Chapter 215 Hug gently

Shen Qiuhua really likes this bracelet.

Women, most of them like jewelry.

But after looking at it, Shen Qiuhua carefully put it back into the box and said, "What do you do with so much money, you can buy a lot of food with the money you buy the bracelet."

"It's better to save some time and go to the town tomorrow."

Shen Qiuhua is willing to spend money for the children, but she is reluctant to spend a penny for herself.

If you can save, save well.

Su Binglan could see that Shen Qiuhua actually liked it very much, "Mother, I also made money along the way, don't save it."

"I bought you a present, and I'm glad you wear it."

Su Binglan insisted on putting the silver bracelet on Shen Qiuhua.

"If I make money later, I will buy it for my mother."

Shen Qiuhua said: "This is enough, no need to buy any more."

Even so, there was a smile on Shen Qiuhua's face.

Su Wenxiu explained from the side: "Mother, this is what my sister chose for you herself."

"My sister said that you used to have a silver bracelet and you liked it very much, but it was lost because of this fortune, so my sister said that I would buy a new silver bracelet for you."

Shen Qiuhua was very moved when she heard it, she never thought that her daughter would still remember this.

Su Binglan also bought gifts for her eldest brother and sister-in-law.

She also bought school supplies for her two nephews.

As for Luo Jin'an's gift, she didn't take it out.

Everyone was curious to see it.

Su Binglan said: "It's for Jin'an, I'll give it to him when I get home."

That is to say, everyone can't watch it for the first time.

Shen Qiuhua sent everyone: "Don't be curious, go back to the house with your present to rest."


After dinner, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan went home.

After returning home, Su Binglan looked at Luo Jinan and said, "Aren't you curious about what gift I bought for you?"

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan seriously and said, "No matter what kind of gift you buy, I like it."

Su Binglan was stunned again.

She never thought that Luo Jinan would say such a thing.

Su Binglan was startled.

She looked up at Luo Jinan.

At this time, candles were lit in the house, and the dim light of the candles shone.

The light dimmed Luo Jin'an's brows, but it was difficult to hide his gorgeous aura.

His skin was very white, with a cool white color, but he was wearing black clothes today.

Black and white colors form the ultimate clarity, with charm under the light.

He was also looking down at her, and there were slightly broken stars rippling from his eyes.

His eyes are very good-looking, and when he lowers his head and concentrates on a person, it makes people feel that his eyes are seductive.

Naturally affectionate, very seductive.

Su Binglan's heart skipped a beat.

This look made her a little unstoppable.

She found that Luo Jin'an really had a lot of different sides at times. Tonight, he was like a night ecstasy.

Su Binglan's eyes were instantly filled with a layer of water mist.

She came back to her senses, blinked her eyes, and whispered, "Well, I brought you a dress."

After Su Binglan took out Luo Jin'an's clothes, she was still a little embarrassed.

"Well, you can wear it to see if it fits right?"

This is a navy blue dress.

The color is very beautiful, and his breath is like green bamboo in the mountains. Su Binglan thinks this color fabric is very suitable for him.

It was also on the way back, when I was shopping, I happened to see this cloth.

It was actually a bit expensive, but Su Binglan still bought it.

She thought that when he was studying in the academy, he always needed to wear decent clothes.

As for the size, she hadn't measured Luo Jin'an, but she probably knew his size.

So it was made for him along the way.

Su Binglan was too embarrassed to say that she did it herself.

Luo Jinan looked at this suit, especially the color, and her expression changed.

"The fabric of this dress is expensive."

Luo Jinan knows this kind of fabric, it is very famous and expensive.

"The store happened to sell it at a reduced price, so I bought it."

Su Binglan said this on purpose, not wanting to burden Luo Jinan.

Luo Jin'an remained silent, Su Binglan raised her head and asked, "Don't you like it?"

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan deeply, and said softly, "No, I like it."

When Luo Jinan said this, she was speaking to Su Binglan.

Those pair of affectionate eyes stared at one person intently, with extremely strong attacking power, which can shock people.

It's almost overwhelming.

When he said he liked it, it was like saying he liked it to Su Binglan.

It made Su Binglan have an illusion.

Su Binglan's eyelashes moved, and she said softly, "Put it on and see."

"it is good."

Luo Jinan went to the back room to change into her clothes.

Then walked out.

Seeing Luo Jin'an wearing this outfit, Su Binglan was amazed.

She didn't expect Luo Jin'an to look so good in such a suit.

He looks really good-looking, if it weren't for the scar on his face that ruined his appearance, he would definitely go out like this.

lead to uproar.

He is like the moon flower on the palace of the Nine Heavens, gentle and noble, and like the spring rain of apricot flowers, beautiful out of the dust.

Su Binglan felt that he was not like a person in the mortal world.

Looking at Su Binglan's expression, Luo Jinan slightly hooked her lips, "Does it look good?"

Su Binglan recovered from her trance, "It's pretty."

Saying this is also sincere.

Luo Jinan could feel that the size was just right.

"Did you do it?"

Su Binglan nodded lightly, "Well, I made it myself."

Luo Jinan's expression changed, and then she looked at Su Binglan, as if she was about to say something.

Su Binglan pursed her lips and said, "Are you going to say something?"

Luo Jinan took two steps in front of Su Binglan, who was very close to Su Binglan.

Su Binglan's breathing became tense.

Then Luo Jin looked at Su Binglan calmly and said, "I'm very worried about you."

Su Binglan's heart warmed when she heard these words.

He said that when she came back, he told her if he was worried that she cared about her.

She heard it.

This sentence was the best thing she heard at home.

"I'm very happy."

Su Binglan is really happy.

She actually has a deep sense of familiarity with Luo Jin'an.

She knew that he was different to her.

Luo Jin said calmly, "Can you give me a hug?"

Su Binglan smiled lightly, then took the initiative to reach out and hug Luo Jinan.

The moment she was close to Luo Jin'an, Su Binglan could smell the elegant and moving scent of Luo Jin'an's body, which was very nice.

Such as bamboo and orchid, refreshing.

And she could hear Luo Jin'an's heartbeat.

Su Binglan seemed to hear a sigh above her head.

Su Binglan hugged her, then let go of her hand and said, "I'll give the cow a pulse to see what's going on."

"Nothing!" Luo Jinan didn't seem to care much about her body.

Su Binglan insisted: "I still need to check the pulse."

If she doesn't look at it, she won't worry.

Su Binglan took Luo Jinan's pulse and found that his body was still the same as before, and there was no major problem.

During this time, the cold poison did not occur.

"Your body is fine for the time being, just take your medicine on time."

(End of this chapter)

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