Chapter 184 Seasoning is the key

Su Wenchi took a deep breath, all he could smell was the aroma of grilled skewers, and his face was full of intoxication.

Everyone looked at him and couldn't help but laugh.

The yard was full of laughter.

Before making skewers, Su Fengzhi was not sure what skewers were and how they tasted.

It's just that I believe Lan Lan in my heart, but I didn't expect that the skewers made were really good.

He has cooked so many dishes outside and has seen many delicacies, but he feels that the taste of this mutton skewer is very unique.

Can't say anything else is not delicious, just can't generalize, because it's not a style of food.

Su Fengzhi is now full of energy, and he is busy with his hands. "Bake more, and call your parents and the others to eat kebabs together at night."

Over the years, his parents and brothers have been worried, and now he wants to invite everyone over to have a good meal.

Liu Shi said, "Big brother and his family have been away, so we can't invite them over tonight."

Su Fengzhi said: "Then when they come back, I'm calling them to come over for dinner, and call my parents and younger brother first."

With that said, Su Fengzhi looked at Su Fengmao and said, "And the second brother, we can agree that your family will eat with me tonight."

Su Fengmao was skewering the mutton with iron wire. Hearing this sentence, he said, "Second brother will not be polite to you. I have already told my family."

Su Fengzhi saw the haggis again, "And those haggis, Wenchi, you will clean it up later, and use it for your eldest brother Wenzhe."

"Okay, Dad, I'll clean up right away."

Su Wenchi put the roasted mutton on a nearby plate and went to wash the haggis.

Su Binglan looked at the wool on the side and said, "Uncle and aunt, wool is a good thing. If you can, wash it first, it will be useful to look back."

Su Fengzhi said without hesitation: "Okay, just listen to Lan Lan."

They didn't ask the reason, as long as Su Binglan said it, they did it.

Liu Shi said: "I'll pack it up first, I'll go to the river to wash it up when I have time, and then put it to dry."

Saying that, Mrs Liu couldn't help but babble, "Now that we have water in the East River, it is much more convenient to do laundry. In the past, when it was dry, we had to go to the well to fetch water to wash our clothes, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive."

Su Wenchi moved a stool and sat down, while washing the haggis, he said, "It was too dry some time ago. I have to fetch water from far away to irrigate the ground."

I was really tired then.

"The previous rain was really timely. When it rained, the big guy could pour out the time. Otherwise, it would take a long time to water the ground every day." Su Fengmao was also quite touched.

Su Binglan lowered her head and grilled mutton skewers.

She knew that the rain they were talking about was the rain she caused the thunder.

It rained enough and everyone was happy.

But she couldn't use the power of aura for a long time.

So now I can only use auxiliary tools to calculate the specific location of the second brother, so as to save the second brother.

After grilling some mutton skewers, Su Binglan took out the seasoning she made and put it into the seasoning bucket.

This is a very small wooden barrel with several nets in the front, which can spread the material evenly.

This was what Su Binglan asked Luo Jinan to do before.

This will make it easier to sprinkle lamb skewers.

Su Binglan took two small buckets, one for non-spicy barbecue ingredients and the other for spicy barbecue ingredients.

"Three uncles and three aunts, do you eat spicy food or not?"

As soon as Liu Shi heard it, he suddenly remembered, "Lan Lan, the chili seasoning you asked your mother to give me, neither your third uncle nor me can eat it, but your brother Wenchi can eat it."

Su Fengzhi said: "At first, Wenchi couldn't eat it, but after eating it a few times, I liked this spicy taste."

Su Wenchi turned around and grinned, "That's because you don't know the benefits of spicy food. It's delicious."

Su Binglan said in his heart, "Okay, the ones sprinkled with chili seasoning are for Brother Wenchi, and the third uncle and three aunts who don't use seasonings will eat them."

"And Dad, Dad eats a little chili, and puts a little less."

After Su Binglan sprinkled the barbecue ingredients, she brought it to everyone to taste.

Su Wenchi was amazed, "Ah, sister, this tastes so delicious, the mutton skewers sprinkled with seasonings are really different."


While Su Wenchi was talking, he didn't forget to eat, his cheeks were bulging.

Liu Shi also thought it was delicious.

"I've never eaten something like this before. It's delicious. If you sell mutton skewers, it will definitely become popular, but I don't know how to set the price."

Su Binglan thought for a while, and said: "The price is set for a bunch of strings, a string can be set for two cents, or it can be made into a very small string, a string of one cent, everyone can taste it, as long as they taste After the taste, the big guy will definitely visit often."

Su Binglan felt that there was no need for publicity, the taste alone would easily attract people to eat skewers.

When Su Binglan spoke, Su Fengzhi listened carefully.

He has worked in restaurants, so he knows the price of food, which is reasonable in town.

If you have money to eat more, and your hands are a little nervous, you will eat a few skewers less, because you can afford it anyway.

When Su Fengzhi ate a skewer with seasoning, he was surprised, "This seasoning is the key."

Su Binglan smiled and said: "Third uncle, this is the barbecue ingredient I made myself, I will teach you how to make it, and these two wooden barrels will be given to you.

Third uncle, put the seasoning more evenly. "

Su Fengzhi felt that this niece was really a treasure.

"I was worried that this thing is easy to be imitated, so I don't have to worry about this seasoning."

Su Binglan said, "Everyone can make mutton skewers. The key lies in the ingredients. This ingredient is an exclusive secret recipe, and others can't imitate it."

Su Fengzhi felt at ease all of a sudden, "Lan Lan still has a way."


Time passed quickly, and soon the sun was going to set in the west, and the sky was dyed red.

The villagers all came down from the mountain.

Some people smelled a strong fragrance when they passed by the door of Su Fengzhi's house.

"What are you doing? It's so delicious."

"As soon as you smell this fragrance, it's like eating."


"Fengzhi's cooking skills are really good, and he doesn't know what to eat at home."

The villagers were curious, but the door of Su Fengzhi's house was often closed, and it was closed as usual today, and no one knew what was going on inside.

They all felt that Su Fengzhi was acting mysterious.

A lot of skewers have been made, just waiting to be grilled.

And it was also dinner time, Su Fengzhi sent Su Wenchi to call his grandparents, uncle, and the second uncle's family to eat skewers.

Su Wenchi was happy to call someone.

This kind of thing, he is most willing to do.


Su Wenzhe and the others returned to the village in an ox cart.

Along the way, Liu Yinyin felt that something was missing, and said, "I'm still used to my sister coming back with us. I'm really not used to not having a sister along the way."

? ? More than 10,000 words, good night.



(End of this chapter)

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