Chapter 253 Strange Things

When Su Wenwu returned to the town, he ran all the way to the village.

He was out of breath because he was running so fast.

He thought about going home in a while, and he must give his parents a surprise.

Of course, this time running the gang was more dangerous, so it took a long time, but he also got two taels of silver.

He was so excited that he could not go home immediately and give the money to his parents.

The big guy must be excited too.

Su Wenwu is so grown up, he has never seen two taels of silver.

Not to mention how happy he was.

But at this time, he was standing at the door, looking at the scene inside, and smelling the strong fragrance, he really thought he had hallucinations in front of him.

Su Wenwu didn't dare to step forward.

Is this his house?

He hasn't been home for more than three months, and the house has changed?

He knows the conditions of his family best.

On weekdays, I eat coarse grain cakes with wild vegetables, so there is no oil and water.

Even if it is a little oily, it is a little oil sprinkled on the wild vegetables, and it will not have such a fragrant taste at all.

So fragrant, you can smell it at the door, there must be a lot of oil.

Su Wenwu didn't know that this was sesame oil, it was made from peanuts, and it was naturally very fragrant.


Su Wenwu's stomach growled with hunger.

I didn't feel hungry at first, but after smelling this fragrance, it's strange that I'm not hungry.

And he saw even stranger things.

That was his sister at work.

And everyone is talking and laughing.

The two nephews called their sister and aunt, the sweet one.

And his dad's feet?

His father's script came limping, when will it be good?

Doctors say it's not good.

Since his foot was injured, he has rarely spoken, let alone laughed.

But now his father speaks so loudly and laughs more freely.

The walk is steady and fast.

And his mother, also smiling so happily.

There are even horses, ox carts and donkeys at home.


Can their family be someone who can afford a horse?

In the past, even a donkey could not afford a cow.

He knows the conditions in the village best. If anyone has a cow, it is a good family.

So he must have gone wrong?

Or that all this is a scene that only appears in his dreams.

Su Wenwu had never dreamed of such a scene before.

He felt that it was good to have enough food and clothing, and he just thought that he would make more money so that his family could live a good life.

But Dad's feet, he really can't help it.

But now, everything is very good, better than he imagined.

Su Wenwu wondered if he was still sleeping.

So he pinched his thigh hard.

He found he was in pain.


The description is not sleeping.

it is true!

But he hasn't been home for more than three months. Has the family changed so much?

When he went out to help, it was summer, it was autumn, it was Mid-Autumn Festival.

Su Wenwu stood at the door and watched blankly.

The inside of the house was very lively, everyone was busy with hot pot at night, and no one noticed any movement at the door.

When three children were playing, they saw Su Wenwu at the door.

Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai were very happy, "Third uncle, third uncle."

The two children were named Su Wenwu, only then did Su Wenwu come back to his senses.

Seeing the two children running over, Su Wenwu habitually picked them up.

Only then did everyone notice Su Wenwu.

Su Wenzhe looked at the door, stunned, "The third brother is back."

Su Wenxiu was also very happy, "Third brother, really third brother."

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao excitedly put down their work and came to the door to watch around Su Wenwu.

Shen Qiuhua looked at it, her eyes were red, "You kid, don't say anything when you go out, it took so long to come back."

"I don't know if your family is worried about you missing you."

Now that the conditions at home are better, but the younger son has not come back, Shen Qiuhua is always at ease.

When I go to bed at night, I always think about whether Su Wenwu will be in danger outside.

Now that she has come back well, Shen Qiuhua almost cried.

Su Fengmao patted Su Wenwu on the shoulder, "It's good to be back, stinky boy, and I know that I came back in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival just to eat delicious food."

Su Fengmao said this, which also eased everyone's emotions a little.

Su Binglan looked at her third brother and felt that the third brother was different from the eldest and second brother.

The third brother is only sixteen years old, but he looks more stable and energetic.

And looking at his sturdy body frame, Su Binglan felt that he was a good candidate for martial arts.

And the third brother's appearance is more handsome, and the facial features are the same as those carved.

It is estimated that it is often exposed to the sun, and the skin is a healthy complexion of bronzed.

He looked cold, but when he smiled shyly, he was like a big boy.

Just like a teenager on a school basketball team in modern society.

Su Binglan watched the third brother come back and smiled.

Now they don't have to worry about the third brother.

Everyone gathered around Su Wenwu and asked this and that.

"How's it going outside?"

"Why did it take so long to come back?"

"Look at you, are you not eating well or sleeping well when you're outside? You've lost weight."

"Third brother, second brother, I understand your feelings outside best. It's better to stay at home. Really, don't go out."

"Yes, third brother, our family is in good condition now, so don't run out, the big guy in the province is worried about you."

"Oh, third brother, your body is as hard as iron."

"Yes, the third brother is indeed a martial artist. If the third brother is so powerful, he must be fine outside."


Everyone was excited to talk to Su Wenwu, but Su Wenwu didn't know which one to answer.

He is still sluggish.

He opened his mouth to say something, but didn't know what to answer.

In fact, he was even more suspicious.

His eyes fell on the moon cake, what a beautiful moon cake.

He felt he was hungry.

At this moment, Su Binglan said with a smile: "Mom and dad, don't surround the third brother, he is tired all the way back, let him rest, we will have dinner later."

After listening to Su Binglan's words, the big guy came back to his senses.

"That's right, Wenwu, go and take a break, we'll have dinner later."

"Yes, let's eat hot pot and moon cakes at night, it's delicious."

"Quick, come in quickly."

Fortunately, the weather is not cold today, and it is not cold outside for a while.

In this way, Su Wenwu was surrounded by everyone and entered the door.

He looked at his sister and really felt that her sister was different from before.

The younger sister looked gentle and smiled at him.

"Third Brother!"

His sister also called him the third brother.

Su Wenwu was flattered.


He felt his tongue twitching.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Third brother, it's fine if you come back, you won't have to go out in the future."

"You go and rest first, we'll have dinner in a while."

"Let's eat hot pot in the evening."

At this time, Su Binglan was stirring the sesame juice in his hands, and a scent filled the air.

So fragrant and so hungry.

He had a lot of doubts in his heart, but the whole person was stunned, and he didn't know what to ask first.

But I was really hungry, and I didn't have the energy to be hungry.

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