General Morgan, who actually wanted to lead the way himself.

The senators below were all whispering and exchanging their views. Simmons didn't speak, but leaned on the seat and looked at the high-spirited Caprondo with bad eyes. He didn't understand why the other party suddenly had the confidence to confront him, whether he wanted to court death, or really wanted to challenge him. ?

The only thing Simmons can rely on now is King Ada, whom he is obsessed with, and that woman won't let him down when he comes back. If not, he can only contact an organization and let them intervene to make the situation in Raccoon City even worse.

"Your Excellency, dispatching troops is necessary. Since you have many elite teams and agents in your hands, let them handle these matters. We need to ensure that those monsters in Raccoon City will not run out. The situation has changed. , we use the worst decision again," said an older woman senator.

"As you wish, Your Excellency the President of the Senate!" General Morgan's heart beat faster, this is the stage and time for his performance, as long as this time passes, he will get what he wants!

At the same time, the very elite Sixth Echo Squad in the Marine Corps was also ordered. Whether this squad fought with drug lords in the forests of South America or in the war on the Gulf Peninsula, there was no defeat. A team you can trust.

A helicopter flew out from the military base with four special forces members, three men and one woman, sitting on it. These are members of the Sixth Echo Squad. They had lurked in Raccoon City before they were going to respond, and now they are protecting Senior Researcher Mueller. Doctor's investigator Sienna and assaulter Caroline.

"Our mission this time is to pick up the party girls and the others. They are under the university in Raccoon City and escort the target person to leave in time, allowing the use of various heavy firepower 々||." The captain was a young man, but the scar on the corner of his eye told Others have experienced unimaginable experiences.

"Understood!" The three responded in unison.

Eddie didn't know that on the first day of the crisis in Raccoon City, he ushered in the attention of many forces. Everyone wanted to take a share in this crisis. As long as there are interests, it is worth sacrificing many people.

The outskirts of Raccoon City, near the Akurey Mountains. A contingent of federal guards had been mobilized to deploy defensive lines here, all in accordance with General Morgan's instructions.

Armored personnel carriers, field tanks and helicopter gunships are all waiting here, and fences are being erected. The machine gun tower has elite soldiers on 24-hour alert to prevent all monsters from Raccoon City.

Then the guards did not know that there were many eyes on them in the Akurey Mountains as they built their defenses. These are some infected animals that don't want to eat all the time. God knows what kind of monsters the infected animals will mutate into if they eat enough!

Eddie at this time was preparing to cross a hotel, and after this hotel, they could go to another street, which was safer there.

Boom! There was an explosion, and the hotel was overwhelmed by fire. It seemed that something exploded, causing a fire to break out here. Countless wild mandarin ducks screamed and wanted to escape, but were trapped by the fire. The guests who stayed alive had mutated and turned into zombies and began to attack the living.

"From the periphery of the wall, there are small steps to pass through, don't worry, it's fine. It's too hot inside, we can't get in." Eddie jumped out of a window first, and there was a zombie eating inside. In order not to let the zombie disturb the beauty behind, Eddie shot him directly.

Everyone followed Eddie to climb the wall. Occasionally, unlucky ghosts jumped from the high-rise buildings. Although the sixth and seventh floors are not very high, jumping down is also a winter that will kill you.

"Eddie, there are survivors inside, we need to save them!" Jill looked at the survivors inside and said with a little heart.

"`" I know, but we have more important things to do, I have seen firefighters coming, I will remind them to bring guns to deal with those mutant zombies. Also, I don't know if there are any monsters that have been infected but haven't mutated yet, we'd better not try. Eddie persuaded him, he would not be kind, there is no need for this.

"Well, you're right." Jill could only endure her grief and move with her husband. Now is not the time to be kind.

"I believe what Eddie said. He knows how to analyze it. We are not suitable for rescue now." Rebecca rescued Eddie unexpectedly. She was hit before, and she forgot so quickly?

If nothing else, there must be a special mutant monster in this hotel, Eddie is not interested in seeing it, that kind of thing is left to other people with bold ideas to deal with.

(Wang Hao) As the outer edge of the wall came to the front, the alleys here have been separated by fences and water towers to prevent zombies from other streets from running over, and I saw firefighters come to rescue them.

"Hey guys, I'm Eddie, the police medic, if you're going to put out fires, please bring your guns, you've got a lot of monsters and you can die if you're not careful. Okay, my advice It's over, good luck and goodbye." Eddie waved his hand after saying that, there's only so much he can do, and there's nothing else he can do.

Across the other street is Anna Daly Street. The street is very deserted, but the next door is full of fire. It is said that many rioters are catching zombies to carry out terrorist activities. These are people who have lost confidence in life.

PS: The book shortage can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Hero", an old book with 3 million words, no character guarantee! .


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