Luo Jinan was going to Fucheng because of the plague, so Su Binglan felt that this prescription might work. Because Baili Jinghua came from there. Baili Jinghua's body problems were related to the plague over there. So she felt that the medicine could cure those people. It is better to be prepared than to be unprepared. She didn't ask much, and she didn't ask why there was a plague over there, he wanted to go there. She respects him. If you need anything, she can help prepare it. Luo Jinan took advantage of the moonlight to look down at the prescription in her hand, her face changing slightly. "Do you know the situation in Fucheng?" Su Binglan explained, "Baili Jingshu came from Fucheng. She fell ill outside the Hundred Herbs Hall. Then I went to see her. At that time, her condition was like the plague. In fact, it is a slight poison, the symptoms of this poison are like the plague, but after drinking this medicine, it will be cured immediately." Su Binglan did not mention this to the family, for fear that the villagers would still feel that Bailijing would be quiet if they knew about it. There is a problem with the book. In fact, her symptoms are mild, and she is completely fine after drinking the medicine, and she will not be contagious. "Thank you." Luo Jinan sincerely said thank you. He actually didn't know how to thank Su Binglan. "This prescription is very important to me, and it is also very important to the people of Fucheng." In fact, the importance is far more than that. There are a lot of things involved. Including the stability of Dingzhou. If there is an internal problem in Dingzhou, the war will spread to Dingzhou. For a long time, even the town here is unstable. Luo Jinan didn't want the war to spread here. Here is a pure land. He wants to guard. That's all, Luo Jinan couldn't tell Su Binglan. Su Binglan nodded, "I know, I also packed some clothes, food, and some medicines in the schoolbag for you. I have posted what medicines and how to use them on the bottle. If you are not feeling well, look at the medicine bottle. Medication." These medicines were prepared by Su Binglan. All are medicines for common problems. Such as cold and fever, gastrointestinal discomfort, and medicine for headaches. Pills are made from medicinal herbs. This concoction method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so Su Binglan took the time to configure some, but not many. She brought it all to Luo Jin'an. "The most important bottle of medicine is to suppress your cold symptoms. If you are not feeling well, take one." Luo Jinan's expression softened after hearing these words. He looked at Su Binglan tenderly, "Well, I remember it all." She was really attentive. He hadn't felt this kind of feeling that someone helped pack his luggage when he went out, someone told him to go out. At this moment, his heart was slightly rippled. Luo Jinan was very good-looking, and under the moonlight at night, she was like someone who came out of a poem and painting. With a hint of emotion in those gentle eyes, it was extremely aggressive and unstoppable. Su Binglan felt that maybe she was wrong. She spoke softly to break the silence, "There are still horses in the yard, you ride on a horse and set off." Luo Jinan nodded. After hesitating for a while, Su Binglan blinked and looked at Luo Jinan, "Do you need me to go?" He is so weak, will there be any problems on the way? The worried look on Su Binglan's face was so obvious. Luo Jinan raised her blushing thin lips and said, "I'm fine, you take care of yourself at home." At this time, the two of them were standing at the door, and the cold wind from outside was blowing in. A strand of Su Binglan's hair was blown. She also just got up, her long smooth black hair was draped over her shoulders, and when the wind blew, her hair was gently raised, especially a few strands of hair were naughty and brushed on her face. Luo Jinan raised her fingers slightly, and then tidied up Su Binglan's messy hair. Su Binglan's body tensed up. Why did she feel like she was killed by touching her head just now. The heart is so crisp and so crisp. Has she been teased? But looking at Luo Jin'an's serious expression, she felt that she might be thinking too much. However, what he said just now was very gentle, which made the night softer. Su Binglan raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, you have to take care of yourself too." "Look, you have carrier pigeons, if there is anything, you can send me a letter." Luo Jinan said in a clear voice, "Okay." The two looked at each other, neither of them said a word. After a while, Luo Jinan said, "I should go." "It's just the parents and the others..." Luo Jinan worried that the parents would have doubts after going out for a long time. He hadn't thought of finding a reason. For those who really treat him, he can't prevaricate with a lie. Su Binglan understood what Luo Jinan meant and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell them that you have been arranged by your dean to go to Fucheng to do business, and you will come back in a while." Fucheng also has academies, and there will be student exchanges between them. study, it's normal. Su Binglan felt that her parents would not have any doubts. "Don't worry, I will explain." Su Binglan untied the rope from the horse in the yard and handed it to Luo Jin'an. Then opened the door. Luo Jinan led the horse out. When he came to the door, he got on his horse. Su Binglan's expression changed as she watched Luo Jinan mount the horse. His identity is definitely not simple, and the way to get on the horse is very professional. After Luo Jinan mounted the horse, she turned her head to look deeply at Su Binglan, who waved to him. Luo Jinan then hit the horse and left. Looking at Luo Jin'an's riding skills, Su Binglan fell into deep thought. After a long time, Luo Jinan was no longer in sight, and Su Binglan turned to go home. She plugged the door and went inside. But when she thought that Luo Jinan was away from home, she felt a heavy feeling in her heart. Su Binglan looked a little dazed. She suddenly realized that she seemed to have a feeling of concern. When Su Binglan returned to the room, she saw that Baili Jinghua was awake, and she whispered, "You are also awake?" Baili Jinghua said, "He's gone?" Su Binglan knew what Baili Jinghua said. Who is he.

Su Binglan also heard something wrong with this sentence, she asked, "Do you know him?" Baili Jinghua didn't want to lie to the people who rescued her, but she also felt that General Wei's status was special, if anyone knew about him There will be many people who want to kill him. Baili Jinghua nodded and said: "Well, I knew him before, but who is he, I'm sorry, I can't tell you." "It's not that I don't trust you, but there are a lot of things involved, the more people who know, the less likely they are. Safe." "I think if you want to know, it would be better for him to tell you personally." Su Binglan nodded, "Thank you." She knew that Baili Jinghua said these words because she trusted her. Su Binglan probably guessed that Luo Jinan's identity was not ordinary. he

The injuries on her body made her vaguely guess. "He's been on the battlefield, hasn't he?"

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