The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 639 News from Baker Farm!\r

Now that his father's head has been blown up, or he was blown up by the enemy, how can Daniel not be angry, he is about to explode with anger!

"I want you all to die, man and woman, go to die!" Daniel's body began to burst, tentacles stretched out one after another, and began to capture the surrounding zombies for food, and at the same time formed a tentacle defense wall.

"We seem to piss him off, but he's got a good point." Eddie nodded pertinently.

"What opinion?" Shirley asked curiously.

"He said we were a couple, I think it's quite right, isn't it?" Eddie smirked.

Shirley was a little shy, "I hate it, who is a pair with you, huh, you are a little bad, then I will tell Sister Alexia, say-you bully me!"

"Haha, just go ahead and talk. I'll go to the Durway area later to settle some things. Do you want to go with me? I'll save a beautiful girl." Eddie teased.

Shirley rolled her eyes, "Don't think I don't know, it's Aunt Margaret's daughter. I heard that she is also a genius in medicine and should be able to help you.

Slap! Shirley was slapped, Eddie hummed, "You are the beneficiaries too!"

"Well, I know you have worked hard and are selfless. Daniel is about to complete the mutation, didn't you say that you want to solve the other party before they mutate? It's not good to let the enemy develop. 55 Shirley doesn't mind, if there is a chance, she may Will really help Eddie have a baby.

"The gun is in your hand, beauty." Eddie said helplessly.

Shirley spit out her head and looked a little embarrassed, "My fault.

The electromagnetic sniper rifle aimed again, and this time the power was adjusted to the maximum.

The sniper rifle gathered energy to emit a burst of blue light, and the next second, the blue light disappeared, Daniel's cocoon was directly penetrated, and the position of his head turned into smoke and dust.

This is the masterpiece of weapon design genius Emma! Moira's best friend!

Shirley perfectly endured the recoil of the sniper rifle, and then adjusted the energy intensity again, using her unique intuition to find the heart maintenance of the cocoon, and shot by shot blasted the heart organ that provided kinetic energy.

Thirty shots were fired before the cocoon began to burst, and Daniel was brutally beaten to death when he was half-corrupted inside.

The sturdy cocoon shell can withstand the bombardment of artillery without moving, but cannot withstand the impact of laser.

"Oye, look, I blew him up!" Xue Li cheered, a little innocent, not like a professionally trained beauty agent at all.

"You are very good, and our children will be very good in the future." Eddie nodded affirmatively.

Xue Li smiled, did not speak, and did not know whether to object or agree.

At the same time, the fleet at sea began to exert force, and did not care about the life and death of the residents in the city. Use the powerful artillery fire of battleships and cruisers to cover and strike, and destroy the living force of the zombies first.

Eddie frowned and said into the headset, "Jane Nuri, find out who is giving the order. Let Kaley and the others have some fun, whoever deals with me will kill whoever, remember not to leave the tail.

Knowing that he was in the city, he also used indiscriminate artillery fire to cover him, I'm afraid it wasn't intentional?

The shells of modern battleships are at least one ton, and a small village can be razed to the ground with one shot.

The kinetic energy generated by the explosion and the shell hitting the floor was so powerful that it was no joke.

Jean Nuri, who was wearing a bikini, sat in the computer room and typed on the keyboard, "I see, husband, hurry up, the fleet on the ocean has already issued an order for all-round coverage, and every city will be attacked by artillery fire!

He left Lanxiang City with a fast flight, and turned his head to see that the entire city had fallen into darkness.

A burst of strong light flashed, this is the effect of the explosion of the power station!

Covered by artillery fire, the drums of war shook the sky, screams, explosions, and flames shot into the sky. This is completely the tragic state of war, and it also has a taste of the end of the world.

"See, there is a biochemical virus, and sooner or later this place will enter the Ice Age." Eddie's intuition is very accurate. If he continues to play like this, he will kill himself sooner or later. At that time, it will be the era of wasteland.

"I know, Alexia also said that she agrees with your point of view very much. In the big picture, you will always be the best." Shirley did not hide her affection for Eddie, only powerful men are qualified Talking to her, she also didn't like men weaker than her from the bottom of her heart.

The army and navy cooperated, and the chaotic beasts near the oil field were driven into the city. Use the death squad to detonate the substation, create an amazing moment of high-intensity current, and directly electrocute the chaotic beast!

This is also the reason for the dazzling blue light seen by Eddie et al.

Using the price of a city to kill a biochemical monster, I don't know if it's a loss or a gain.

The battle will continue until all the large monsters that can be detected have been killed by shells, and the army will clean up its hands.

Eddie got on a plane and headed to the Western Commonwealth.

The news of Baker Farm was displayed on the plane. As early as some time ago, Baker Farm had undergone some changes, and the surrounding residents had moved away.

There also seems to be a lot of disappearances, and Baker Farm is also known as a haunted house.

Uncle Baker and his son Lucas have not contacted Margaret for a long time, and Margaret has not contacted them.

Lucas was directly abandoned for insulting Margaret, and Uncle Baker seemed to understand that his wife had been poached, and he stopped contacting him when he was disheartened.

"Missing cases? I don't seem to have heard of Alyssa's report." Eddie looked at the tablet puzzled.

"Yes, it was Modesty who wrote the article under the name of Alyssa," Shirley explained.

Modesty is the daughter of Alyssa Ashcroft and Eddie, a journalist who escaped from Raccoon City together. She is also a woman who likes to be a well-known reporter very much.

The uncrowned king sounds very cool, especially the use of fishing reels to gain an advantage and play with netizens in the palm of your hand, this feeling is extremely wonderful.

"So that's why I don't know. Hey, maybe there will be some strange biochemical monsters this time! 35 Eddie smiles, E mold? He's just going to save Zoe, E mold is out of date, my lord !mouth.

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