Chapter 154 Arabic Numerals

Su Binglan said so, and Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin couldn't say anything else.

But Su Binglan's good, they all keep it in their hearts.

Su Wenzhe just felt ashamed.

He is the eldest brother, and he should have been the eldest brother to take care of his sister and treat her well.

Now they all turn to their sister to take care of them.

He was actually very sorry.

I thought in my heart that I would work harder so that I could repay my sister's kindness in the future.

If you take the ox cart, the speed is very fast, and the group soon arrives in the town.

As soon as I arrived in town, I almost reached the door of their store.

Their shop is just west of town, near the village.

Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin got off the bus first and went to the store.

Su Binglan sent Luo Jinan and Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai to Blue Mountain Academy.

The bullock cart stopped at the entrance of Blue Mountain Academy.

Su Binglan said to the three people, "I put a few desserts in my schoolbag. If you're hungry, remember to eat it when you're resting."

As she said that, she said to Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai uneasy, "You two should listen to Uncle's words after you enter the academy, and remember to ask Uncle if you have anything."

Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai nodded seriously.

Su Binglan took out the purse again and handed it to Luo Jin'an: "There is a thousand pennies in it, you can take it, it's good for spare, I'm in the store, if you have anything, come to the store to find me."

"If it's inconvenient to come out, you can have someone come to inform me."

Su Binglan originally wanted to give Luo Jin'an more money, but felt that it was inconvenient for him to go to college to get so much money.

So I gave a thousand pieces of scattered money for Luo Jin to use.

Su Binglan felt that she was not at ease either, so she talked a lot.

Luo Jinan was not impatient, and listened to Su Binglan's words seriously.

However, it was still a bit cold in the autumn morning.

Luo Jinan watched Su Binglan's face turn slightly red from the cold wind, frowned and said, "It's a little cold outside, you should go back to the store early and drink some hot water."

Su Binglan thought about it too, it was still a little cold outside.

"Then go in quickly, and I'll bring you food at noon."

"it is good."

Luo Jinan took Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai by the hands and entered the Blue Mountain Academy.

It was not until they were no longer in sight that Su Binglan sighed and walked back.

She was not a talkative person before, so why can't she stop talking so much now.

She felt that after she came to this world, she felt the warmth and affection here, and there was actually a concern in her heart.

It was a strange feeling, but it made her feel at ease.

When Su Binglan came to the door of the store, Lin Zheng and the others were already helping at the tofu store.

After Su Binglan opened the door of the dessert house, the three of them came to the dessert house to help.

Su Binglan said, "Lin Zheng helps to keep the accounts and collect the money, while Li Shi and Zhou Shan receive the guests."

"There will be no one here. I will teach you how to keep accounts in Arabic numerals."

Su Binglan wanted to train Lin Zheng and the three of them. Naturally, they were trained to be shopkeepers, not shop assistants.

Lin Zheng has a foundation. He was forced by his parents to go to a private school for a few years. Later, he was rebellious and stopped learning.

Li Shi and Zhou Shan have no foundation at all.

Su Binglan thought about teaching Lin Zheng first, but after Lin Zheng learned it, let him take the time to teach Li Shi and Zhou Shan.

When Su Binglan told them Arabic numerals and taught them how to keep accounts, Lin Zheng looked surprised, "You can keep accounts like this, it's so convenient."

Lin Zheng was actually very smart. He recorded numbers so quickly that even Su Binglan thought it was incredible.

She felt that Lin Zheng was really smart. Whether teaching him kung fu or teaching him, he learned quickly.

? ? I especially cherish every little cutie who supports me, I will code words carefully.



(End of this chapter)

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