Su Wenxiu said, "Just the tofu and tofu products in our house, but not elsewhere."

"If it's shipped to other places to sell, it must be a lot of business."

Su Wenwu suddenly remembered that he had seen Zuiyun Building in other places when he was running the gang, and he said, "There are also Zuiyun Buildings in other places, they are all one family, and the Xu family's property is behind them, no wonder they are Zuiyun Buildings. It's very popular, and it looks like it will do business."

Su Binglan pondered, "If they really plan to ship things to other places to sell, they will definitely order a lot of tofu products. This is a big deal. If you want to talk about cooperation, you need to write down a lot of conditions."

Su Wenzhe had a headache, "Sister, you are the one who knows these details best. If you really want to talk about cooperation, you still need your sister's help."

Su Binglan said cheerfully: "This is simple, I can help you write the details of the contract and agreement, you can say it yourself."

"There will be a lot of things like this. When other businesses see the booming business of Zuiyunlou relying on tofu products, they all want to get a piece of the pie, and they will also seek cooperation with you."

When Su Wenzhe heard this, his heart was warm, "So, we can really make a fortune by relying on tofu."

He thinks it's good, and he doesn't need to be responsible for sales. The tofu made by the tofu workshop is ordered in advance, and they only need to be responsible for collecting the money.

No need to be responsible for takeout.

Liu Yinyin was also excited. She was in a good mood recently, and she ate a lot.

Su Wenwu also informed Su Binglan of the recent progress, saying: "Sister, I recently negotiated cooperation with the two brothers in the next village, we opened a hot pot restaurant, and they were responsible for providing pork, mutton and some green vegetables. As for the meatballs, Don't teach them to do it?"

"But in our village, I'm going to see Li Dazhuang. We played together when I was a child. Since his parents are gone, we haven't played together."

"His family's conditions are not good, so I thought I could help out."

When it comes to Li Dazhuang, Su Fengmao is also impressed.

He has been watching from the ground these past few days, and he knows who and what is going on. "That child is very good, he can work hard, he can speak, and he knows how to repay his gratitude."

"Okay, then our village will find him to be responsible for the delivery. After dinner, I will go over and ask."

Before Li Dazhuang was helping to open up wasteland and cultivate land, Su Wenwu never went to him.

The work of reclaiming wasteland and farming is over, and Su Wenwu can go to him and talk about it.

Su Wenwu thinks the meatballs in the hot pot are delicious, and there will be many people who will order these meatballs by then.

But these balls have to be made fresh.

Su Binglan thought for a while and said, "Indeed, these balls are also good things. Let's just say that the tofu shop is big enough. There is a special room in the tofu shop to teach everyone how to make balls, and the balls will be supplied to the hot pot restaurant."

Shen Qiuhua still hesitated: "Lan Lan, do our hot pot restaurants really need so many things?"

Su Binglan is very confident about this, "Mom, don't worry, there must be many people coming to eat hot pot. Although our store is big, we are going upstairs and downstairs, and we can accommodate a lot of people, but there will definitely be people waiting in line outside."

"When the hot pot restaurant gets word of mouth and everyone knows that the hot pot is delicious, I plan to open a few more restaurants."

Su Binglan thought about opening a chain store in the future, and opening Su Ji hot pot restaurants in the entire Chu country.

So you need a lot of food.

However, it is just the beginning, step by step, and then increase the amount of ingredients.

Hearing Su Binglan's plan, Su Wenwu's blood boiled.

He was so excited, he followed his sister, and the whole country of Chu would know about their hot pot restaurant in the future.

The Su family believed in Su Binglan.

Everyone believes what Su Binglan says.

Because Su Binglan can do what he says.

Su Binglan still has a lot of things to do, but recently he spent a lot of money to open a hot pot restaurant and build a tofu shop.

She still needs more money to be able to do a lot of things.


After eating, Su Binglan took Liu Yinyin to the courtyard of the guest room on the west side.

The Luo Kang family and Du Xiaoju live here.

After bringing them back the other day, Su Binglan didn't let them work for the past two days, so he let them rest at home.

She prepared the herbs, boiled the medicine, let them drink for two days, and their bodies were completely healed.

These days, they are also working with them.

Du Xiaoju was by her side, acting as an assistant or something.

The Luo Kang family has been helping to soak and grind beans these days.

Originally, they had to help with everything, even cooking, Qiu He rushed to help Shen Qiuhua.

But Shen Qiuhua was not used to being served.

She was not used to thinking about the hard times she had lived in the past, and then thinking about being served by others now.

She is still used to doing everything by herself and working hard.

She felt at ease in this way, or else panicked.

And when they are eating, they are also used to eating together as a family, talking and talking. When outsiders are present, they can't let go of talking.

So Su Binglan asked Luo Kang and his family and Du Xiaoju to cook by themselves.

Every day is like going to work.

It's just that these people can be trusted because Su Binglan holds their death deed in his hands.

Su Binglan is ready to reuse it.

She takes Du Xiaoju by her side on weekdays and wants to nurture her.

During this time, Qiu He and Du Xiaoju both felt like they were dreaming.


It was obvious that they had come to be a present person, but the host never made them a present person.

They eat well and rest well, and they don't do much work every day.

"The Su family are really good people."

Now the four of them are eating together, and Luo Kang and Qiu He also treat Du Xiaoju as a child.

Du Xiaoju said: "Miss Su is also very good. She will also teach me a lot of truth, tell me a lot of things, and teach me to read."

Su Binglan will teach Du Xiaoju when she has time.

When Du Xiaoju spoke, there was a look of gratitude towards Su Binglan in her eyes.

Luo Juanjuan looked at Du Xiaoju enviously, "I also want to follow Miss Su."

At first, Luo Juanjuan was still very scared and timid, but after being in the Su family for many days, she knew that the Su family were all good people.

So she is not afraid anymore.

Qiu He said: "Don't worry, Miss Su said that she will take you with her in the future. Now you need to get used to the environment of the Su family."

Su Binglan treats Luo Juanjuan as a child, and asks her to get used to it with her parents first, and then take it with her to teach her.

While everyone was eating, Su Binglan came over.

The four of them hurriedly stood up respectfully, "Miss Su."

Su Binglan said: "You guys are welcome, I'll take a look, are you still used to living?"

"The girl is too polite. The environment here is very good. There is nothing uncomfortable for us to live in. We must be grateful to Miss Su."

Su Binglan said: "That's good, starting from tomorrow, Aunt Qiu, you will be by my mother's side, and Uncle Luo, you will be by my father's side to help."

"Juanjuan and Du Xiaoju are with me, and I will arrange things for you."

"Yes, Miss Su."

After Su Binglan said something again, she went back to the house.

But after returning to the house, Su Binglan took out a lot of sweet potatoes from the space.

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