The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 680 Guess Sending A Adopted Daughter?\r

Two hours later, in the reception room of the Tower of Guise, the three of Guise, Lukal and Eddie were eating in the room. Joan and Mai Shiranui were interviewed by reporter Alyssa in another room. They didn't know that Alyssa already knew some secrets. In a way, they were sisters!

After three rounds of drinking, Alisa and Mai Shiranui, who had only met for the first time, have become good friends. Alisa travels all over the world, and naturally she has no ability to make friends.

"Do you know Eddie's past?" Alyssa shook her wine glass with a half-smile.

Mai Shiranui shook her head, "I don't know, I only know that he is my husband and I am his wife, no matter who he is. 35

Alyssa nodded, "It's best if you think so. In fact, Eddie is not a "610" bad guy or a wanted criminal. You can rest assured, remember what you said today, there will be surprises waiting for you in the future.

"Did Eddie ever have a wife before?" Joan noticed something was wrong at the first time, and asked with some doubts.

If that's the case, then she won't feel so guilty, at least she won't feel so guilty because she's sorry for her best friend, everyone is the same.

No one knows the conversation of the three women, but Alyssa will be mentally prepared for it.

When he came to the banquet hall, Eddie held the red wine and said with a playful expression, "Do you think there will be poison in this place?"

"I haven't been rotten to this level yet. When I defeat you, it will be your death." Guise admitted generously, and did not shy away from his murderous intentions.

"Oh, yes, I don't think you will have this chance." Eddie also sneered, not giving a chance is not giving a chance, the best way to cut off is to break each other's legs!

"Where did you learn the fighting style? The Shiranui style is not that strong at all!" Lukal suddenly asked aloud. He knew most of the fighting styles, but none of them could really fight.

"Take the essence and discard the dross. It's normal for you to understand this kind of thing." Eddie just responded lightly, thinking constantly in his heart.

"Interesting, I'm going to hold a King of Fighters tournament, are you interested in participating?" Lukar laughed, his eyes flashing a trace of cruelty.

"I compete, you will never win the championship!" Eddie glanced at Lukar, the current popular BOSS's strength is too weak.

"The championship is not important." Lukal will not participate in the competition, at least he will not participate in the competition until he has learned the essence of other genres. The reason is very simple, it is not that he cannot cultivate at home, but that he hates and hates losing the game.

"I'm not interested in the competition, but more interested in broadcasting. This is a good opportunity to make money, and your secretary is very good. Would you like her to accompany me for a drink?" Eddie let out a burst of laughter that men can understand Voice.

"She? I can't command her. If you are interested, you can talk to her yourself." To tell the truth, Lukar really couldn't command Weisi, and he didn't have the qualifications.

Speaking of women, Keith thought of a good idea, "By the way, you still lack a girlfriend. My adopted daughter Angelina is a good beauty, so I will give it to you."

This is the decision to secretly learn Eddie's new fighting skills through the intelligence feedback of the adopted daughter.

It's just that in the Resident Evil world, many villains thought this way, and the result was that meat buns beat dogs, and there was no return!

Eddie's expression was weird, "I don't want second-hand stuff, and I don't want broken shoes, thank you.

Why does this sound so bad? Even Guise wants to hit people!

An angry tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead, and Guise clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "Angelina is a good girl, she doesn't even have a boyfriend, my daughter of Guise, no one dares to court death!" 9

Well, this is an explanation.

Eddie picked up the glass and smiled, "I'm just joking, so I'll accept it."

Is it true, the old driver can see through it at a glance, and he said it on purpose, just to find a step down.

Ji Si obviously reacted, and felt that he was fooled again, "You are really a cunning fox, if you come to Nanzhen, there will be nothing to do with the three kings..."

"Of course, so you'd better be careful, maybe I might really become the overlord of Nanzhen in the future. In the face of Angelina, I will let you retire. As for those who do not retire, I will force them to retire!" At this moment, Eddie seemed extremely domineering, extremely arrogant, a little like a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers.

"Haha, then I'm looking forward to it." Geese didn't care, there was no permanent overlord, only the iron-clad Nanzhen.

The three chatted for a long time, talking about everything from fighting genres to arms dealers.

Eddie's insight is beyond the imagination of Guise and Lucar, they have no idea that they are talking to a big guy. And this big guy is now pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. When the fighting genre takes shape, he will show his fangs.

Not long after, Eddie left by going to the toilet, but was pulled into the room by a woman.

Wei Si, who was wearing a long suit and a long skirt, was sitting on the table, and Ba Jijie was indeed not a normal person!

"Is something wrong, beauty?" Eddie didn't care, took out a cigarette and lit it, leaning against the door of the room.

"You are very strong. It seems that if you give you a little time, you will be able to solve Gonis. This is my blood, you can take it. Hehe, don't be greedy, and don't use it for yourself, you can't bear Orochi 3.9 The power of blood. 59 Wei Simei lowered a bottle of blood with a smile.

Just like Mai Zhuo's blood, you can feel an evil aura just by looking at it.

"I won't do that until I'm absolutely sure, and I'm not that stupid. By the way, what if you do this, what should you do if Gooniz finds out?" Eddie took the bottle, a little hot.

Wei Si stroked Zongtong's short hair, exuding a wild and charming temperament, "What's the matter, he won't say anything. This has nothing to do with betrayal, Mai Zhuo said, you may change all this The opportunity, I believe it for now. Before that, I didn't believe you at all, and if you can't complete the task, I will kill you first, and the dead will not tell these secrets.

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