The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 632 The Rampaged Simmons!\r

The fallen Simmons regained consciousness again, and this time he began to turn around to capture the survivors and the virus mutants to start swallowing.

Utilize massive phagocytosis to repair wounds while strengthening and further mutating.

The C virus came from Kara's research, abandoning the upper and lower control of the Veronica virus, and instead strengthened the quality mutation of the body. Modify the uncontrollability of G virus, reduce the upper limit, and enhance the controllability.

Abruptly turned Simmons into an imaginary monster by willpower!

Viruses do not have much will, and the craziest G virus will indeed devour the sanity of the host, and what it has is only the characteristics of propagation, reproduction and violence, and there is no conventional thinking.

Willpower can reverse the evolution of viruses, which Eddie has long proven and tested.

Eddie stood on the rooftop smoking a cigarette, watching the distant Legion storm the monster city with a torrent of steel. The chaos of both sides was comparable to any war scene.

The cannonballs flew, and the mercenaries injected with the C virus became demon corpses. In addition to being able to quickly repair wounds, they also maintained the use of weapons, and their combat effectiveness was not weaker than that of the regular army.

The tank armored vehicle was sniped by the hidden enhanced Talos tyrant, and the large-caliber artillery was carried on the back, moving flexibly on the street, bombing the armored vehicle.

The death toll has risen to 100 before it has advanced to the city, which shows the degree of tragic!

The small missiles mounted on the gunships began to suppress fire without restraint. Except that the large missiles in the missile wells could not be used, all the weapons that could be used were used.

The sound of artillery fire is always lingering on the edge of the city, and boring people can always find excitement here.

A helicopter flew in the distance, the hatch opened, and Chris dressed in special forces appeared. "Eddie, are you coming up? We're going to rescue the BSAA leaders々||.

"Go on your own, I suggest you'd better leave immediately, this city is more dangerous than Raccoon City!" Eddie waved his hand, save people? It doesn't exist.

Besides, the current leadership of the BSAA is not very good, in other words, some people who do not deserve to be saved!

Armies all over the world are blocking and suppressing cities that have broken out in their respective jurisdictions, rescuing surviving citizens for treatment, and destroying mutated monsters.

"Well, be careful yourself." Chris didn't continue to ask, he needed to finish this last task, and then he would retire.

In addition to the BSAA team, the federal military also sent rescue helicopters, intending to open the gap from the city and carry out more flowering.

Pierce wondered, "How scary was Raccoon City back then?

As soon as he finished speaking, the federal helicopter in front was directly bitten by a large snake with a diameter of more than three meters and fell to the ground together.

After the serpent ruthlessly devoured the helicopter and the soldiers inside, it seemed that he was not afraid of steel at all, even the stomach juices that could corrode steel.

Chris's helicopter launched the hanging Gatling gun for the first time to attack, but the scales of the big snake were very strong, and even bullets with strong impact at high speed could not penetrate.

White marks appeared one after another, and the big snake was beaten and roared continuously.

The icy pupils stared at the helicopters in the sky, as if to remember each of them, after remembering it is the hunt for revenge!

"Chase! It must be killed! This monster is very vengeful. Once we are alone, we will be eaten. We don't know how it will die!" Chris gave the order decisively.

"But our mission is to rescue the hostages!" Pierce reminded.

"I'm the captain, I have the final say, what I say, you just do it. I don't want you to die, you don't have to listen!" Chris growled, he didn't want to see his teammates die anymore.

"Okay, listen to you." Pierce nodded silently, obviously knowing something.

"Mark the big snake and find its hiding place!" Chris ordered.

The big snake below began to mutate, the scales flickered a few times, and it completely disappeared from the eyes, similar to the function of mimicry, achieving perfect invisibility!

On the other side, Simmons mutated again into a monster similar to an oversized crab. With a wave of his big hand, the pliers cut off the pillar of the building, causing the building to start cutting in half.

The top nearly 300 meters above lost its support and fell from a high altitude!

Simmons is planning to kill the enemy, as long as he succeeds, then it is impossible for normal people to fall from a high altitude to survive!

If you can't kill it, then you will fall to death!

But what terrified Simmons happened again. Eddie took three female bodyguards and slowly fell in the sky, which violated the common sense of physics!

"`"Impossible!" Simmons tried his best to speak human language with his mutated voice.

"Nothing is impossible! You don't even know what power is!" Eddie's right hand flashed a burst of magnetic energy, and he punched.

Bang! The huge crab carapace that Simmons mutated began to fall and disintegrate.

A large number of skeletal fragments fell, and finally the undigested corpse. Simmons' flesh-and-blood body is still coughing up blood!

Bang! Falling from a distance of more than 600 meters, Simmons' head was a little cracked, and he could barely breathe thanks to the powerful functions of the C virus and the dominant Plaka.

Eddie landed slowly and finally landed safely.

Come to Simmons, "You lost, Simmons! 35

"Cough,," Simmons took out a pocket watch, "help,, help me,, my,, mother,, me,, will,, me,, cough,, 99

(Li Qianhao)

Before he could finish speaking, Simmons was a little out of breath, and his outstretched hand fell.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I know you won't live long, you won't die if you fall. Life is over, and the result of forced mutation is death. Your last wish, I see your mood, help you fulfill it!" Eddie finished As soon as he waved his hand, the pocket watch flew to his hand.

Simmons' breath is only weak, and he is not dead yet.

Like Eddie said, Simmons isn't dead yet.

The combination of the two things gave him a strong vitality, and now he is constantly burning the lifespan of his cells, and he will die naturally after waiting for it, and it will never exceed forty-eight hours.

No matter how miraculous these viruses are, they cannot escape the existing laws of lifespan.

Open the pocket watch, there is a picture of a woman inside, she looks very young, still has charm, and smiles very peacefully, this is Simmons' mother?.

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