The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 719 Fighting Style, Tengtang Orange!\r

"Of course you have money, but you seem to be short of money? It doesn't matter, in life, you always need a little money to defend yourself. It's normal to need money. Don't be shy, you're right." Eddie is very gentle Laughing like a sunny boy.

Tengtang Xiangcheng looked a little surprised, and then blushed slightly, "Thank you, I misunderstood you just now, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, your mother is a great beauty, even I am amazed, it is normal for you to have this idea. Haha, let's fight first, let you see my strength. !"" Eddie made an inviting gesture.

Tengtang Xiangcheng nodded, and her pretty face became resolute, "Please!

The two came to the gymnasium's martial arts arena, and each set up their hands.

Todo Xiangcheng's starting style is very strange, somewhat similar to Sakazaki Takuma of the extreme style, her hands are raised high, her posture is more suitable for defense than attack.

Eddie controlled his own power, and punched out lightly.

Tengtang Xiangcheng's eyes lit up, and he directly caught Eddie's fist, "Yan back!" After saying that, he grabbed Eddie's palm and wanted to throw him back.

Eddie deceived himself, used Todo Orange's martial arts trajectory, and then used Jiu-Jitsu to fall to the ground, and then suppressed it.

One move defeated the Tontang orange, without any sloppy, neat and tidy. Just like the script that has been designed, it is very simple to punch, use force to fight, a jiu-jitsu wrestling, and finish.

Tengtang Xiangcheng's beautiful eyes were full of surprise, but there was no trace of anger, "You are very strong, very powerful. How long have you been learning martial arts?"

"It's less than three months." Eddie smiled slightly, with a bit of pride in his tone, because people of the same level are not as talented as him, and he can already look down on everyone.

"In such a short time? You are truly a genius." Todo Xiangcheng didn't speak ill of his teammates, but instead praised him with a smile.

"Thank you, you are also very good. If I wasn't strong, your Jiu-Jitsu would have a very serious restraining effect on me. You are already very good, and there is still huge room for improvement. You are just an undeveloped piece of raw material. Jade is very rare." Eddie smiled slightly, looking at the beauty in front of him, she was less mature than Shizuko Todo, but more youthful, and she was also a beautiful woman.

Tengtang Xiangcheng also smiled when she heard it. She likes strong people. If this strong person is still a handsome guy, it will be even better.

If you want to marry a female fighter, you must first become a fighter. As long as you get home, the beauty will naturally be brought home.

The two of them fought each other a few times, basically seeing tricks and dismantling tricks. Todo Xiangcheng knows that he can't beat the opponent, so let's practice his fighting skills.

Not to mention, in just five minutes, Tengtang Xiangcheng understood a lot of skills that she didn't understand before, which made her extremely shocked. This level was even more powerful and knowledgeable than her father, Tengtang Longbai!

"You understand now, it's not that you're too weak, it's that you haven't received better training. You are not bad now, your foundation is very good, as long as you work hard in the future, you can also become a top fighter. If you want, Leave it to me, and I'll nurture you." Eddie's eyes looked at each other with fiery sincerity.

Tengtang Xiangcheng was a little embarrassed to see, "We are teammates, I can trust you. My father's health is not good, he can't guide me, these are all I learned by myself."

Speaking of her father, Tengtang Longbai, Tengtang Xiangcheng sighed a little. She was really sad for her father and also for her mother's life.

"Well, since you believe me, then I will not let you down. Leave everything to me, and I will make sure you live well." Eddie stretched out his palm with a smile.

Seeing the sincere look in the man's eyes, Tengtang Xiangcheng also smiled slightly, stretched out his palm, and the two shook hands, "Okay, happy cooperation."

The two returned to the hall. At this time, Kaley and Jordana had returned. They were all smiling and seemed to have encountered something happy.

"What makes you laugh so happily?" Eddie laughed, looking at his two precious daughters, and felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

...... ask for flowers ........

"No, the architecture here is pretty good, we like it a lot." Kaley said with a smile, Mei Mu glanced at her father, she seemed to sense a trace of the man's conspiracy.

"Exactly, can you take Tengtang oranges for a checkup? I'll go to the preparation later, lay the foundation first, and you will also come with Lily. By then, you will be in great shape, and you won't even get sick and catch a cold. It's very enjoyable. Yes. Eddie has started to draw pie, and Sakazaki Lily won't feel the need to do this kind of thing again without giving her a little sweetness.

"Really? Don't lie to me, husband," Sakazaki Lily blinked, but the title that followed made Todo Xiangcheng stunned for a moment.

"Are you married?" Tengtang Xiangcheng's expression was a little weird. In this team, the other two were actually husband and wife, which was a bit outrageous.

"Haha, we're not married yet, but Sakazaki Takuma has already entrusted Lily to me. When I win the King of Fighters championship, I'll set up a banquet and invite everyone to a meal." Eddie laughed, with a smug expression on his face. .

"Let's talk about it later, what do you mean by inspection?" Tengtang Xiangcheng is not interested in this gossip. Who the other party takes as a wife and how many wives are married is someone else's business, and has nothing to do with her. The relationship of dime does not need to be related.

"Just to check, I need to configure a scientific exercise method for you. I believe in science, and I also believe in things other than science. The combination of the two can become a strong fighter like me, do you believe me? 35 Eddie After a brief explanation, it cannot be said that the T virus is used to transform the other party.

Todo Xiangcheng nodded, "I believe in you, Mai Shiranui is a very good woman, and I believe in her vision. 35

Shuh, the door of the room was opened, and the mature and beautiful Todo Shizuko walked into the room with the food, "You are all here, I have already prepared the food, let's enjoy it together."

Seeing the mature and beautiful Todo Shizuko, Kaley and Jordana looked at each other, and they seemed to understand something.

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