Su Fengmao clapped his hand on the table, and his eyes showed eagerness.

Because he was about to live in a new house and a big house, he couldn't wait.

Hate to move right away.

However, it was also because Su Binglan took a look around and asked Uncle Su Zhengde to make some changes in some places, so it took a little time.

And the house is big and needs a lot of furniture.

Originally, the furniture was built in advance and moved in, but Su Binglan said that it would be ventilated before moving in.

Although everyone didn't understand why, they all listened to her, so they decided to move tomorrow.

Su Fengmao can always remember the time, so this will remind everyone to move tomorrow.

As soon as they heard about the move, everyone stopped discussing the business of opening a store, and began to discuss the matter of moving.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot to move tomorrow." Su Wenwu was the first to react.

He was the most active, and the thought of living in a big house with a big room made him excited.

A smile also appeared on Shen Qiuhua's face, "Oh, I've been so busy these days that I almost forgot."

It's been really busy lately.

But such a busy day makes people feel at ease.

I have money in my hand, eat well and sleep well.

Liu Yinyin's eyes were sparkling, "My sister even made me a dresser, and I haven't even seen what it looks like."

She also has her own dresser.

My sister said that the dresser has drawers and cabinets, and she can put things she uses on weekdays.

Something like a comb rouge gouache or something.

In fact, Liu Yinyin didn't have much, just a box of ordinary rouge, wooden hairpins and combs.

Although there are not many things, she still likes the dresser.

She imagined that she had more things to dress up in the future, and she could put them in the cabinet.

You can take it out on weekdays to have a look.

In the house they live in now, it is still a little crowded.

Some of her things can only be kept in the cupboard.

Fortunately, there are not many clothes, so I can let them go.

And they also have a separate yard, there are several rooms, there are kangs and beds.

My sister said, sleep on the kang in winter, and sleep on the bed when it is too hot in summer.

And there are several cabinets that can hold a lot of things.

The main thing is that a big house has more yards and more rooms.

After the sons grow up and marry their wives, they can live there.

She felt happy that the family was still together and harmonious.

"Time flies so fast, I didn't expect that in a flash, we'll move to a big house right away."

"Yes, our Su family will get better and better."

What Su Wenzhe thought was that in the future, his son would also have a separate room, and he would no longer have to squeeze in a room and sleep on a kang.

It was too crowded.

He used to be like this, squeezed with the second and third brothers.

So he felt that his son had a separate room, just like he had a separate room, and he was happy for them.

Sure enough, the sister thought thoughtful.

Su Wenxiu did not have such a strong concept of where to live.

He had suffered hardships outside, and he was more satisfied when he came back.

He felt contented that he could sleep peacefully on the heated kang at home.

However, he was very happy when he moved to a big house and the family still lived together.

Su Wenxiu found that he is now very dependent on his family.

With his family, he feels safe.

What he is most looking forward to is growing medicinal herbs in the backyard of the big house.

The backyard was very large, and the land was bought by my sister, who had enclosed it with a fence.

He also doesn't have to worry about who will steal the medicinal materials he planted.

Su Wenxiu said, "I can also grow medicinal herbs."

Even Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai were also happy.

Especially Su Xuexuan, he wanted to live in a big house because his aunt said there was a special study where he could read and study.

He is very happy.

Su Xuehai was only four years old, and he was very playful after returning home. He just thought it was fun, and he didn't think much about other things.

Su Binglan can feel everyone's good mood.

She couldn't help but laugh.

Su Binglan is extremely beautiful, and when she smiles, everyone thinks she looks good.

In fact, the Su family are all good-looking.

Especially since Su Binglan came, he has been adding spiritual spring water to the water tank. Everyone drinks the spiritual spring water every day, and the skin and mental state have become very good.

Even the white hair on Shen Qiuhua's head is much less, and the skin is much more delicate.

Looks a lot younger.

Because everyone is together every day, so no change can be seen.

But when Su Wenwu came home, he felt that his mother was young and his father was also young.

Even the eldest brother and the second brother look better.

He felt that the soil and water at home was still good.

But after discussing the move for a while, Su Binglan said, "Let's continue talking about the tofu shop and the hot pot restaurant."

Shen Qiuhua said: "Yes, let's talk about opening a store. We can build a big house only because we can make money by opening a store and doing business well."

"Even if you live in a big house, you can't forget your heart."

Su Wenzhe hurriedly said, "Mother, don't worry, we all know."

Su Wenxiu also said, "Mother, I

In Baicaotang, all of them are serious about studying medicine, and Dr. Wu is also very enthusiastic in teaching me and guiding me. "

Su Wenwu said solemnly, "Mother, I'm sure I'll work hard too. My sister opened a hot pot restaurant, so I'll help with the work."

Shen Qiuhua nodded satisfactorily, "Well, the three of you know your temperament, so I'm afraid that your heart will float. People, you must do things down-to-earth at all times."

"Be diligent and hurry to live a good life, just don't be lazy."

"Don't think your mother is long-winded, it's all for your own good."

Shen Qiuhua actually knew the temperaments of the three sons, but sometimes he had to remind them from time to time.

"Mother, how can we think you are long-winded, you are all for our good, we know." Su Wenzhe took his two younger brothers to express their position.

Su Wenxiu and Su Wenwu both nodded, "Yeah, mother, eldest brother is right."

While talking like this, everyone was full.

The big guys clean up the dishes together.

After cleaning up, the family sat on the kang again.

This will Shen Qiuhua put the dustpan on the kang, and then pour the corncob on the dustpan.

Generally speaking, if they sleep late at night, they will talk while doing some farm work.

"Peel all the corn kernels, and get them out early to put them aside."

Everyone sat around the kang, beside the dustpan, and started to work.

Su Binglan wanted to help, and everyone agreed to let her rest.

Everyone was reluctant to let Su Binglan do such rough work.

Su Binglan said, "I'm not tired. Besides, I've done my work in the field. It's nothing to peel the corn kernels."

Shen Qiuhua felt the most distressed for her daughter, she said, "If you peel for a long time, your hands will hurt. You have to be busy with so many things, you can't be tired."

"Yes, sister, take a rest."

Su Binglan knew that in this era, everyone peeled peanuts, peeled corn kernels and pounded rice by hand.

It all depends on strength, and it will hurt your hands for a long time.

Everyone loves her, and she loves her family.

Su Binglan insisted on helping out together, "Don't worry, I'll work for a while, I won't be tired."

"And if I don't do anything just watching you work, I don't feel right. Let's work together as a family and have enough food and clothing."

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