The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 207 Resident Evil in Raccoon City\r

Seeing that Claire didn't eat much, Jill asked, "What's the matter, is the food unpalatable?

Claire shook her head, "No, it's delicious, I don't eat much."

"That's good, you have the strength to do things when you're full. Honey, you'll take Claire to the branch later. Come back soon after you finish the job." Jill instructed that, as a wife, she has the right to ask her husband to do something whats the matter.

"Okay, I will, I'll take Jessica and Svetlana. Will Lisari stay here and help take care of them?" Eddie said with a smile.

Lisa's hair was still snow-white, and she nodded solemnly, "I will do it, they are all my family, my mother said, Lisa must protect her family, and Lisa will try her best. 99

"That's good, come back and give you a candy!" Eddie laughed, glanced indifferently, Jessica with a light expression, it seems that after the second treatment, Jessica and Lisa have become different. I'm more like a person, and maybe I can get back my human emotions in the future, although it's not bad now.

The existence of Jessica and Lisa is absolutely not known to Umbrella, especially Spencer, if he were to know that Jessica, who had been sentenced to death for thirty-two years, was still alive, he would definitely put Jessica alive. Sika grabs to do a slice study.

"Dear, be careful on the road." Jill smiled, she didn't want to go out very much at night, as a pregnant woman, even though the serum has enhanced her physique, she still needs to be careful.

Along the way, there were not many people on the street, they were all hiding at home. But every now and then, a scream can be heard, and it seems that someone has been attacked in the house.

"Eddie, what the hell is going on here?" Claire was puzzled and at the same time hesitant. It looked like hell no matter what.

"It's an incident made by a large multinational corporation, they colluded with the federal senators, and even Raccoon City was built with their investment. So it's just their experimental site, and I used to be that company. Staff, have now left. The less you know, the safer they will kill." Eddie said lightly.

"Then is my brother going to investigate matters related to this company? In Raccoon City, there is only Umbrella Group!" Claire guessed which company it was.

"Yes, we went to investigate a mansion in the Akurey Mountains two months ago, and found that there were unknown experiments in it, which created many monsters. And the monsters ran out and polluted the forest. Over time, Raccoon City has also been polluted." Eddie briefly recounted the incident in the mansion, and there was a little bit of beautification in the middle.

Claire frowned, "Eddie, you are great!"

Svetlana sat silently in the back seat without making a sound. She wanted to laugh a little but didn't dare to laugh, which would embarrass the man.

"Generally, I just did what I was supposed to do. You know the drugs that suppress leukemia and AIDS, I invented them. Umbrella's executives were jealous that my drugs could sell at a high price and wanted to threaten my cooperation, Don't let me leave Raccoon City. If it wasn't for me, maybe they would have killed people." Eddie laughed at himself.

"I'm so sorry to hear the news, Eddie, don't be sad, I'm sure you can get out of this predicament!" Claire cheered her new friend.

"You're right, by the way, Claire, have you ever thought about what kind of person you want to be in the future? Have you ever had a dream?" Eddie drove the car skillfully, the streets were empty, believe him, no will turn over!

"Dream? No, but I want to help other people! Do my best (afdj), I hope the world can be a little better." Claire smiled, sweet without losing heroic spirit, is a very assertive and special girl.

"Well, maybe we all have something in common, but after you've seen the tragedy in Raccoon City, I think we'll have more in common." Eddie drove to Ennadale Street, a nearby The wandering zombies suddenly came up.

There were also fierce gunshots from the front. It seemed that the police officers were fighting zombies. Among them, there were more than 3,000 police officers who were recruited from other cities. They were all escorted by the guards to Raccoon City for cooperation. Defend.

"What happened ahead?" Claire was very puzzled, but the zombies wandering around had already stared at the sports car and began to circle around.

"There is a big truck behind, we have to dodge quickly, otherwise it will become a meatloaf! 27 Svetlana reminded.

Eddie immediately stepped on the accelerator and knocked all the zombies in front of him into the air, to such an extent that he couldn't kill the zombies at all. But the windshield was blocked by blood, and even the road ahead could not be seen clearly.

"Claire, unbuckle the seat belt, we're going to get out of the car." Eddie stepped on the brakes, helped the other side unbuckle the seat belt, and opened the door at the same time. There was a samurai blade to help Claire clear the zombies from the road.

The fuel tanker in the rear crashed quickly, and in front was a large high-rise building. The tanker knocked over the sports car, and then the car overturned, and the explosion sent Claire flying.

For a while, the fire lit up the sky, and it seemed that two days were separated like this. There was a raging fire in the middle, which could not be crossed at all, and a large number of zombies were surrounded by the rear.

Eddie frowned, followed by a quick run, ran directly to the wall, and slammed on the wall a few times. Using acceleration and inertia, relying on his own extraordinary strength, the abruptly flying over the eaves and walls crossed the sea of ​​fire that was nearly eight meters.

Claire was a little stunned, is this still human? Is this superhuman? She was in college, and even the best sports students couldn't do such a good thing.

Eddie just wanted to pretend, and saw Svetlana rolling to the ground lightly, and the other party was still walking on high heels, showing the queen's demeanor!

"Eddie, you're really good, your trick is really cool." Claire praised.

"It's normal, you'll be able to walk in the future. Are you all right, are you hurt?" Eddie helped Claire up.

Claire waved her hand, "It's okay, I often exercise. My brother Chris taught me a lot of fighting skills, which is not difficult for me, thank you for your concern."

PS: The book shortage can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Hero", an old book with 3 million words, no character guarantee! .

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