The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil

Chapter 82 Svetlana's encouragement!

Eddie's equipment is a bit exaggerated, a special submachine gun, and a large number of bullets and ten magazines. With a high-explosive grenade and a bazooka on his back, is he going to be a mercenary? The equipment is luxurious and scary, and there is also a particle tactical dagger.

Even Rebecca was taken aback for a moment, "Eddie, are you going to fight?"

Eddie patted Rebecca directly on the shoulder, "Hey, the last time we were in the nursing home, the encounter was deep enough that I couldn't eat for a few days. Of course I have to prepare more this time. 99

Speaking of the abandoned sanatorium, Rebecca also had some lingering fears, "You're right, I need to bring some more medicine."

Rebecca's occupation is a medical soldier, not as the main combat force, she is only responsible for the treatment of injuries.

After a while, the "193" packed up their equipment and boarded the helicopter. The pilot is still Kevin Dooley, an experienced pilot.

With the roar of the propellers, the helicopter began to take off and flew towards the eerie Akurey Mountains. Wesker looked at the distant helicopter in the Umbrella building, turned around and went to the underground research institute to find William. He wanted to blow up the cadre training center and destroy all the evidence, especially the need to confirm Marcus's. die.

Eddie is still holding Svetlana's hand. He is actually a little nervous. When he is doing a helicopter, he is always worried that he will be treated by the protagonist and the vehicle will explode!

Seemingly aware of Eddie's nervousness, Svetlana smiled. This little man looked majestic, nothing could stumped him, but he was actually afraid of flying! This kind of funny The performance makes Svetlana absolutely Eddie more like a living person, not a cold machine, and the jade hand is also firmly grasped, and the fingers are intertwined!

Thirty minutes later, when they flew over the gloomy mountains and were about to reach the spot where the Zodiac Express happened, the helicopter suddenly malfunctioned. There appeared to be a problem with the propeller, and the helicopter began to shake violently.

Svetlana said with experience, "Hurry up, don't worry, it will be safe when the plane lands."

Rebecca grabbed Eddie directly. In a hurry, she grabbed whatever she had, and then she stabilized her figure first. The plane responsible for the violent shaking will throw people out, fly out of the sky, and be disabled even if they don't die!

Everyone was also holding on to the handrail tightly. The pilot, Dooley, tried his best to use his rich experience to stabilize the helicopter and make the plane land as safely as possible.

Boom! The helicopter hit the ground, and the violent shaking made Rebecca fly out, but fortunately she was pulled out by Eddie.

After the helicopter stabilized, Rebecca gasped in shock, "Eddie, thank you!"

"Don't come, but I promised to take care of you, let's go down first!" Eddie smiled, he would definitely save him, but if it was someone else, he would need to think about it.

"Hee hee, I want to thank you anyway." Rebecca smiled sweetly, apparently not so scared anymore.

"Come on, it's not safe in the plane!" Svetlana pushed Eddie, not seeming to want to see Eddie talking to other women.

Enrique also reacted, "Everyone get off the plane first, Dooley, are you alright!"

Everyone got off the plane. The pilot, Dooley, was overhauling the plane. "No, it seems that the propeller is broken. Strange, I have already overhauled it. There is no chance of such a mistake!"

"Is this something someone did on purpose? Want to crash us?" Eddie asked suspiciously.

"I can't rule out this possibility. It was very dangerous just now. If we almost died, Damn it, what the hell did that bastard do!" Sniper Foster said while sorting out his sniper rifle.

"No matter who it is, we can only find it if we go back. I think the atmosphere here is very wrong, we should be more careful!" Kenneth, the black uncle, took out his weapon and said.

"Everyone, bring the walkie-talkie, keep in touch at any time, don't leave too far, it's very dangerous here, there are still many unknown dangers in the Akurey Mountains, be careful, don't get lost!" Division leader Enrique issued an order.

Bang! As soon as Enrique finished speaking, Eddie took the submachine gun and started the single-shot mode, and started to attack the dark place in the distance. Every time a shot is fired, the sound of breaking bones will be fed back, and there will also be a dog's scream.  …

The black uncle Kenneth and Edward went to check together and found that all the dead dogs were zombie dogs with extremely rotten appearances! He couldn't help exclaiming, "It's those monsters, and the monsters we encountered before!

At this time, a large number of zombie dogs began to attack, running on the ground on all fours, making strange noises, and the smell of revenge that could be smelled from a distance!

"Be careful! Fire!" Captain Enrique immediately took out his gun and attacked, preparing to hit the zombie dog in front of him.

But there are too many zombie dogs, and they are extremely scattered, almost rushing over from all directions.

Svetlana showed a disdainful smile. In such an extremely dangerous situation, she finds it fun. This is fun! She took out her exclusive modified submachine gun and carried out single-shot attacks one by one, and each shot was accurate. Kill a zombie dog, no matter how flexible the zombie dog is, the result of struggling to dodge is to hit the bullet!

"Rebecca be careful, stay with me. Svetlana, the back is left to you." Eddie said, picked up the submachine gun and started to attack. The sight of the night did not affect him much, and the serum gave him The advantage of increased sight at night, can accurately see the hideous zombie dog fifty meters away!

Da-da-da! The machine guns kept ringing, the bullet casings were ejected from the magazines, and everyone was fighting hard.

However, except for Eddie and Svetlana, who were 3.9, everyone else was ordinary people. At night, their sight was greatly hindered.

"Ah!" A scream came. It turned out that Edward, who was looking at the front, was thrown down and bitten by a zombie dog.

Eddie immediately turned around and shot, killing the zombie dog, "Kenneth brought Edward back, I'll cover you.

Seeing that the team members were injured, Enrique immediately shouted, "Hurry up and get back on the plane, everyone covers each other, don't panic."

Da Da Da! Under the cover of Eddie, the black uncle took Edward back to the plane quickly.

The group immediately returned to the plane, and closed the door, relying on a small place to prevent being attacked.

PS: The book shortage can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Hero", an old book with 3 million words, no character guarantee! .

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