Su Binglan's heart softened when she thought of those two cute and sensible children.

She turned out to be an aunt.

But in ancient times, people got married early, and her eldest brother was only in his early twenties, so he already had two sons.

She is only fifteen years old now, and she is also married to Luo Jinan.

Since it is such a custom, it is safe to follow it.

However, when she thought about how her predecessor only cared about her own enjoyment and didn't care whether her family had enough to eat or not, she felt chills.

Make her she can't do it.

There is a delicious family to eat together, and it is fun to eat delicious food that way.

And according to her predecessor's memory, she found that the two children were really sensible and lovely.

How could the predecessor be willing to let the two children not have enough to eat, but she took the money to buy rouge gouache.

Su Binglan couldn't do that.

She likes to pamper those around her.

So Su Binglan was looking forward to seeing those two children.

It also makes sense to make delicious food for two little nephews.

When Shen Qiuhua said these words, she was afraid that Su Binglan would be angry.

So she lowered her head and whispered, not daring to look at Su Binglan's expression.

For fear that Su Binglan would get angry.

In the past, when Su Binglan was a little unhappy, he would get angry.

When she gets angry, she doesn't care about other people's emotions.

But now Su Binglan's talkative appearance makes Shen Qiuhua a little dazed.

Her daughter's temper has really changed now.

As good as when I was a kid?

In the past, her daughter was also very good-natured and sensible, but she didn't know why, but it started to change in the past two years.

But now it has changed for the better, and Shen Qiuhua looks both happy and relieved.

I always feel that after my daughter fell into the river, she has changed back to her previous personality.

Shen Qiuhua smiled happily and said, "That's good, I'll call them back in the afternoon."

In fact, Shen Qiuhua also misses two grandchildren.

Su Binglan said: "Yes, we still eat delicious food at night, so parents, you can also eat delicious food at noon."

"I plan to open a dim sum stall. After saving up the money, we will do other businesses, and the family's conditions will get better and better."

"Go back and call my three brothers back, so they don't have to work outside."

Working outside in this day and age is not like working outside in modern times.

This era is very backward, there is no convenient means of communication, and there is no letter.

No one at home knows what's going on outside.

And worrying about it all day, my heart is not at ease.

The three older brothers are working outside, so it is estimated that they will not be able to eat or sleep well.

Better call home.

Su Binglan is going to arrange careers for the three older brothers according to their personalities.

If you can do business, just follow her and open a shop first, and then do something else.

She has many skills and can always teach them a skill.

Su Binglan has her own plans in her heart.

She wants to bring her whole family to get rich.

Luo Jinan lowered his head and was silent, no one knew what he was thinking.

After lunch, Su Fengmao continued to weave baskets, and Shen Qiuhua was going to pick up his daughter-in-law and grandson.

Su Binglan watched as she held a few eggs in her hand, then took some meat and noodles and put them in the basket.

"Mother, you bring these over to sister-in-law's parents, and we can all help when the conditions are good."

According to the memory of her predecessor, Su Binglan knew that this sister-in-law had a very good personality, and her parents' family were all real people.

The predecessor did that, and neither the sister-in-law nor her maiden family said anything.

Every time my sister-in-law went back, her parents would ask her to bring some things.

For the predecessor, it has never said a word no.

Such people are really good, so Su Binglan plans to help in the future.

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