When Mrs. Li saw it, it was Su Wenwu's child?

Mrs. Li regained her energy immediately, and went from the kang to the ground to greet her regardless of her physical condition.

At this time, the door of the back room was just opened, and Su Wenwu saw Mrs. Li getting down from the kang.

"Grandma Li!"

Mrs. Li said happily: "Ai, Wenwu is here, get on the kang to warm up and get warm, and the kang is hot."

"Grandma Li, get on the kang soon, don't be tired."

Seeing Grandma Li's thin appearance, Su Wenwu didn't dare to support her arm, looking very distressed.

"Wenwu, you also go to the kang."

Su Wenwu nodded, "Ai."

With that said, he was about to help Mrs. Li on the kang.

Mrs. Li supported the edge of the kang and went up, but her legs did not fall, and she did not go up all of a sudden.

It was Li Dazhuang who hurriedly helped his grandmother up.

Li Erying said politely, "Brother Su."


Li Sanzhu has a more introverted personality and whispered: "Susange."


Su Wenwu took out the dessert in his hand.

"There's nothing good, so I brought some snacks here to give my brother and sister a taste."

Grandma Li hurriedly declined, "Look at your child, you are very happy to come here, what else did you bring?"

Su Wenwu smiled and said, "Grandma, I made it myself, not bought it. I brought it all, can you still let me take it back?"

"Besides, I came to find Da Zhuang, and I have something to discuss with Da Zhuang."

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Then grandma is welcome."

Mrs. Li also knew that Su Wenwu had brought things here sincerely and wanted to accept them.

After saying that, Mrs. Li took it down, and then said to Li Erying and Li Sanzhu, "Thank you, Su Sange."

"Thank you third brother Su."

"Thank you third brother Su."

Li Erying and Li Sanzhu have not eaten snacks all year round, and it is good to eat an egg occasionally.

But when the Su family built the house and raised the beams, they also went to see it and grabbed snacks.

They were reluctant to eat it, so they brought it back to their grandmother to eat.

But grandma let them eat.

It tasted so good, they still remember it now.

So I watched Su Wenwu bring snacks. Their eyes lit up and they really liked it.

But the child struggled to control his emotions.

But eyes can't deceive people.

Mrs. Li said, "You and Da Zhuang go to the back room to talk."

Mrs. Li felt that they might be inconvenient, so she took the initiative to rescue Su Wenwu.

Su Wenwu was inconvenient to speak.

Su Wenwu said: "It's okay, Grandma Li, just say the same here."

"My sister has set up a shop in the town and is going to open a hot pot restaurant. She needs ingredients, just what the hot pot needs, including pork, mutton, and some green vegetables."

"I'm going to find someone to help with the purchase."

"Don't worry, Da Zhuang only needs to run errands and collect cattle and sheep. Of course, we will kill the cattle and sheep ourselves, and make the mutton, beef, and vegetables to send to the hot pot restaurant."

"I give monthly money every month, 2 taels per person, and bonuses for good work."

"When the scale is formed later, they will be able to work in management and hire others, and they will earn more at that time."

Su Wenwu took it into consideration and asked the three brothers to directly supply lamb and beef, and they had no capital.

It's better that at the beginning, he takes all the responsibility, and they only do what he asks.

Twenty taels of silver?

Even at this age, Mrs. Li has experienced a lot, and she is also excited at this time.

Twenty taels of silver is not a small amount.

Even Li Erying and Li Sanzhu were stunned.

Both were shocked and forgot to peel the corn kernels.

Did they hear it right?

Two taels of silver.

For Li Erying and Li Sanzhu, 2 taels of silver is really a lot of money.

Twenty taels a month, twenty-four taels a year, and third brother Su said, there are bonuses.

Li Erying's eyes were hot.

If it wasn't for her young age, she would have wanted to follow along.

Mrs. Li couldn't find her voice for a long time.

Her lips moved, and she was speechless.

If Li Dazhuang could really follow along, with this money, he would not have to worry about life at home.

And the Su family are good people.

This is to help them.

Li Dazhuang's eyes widened, "Wenwu, you... are you telling the truth?"

Li Dazhuang rubbed his clothes with his hands, not knowing what was wrong.

Twenty taels a month.

In previous years, they couldn't make a coin or two a year.

His grandmother has been saving up betrothal money for his marriage, and now it's not enough.

So much for this month.

His eyes were eager.

Li Wenwu looked at the expressions of Li Dazhuang and Grandma Li, and thought that he had just returned home and looked like a stunner who had never seen the world.

He still remembered that when he came home at that time, two taels of silver were precious.

But their parents were very calm.

Now that he sees Li Dazhuang and the others, he completely understands their feelings.

But this time he was calm.

Su Wenwu said seriously: "Da Zhuang, what I said is true, and you heard it right."

"You also know my character. I won't lie. Everything I say is true, and there is a contract. When the contract is signed, it will be done according to the contract."

Li Dazhuang's eyes were red, and he nodded: "Okay, Wenwu, I will follow you in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of lazy person. I'll take care of what you explained."

Li Dazhuang didn't know how to say thankful words, but he felt that he must work hard and be worthy of the two taels of silver.

With this month's 2 taels of silver, grandma doesn't have to work so hard anymore, the family life can be improved, and the younger siblings can eat better.

And save some more money to use as a dowry for the second sister and leave a portion for the third brother.

As a big brother, Li Dazhuang has a sense of responsibility in his heart.

In fact, Su Wenwu felt sour for Li Dazhuang in his heart.

If he and Li Dazhuang were in such a situation, he didn't know what to do.

But life has to go on, no matter what.

So he wanted to pull Li Dazhuang.

In fact, Su Wenwu has blood in his heart, but he was incapable before, but now he is able to rely on his sister, and he also wants to help others.

Of course, my sister also said that it's good to help people, but you also need to choose someone who is worth pulling.

After all, they are hiring people to work, not helping people unconditionally.

Grandma Li also secretly wiped the water from the corner of her eyes, "Wenwu, thank you grandma."

"Grandma Li, don't thank me. I asked Da Zhuang for help. I hired him to help. How can I say thank you."

Although Su Wenwu said this, Mrs. Li is not someone who doesn't know how to be blamed.

Such a good job, Su Wenwu didn't look for anyone else, but Da Zhuang, in fact, he wanted to help them.


After the agreement was settled, after Su Wenwu left, Mrs. Li said to Li Dazhuang, "I will remember such kindness in the future."

"People are pulling you and helping our family. Even if things get better in the future, don't forget this and work hard."

Su Wenwu's eyes were red, and he tried hard not to cry. He nodded and choked up: "Grandma, I know it, I know it."

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