The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 642 Pierce, Pikachu!\r

"It's my fault, and I'm just a pawn. Now, I will control my own destiny." Wesker took out the anti-biochemical weapon hand cannon he developed, the Albert's gun!

Chris stood up, a gun butt broke the neck of the flying zombie, "Hmph, prove yourself with your actions. I don't want to be involved in your dirty deal with the official agency now, you are never worthy of forgiveness!

"Hehe, is that so? Then why did Barry say, you've been looking for me?" Wesker sneered and exposed his old rival.

"I'm just looking for revenge for you, hum, I've solved that monster, let's start chatting again!" Chris took out his stun gun and started attacking the chaotic beasts near the beach.

"Idiot, we have to attract him to the vicinity of the power station, and then detonate the power station to blow it up!" Wesker sneered, took out his pistol, and shot a series of zombies to the head.

The bullet passed through more than a dozen zombies, and finally stopped when it hit the scaled stone man who had mutated into a cocoon.

The scaled stone man, who couldn't even penetrate an assault rifle, was directly interrupted by the unabated Albert's spear, and he cried out in pain.

The angry scaled stone man began to run and charged towards Wesker, while the broken arm was still recovering quickly.

Facing the charging Stone Man, Wesker slightly raised his head, whipped his legs and slashed down, and the huge force directly trampled the Stone Man to death.

Chris's eyes flickered a few times, and the other party still used the virus to strengthen it.

"You succeeded? Are there any other side effects?" Chris shot the zombie behind Wesker to death.

"Yes, there is no perfect Eddie!" A proud person like Wesker has to admit that Eddie's talent is indeed the strongest he has ever seen.

Nearly one-fifth of the city in the Asan area was razed to the ground, and the mastermind, Daniel, was also killed in the attack.

The revenge failed, but Eddie seized the opportunity to kill him.

Fighting with a rifle and a Gatling machine gun, losing in the weapon hardware, the death is not wrong!

The attack lasted for four days, and in the end it was flattened by missiles and military propulsion.

Kaley is gathering resources and at the same time arranging for the core employees to leave and sell the company.

Since it will not come back, except for Queen's Island, which can be properly reserved as a commemoration, other assets should be replaced with resources.

The space flight was left to Alex and her daughters to handle, and Eddie watched the final battle between Chris and Wesker, who was fighting side by side with the Chaos behemoth, on the east coast.

In order to cover Chris's retreat, Pierce himself had his right hand ripped off by the Chaos Behemoth.

Even Wesker is too busy, he already has the intention to retreat, facing this kind of monster, his personal strength is negligible.

Simmons is huge and can throw an 80-ton main battle tank like a toy, something Wesker can't do.

A vigorous punch was just an itch. Simmons didn't take Wesker in his eyes at all, he is now an existence that can't be beaten to death.

Reason has disappeared, and the so-called immortality is only a deep resentment for human beings.

In the gradual shock, Pierce took out the enhanced C virus and stabbed his severed arm for a while.

Use reason to suppress his desire to kill, incarnate Pikachu, an electric mouse.

Chris, Pierce, and Wesker formed a special team to fight Simmons again.

Pierce's broken arm condensed a strange meat column, which can discharge. The high-intensity electric current can break down Simmons' defense, and the electric current will quickly break down his muscle tissue.

The cells of bad things have little chance of recovery, which has led to Simmons's continued reduction in size and strength.

After repeated electrotherapy, Simmons felt the fear of death and wanted to turn around and run away.

Wesker has already prepared the electromagnetic pulse device, which uses nuclear energy to heat up, giving Simmons the final fatal blow.

"Ah! You! Will eventually become like me, death 々||!" Simmons' eyes were extremely angry, and in the hot blue light current, gradually turned into fly ash.

After eliminating Simmons, Pierce started to turn away without any hesitation. He is no longer human, and if he continues to stay in BSAA, he will only become the object of dissection research.

"Pierce, where are you going?" Chris ran over to stop Pi.

"Leave, or die, go away, I can't hold back anymore. Leave me before I go berserk! 35 Pierce pushed Chris and pushed him 20 meters away, his invisible strength has increased. to the point of exaggeration.

A breeze blew, and Eddie appeared with Sophia.

"`"Sister, brother-in-law?" Pierce still remembered his own sister.

Sophia looked at her younger brother and circled around Pierce a few times, "It's not bad, keep your senses. You can't survive in an upright manner, live as a superhuman, your sister, I'm already married. Well, the rest is up to you."

"You're too long-winded, save people first." Eddie stepped forward and gave Pierce a shot.

Pierce twitched a few times and started to cocoon.

Throwing Pierce's cocoon to hang under the plane, Eddie clapped his hands, "Let's go, the missile wash is coming, if you don't want to be buried with the city, just leave."

Chris and Wesker looked at each other and got on a plane to retreat.

With the departure of (Li Nuo's) plane, countless missiles can be seen flying from afar at high altitudes.

Accurately hit the location of the location, gas stations, substations and so on.

Using explosives to produce more violent explosions, the people who should be saved in the city have been saved, and the rest are zombie monsters, cleaning up the city bar.

The rest is to send the army or other organizations to clean up and clean up the city that has been reduced to wasteland again.

In the Ames Mountains, Pierce's cocoon has been broken. After the reorganization, Pierce has maintained his sanity, his right hand has returned to normal, and his ability is still there.

It's just that the news of the mutation has been spread out, Pierce can't live in an upright life, and can only become a black-like existence.

"Okay, my task is done, you guys can talk slowly." Eddie waved his hand and left.

Pierce thanked respectfully, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

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