Chapter 162 Unspeakable Familiarity

Although Su Binglan said so, Luo Jinan still insisted: "Eat together."

"I really ate it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Binglan's stomach growled.


Su Binglan felt a little embarrassed when she heard the stomach growl.

She covered her stomach with her hands, lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Luo Jinan's expression, "That...that..."

Luo Jinan just said softly, "Let's have dinner together."

Su Binglan shook her head and said, "I only brought three servings, and I didn't bring so many spoons and chopsticks."

She only brought three pairs of spoons and chopsticks for Luo Jin, An Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai.

"Auntie eats, I don't."

Su Xuehai was only four years old, but he sensible handed the spoon and chopsticks to Su Binglan.

Su Xuexuan also said, "Auntie, if you eat, I'm not hungry."

Su Binglan listened, and was very moved, her heart softened and sour.

Everyone's good, she sees it all.

Even when Xuehai was only four years old, she knew that she cared deeply for her aunt.

She really didn't know what to say.

Luo Jin said calmly, "There are also eating tools from the academy, chopsticks and spoons, let's eat together."

With that said, Luo Jinan took out the chopsticks and spoons from the dormitory.

Su Binglan's eyes were hot, she sniffed, nodded and said, "Okay, let's eat together."

Su Binglan stroked Su Xuehai's hair, looked at Su Xuexuan again, and said, "Let's eat together."

Su Xuehai became happy and said, "Eat with my aunt."

He is still young, and his voice is soft and crisp, with a soft and cute feeling, Su Binglan thinks it is very cute.

Su Xuexuan is six years old and can eat normally by himself.

But Su Xuehai was four years old, and he held the chopsticks with both hands, which is the kind of stirring to eat.

Luo Jinan gave him a spoon and said warmly, "You two eat with a spoon, eat slowly, don't choke."

When Luo Jinan treated Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai, she was extremely gentle.

Seeing this scene, Su Binglan felt very warm. She couldn't help but ask, "Do you like children very much?"

After Su Binglan asked this sentence, she felt that Luo Jinan's movements stopped.

She suddenly realized that there was some ambiguity in the question.

As if she wanted to give him...

Oops, this is a misunderstanding.

Su Binglan quickly explained: "I... I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong."

Luo Jinan raised her eyebrows, looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "What do you mean, what did I misunderstand?"


Su Binglan was stunned for a moment, only to find that Luo Jinan had given her another routine.

Well, facing Luo Jinan, sometimes she can't think normally and calmly.

too weird.

Perhaps because facing him, she had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Perhaps, for some unknown reason, she also felt a sense of guilt when she faced him.

This feeling of guilt is so strange.

She didn't do anything to feel sorry for Luo Jinan.

Is it because of the memory of the predecessor.

The predecessor was really bad to Luo Jinan, and they beat Luo Jinan with whips.

Some of Luo Jin'an's back injuries were hit by his predecessor, and some old stab wounds on his back were shocking to her when she saw it.

I can't help but want to be nice to him.

Su Binglan blinked and didn't answer Luo Jin'an's question. She looked down at Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai said, "Do you think it's delicious?"

Su Xuexuan was more reserved and said, "Aunt, it's delicious."

Su Xuehai also kept nodding, and said in a soft and cute voice: "Aunt, delicious, delicious."

Seeing that they like to eat, Su Binglan is also very happy, "Eat more if it's delicious. Aunt has brought a lot, and my aunt will make delicious food for you."

Said to eat together, but Su Binglan didn't eat much.

She brought three servings. Although she brought more, she was still reluctant to eat it, thinking that Luo Jinan and the three could eat more.

Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai were still young and would not notice these details.

But Luo Jinan would notice.

So Luo Jinan didn't eat much.

Su Binglan looked at him and said, "Isn't it delicious, why don't you eat more?"

Luo Jinan insisted: "Eat together."

Luo Jinan didn't say much, but Su Binglan understood what he meant.

If she doesn't eat, he won't either.

How can this man be so stubborn!

But I have to say, she is still ironing in her heart.

Being cared for and being cared for, I feel very comfortable inside.

"Okay, let's eat together then."


This time, Luo Jinan opened her mouth to eat.

Su Binglan looked at him and asked, "Do you think it's delicious?"

Luo Jin said calmly: "Well, this biscuits are very crispy and have a little sweetness inside, which is delicious."

"There is also lamb chop soup, which tastes good too."

Su Binglan explained with a smile: "I taught my eldest brother and sister-in-law to make these, and they started selling sesame seeds and mutton soup at noon, and the business should be good."


Su Binglan thought Luo Jinan would ask something out of curiosity, but Luo Jinan didn't ask.

In fact, Su Binglan found that the longer she spent with Luo Jin'an, the more comfortable she would feel.

There will be a sense of ease.

Don't worry about her secret being discovered.

Even if it is discovered, she knows that he will not ask more questions or explore.


After eating, Su Binglan returned to the store with a basket.

Before I walked into the store, I saw people queuing at the door of the tofu store from a distance.

Su Binglan guessed that those people should be lining up to buy sesame seeds and haggis soup.

I didn't expect that there would only be so many people in this short period of time?

When Su Binglan walked over, she could hear what the people in line were discussing.

"I heard that there are not many sesame cakes and mutton soup sold today, so don't wait in line for us."

"I smelled the fragrance from far away. I didn't feel hungry at first, but when I smelled it, I was hungry."

"It's definitely delicious. Everything the owner cooks is delicious."

"People who have eaten it have said that it is fragrant and delicious. They said that they have eaten their lamb offal soup, and their whole body is warm."

"I don't know when we will be in line."


Hearing these words, Su Binglan couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Big brother and sister-in-law add these, and the business will definitely boom.

Maybe biscuits and mutton soup will become the special snacks here.

When everyone saw Su Binglan, they all greeted him warmly.

These are old customers, who have come to buy desserts and tofu, and know Su Binglan.

It is also because they are old customers, so when they sell sesame seeds and lamb chops soup here, they queue up without saying a word to buy one and try it.

Because they believe that the food that Boss Su has researched must be delicious.

After Su Binglan entered the store, she saw her eldest brother and sister-in-law were so busy that they could barely touch the ground.

But busy and busy, they all had excitement and smiles on their faces.

"Boss, bring me a sesame cake and a big bowl of haggis soup."

"Boss, and mine, give me another biscuits. I paid for it and put it in the cabinet."

"Boss, your biscuits and mutton soup are delicious."


Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin also smiled back to the guests.

It seems that business is good, and they are also happy.

When Liu Yinyin was serving mutton soup for the guests, she suddenly saw Su Binglan.

She said excitedly: "Sister, you are back!"

Now that Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin saw Su Binglan, it was like seeing the spiritual support, and they felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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