When Su Binglan turned to ask Luo Jinan, her eyes were distressed.

If Luo Jinan didn't have a good meal and rest, it must be very hard.

When Luo Jinan lowered her head, she saw the look in Su Binglan's eyes.

Luo Jinan couldn't help lowering her voice and said softly: "The money you gave is enough, I have a good meal and a good rest."

"Don't worry, eh?"

Luo Jin'an's voice was soft and gentle.

Maybe the moonlight is too gentle, or maybe I really miss you after a long time away from home.

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan and involuntarily reached out and touched her hair.

The movement is light and soft.

At this moment, Su Binglan forgot to think and forgot to react.

Su Binglan felt that Luo Jin'an's hand was gentle and magical.

Set her up directly.

His voice was low and sweet and magnetic.

In the dark, it is extraordinarily seductive.

Su Binglan couldn't think at all at this time, listening to Luo Jin'an's words, she nodded instinctively.

Seeing her so cute appearance, Luo Jinan's eyes were full of smiles.

"Good, it's getting late, go to bed early."

Su Binglan nodded, and after returning to the room to lie down, Su Binglan felt something was wrong.

She really listened to Luo Jin'an's words involuntarily just now.

He does what he tells him to do.

This is not right.

Su Binglan sat up from the kang at once.

She felt that she wanted to talk to Luo Jinan.

But what?

Su Binglan rubbed her head, then knocked on Luo Jin'an's door, "Are you asleep?"

"No, come in!"

When Su Binglan opened the door, she found that Luo Jinan was changing clothes.

Su Binglan glanced at a section of her skin, then turned around quickly, "You... are you changing clothes?"

Why didn't he say it just now.

If she did, she wouldn't come in.

Luo Jinan said in a sultry tone: "It's nothing, you and I, you and I, you have seen it before."

When Su Binglan gave him medicine before, she had seen his physical condition.

"I've seen you before, so I let you..."

Su Binglan hurriedly said, "Well, I'm here to check your pulse and check your physical condition."

She was just worried that she would not speak again, Luo Jinan still didn't know what words she could not resist.

This time back, the style of painting is wrong.

But she also suddenly remembered that she fainted once while taking a bath, and it was indeed Luo Jin'an who wiped her clean and changed her clothes.


Why are you thinking of these pictures.

Su Binglan was about to cover her face and find a hole to get in.

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan.

She was looking down at her toes.

With a charming smile in his eyes, he whispered, "Okay."

Su Binglan walked to Luo Jin'an's side. She was about to feel her pulse, but Luo Jin'an hugged him all of a sudden.

Su Binglan struggled instinctively.

Luo Jinan rubbed Su Binglan's head with her hand, as if to soothe her breath, "Dear, I'm a little tired, let me hug her for a while."

After hearing this, Su Binglan didn't dare to move.

It's not the first hug anyway.

But it started to hurt.

"You just said you weren't tired."

Luo Jinan sighed softly, "Silly girl, I lied to you, but just come back."

This sigh made Su Binglan's heart twitch.

"Then don't travel far in the future. Some things can be done by others."

Luo Jinan didn't speak, just sighed.

Su Binglan felt that Luo Jinan had something on her mind.

But he didn't say it, she asked, and he wouldn't say it either.

Leaning in his arms at this time, she could smell a familiar breath, the breath on his body.

It smells good.

Su Binglan also heard his heartbeat and asked, "You didn't get sick along the way, did you?"


"You stretch out your hand, and I'll give you a pulse."

This time, Luo Jinan stretched out his hand, and Su Binglan gave him a pulse.

His cold poison did not break out, but his body was still much weaker.

"You take a break first, and I'll cook medicine for you."

With that said, Su Binglan was going to prepare the medicine.

Luo Jinan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Be obedient, it's so late, you go to rest."

"No, I'm going to make medicine for you. Your body is very tired, and you don't know it yourself."

Su Binglan raised her head at this time, and she could see Luo Jinan's blue eyebrows clearly from a close distance. At first glance, she was tired and did not rest well.

Su Binglan insisted very much, and Luo Jinan had no choice.

Therefore, Luo Jinan didn't sleep either and stayed with Su Binglan.

Su Binglan was cooking medicine in the yard, and Luo Jinan watched by the side.

Even if the two don't speak, there is a warm feeling.

In fact, Su Binglan likes to have Luo Jinan by her side.

After boiling the medicine, Su Binglan poured the medicine into the bowl.

"It's still a little hot, I'll drink it later." Su Binglan said with a spoon

Stir the medicine to dissipate heat.

"The medicine is also a bit bitter. I put some sugar in it, and it will taste better."

Su Binglan put in a few more spoons of sugar.

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan's movements and whispered, "I should be taking care of you."

The little girl is really small.

But like an adult, he does everything by himself and takes care of him.

"It's the same for whoever takes care of anyone. When you're fully recovered, you can take care of me."

Su Binglan said this as a joke, and it was considered to comfort Luo Jinan.

But Luo Jinan said seriously: "Okay."

"Oh, I'm joking, you don't have to be so serious."

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan deeply, what did he want to give her?

What can I give her?

Being looked at by Luo Jinan with such eyes, Su Binglan felt something was different.

She hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Hurry up and drink the medicine and take a rest."

After speaking, Su Binglan quickly returned to the house.

She was lying on the kang tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Seems like there is more to do.

After a while, Su Binglan sighed, that's all, let's go to sleep, there are still a lot of things to do next.


Two days later, the hot pot restaurant opened.

In the early morning, many people came to line up at the entrance of Su Ji Hotpot Restaurant.

Mainly because the plaque of this hot pot restaurant reads Su Ji Hot Pot Restaurant.

After listening to Su Ji, everyone believes that the hot pot must be delicious even if they have never eaten or heard of hot pot before.

"Does it really open today?"

"It's indeed today, and there are notes on the doors that say it's open today."

"Then there was no movement at all."

"It may be that we came a little early. There is no way. Three days before the opening of the hot pot restaurant, the earlier we come, the better the discount."

"And there's a lottery, and there are a few tables every day that you can eat for free."

These news, they knew early, and they came to line up before dawn, but they didn't expect it to be a little late, and there were many people who came early.

Su Binglan posted some signs on the door.

However, some people may not understand the words, but some people can understand and explain.

Others saw the queue here and came over to ask. As soon as they heard that there were various discounts for the opening, they also queued up.

And mainly the package price above.

Can also be ordered individually.

Su Binglan wrote the price of the set meal, mainly to make it easier for everyone to eat hot pot.

For free, everyone just looks at the menu and thinks it is expensive.

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