Chapter 302 Improving Conditions

Everyone was talking and walking towards the house, all with bright smiles on their faces.

Usually, it is only during the autumn harvest that everyone's faces will be filled with joy of the harvest.

Now they go to work in the tofu workshop, and they are in a good mood every day.

Because I think that I can get money every month, I feel very at ease.

With more money every month, life at home will be better.

And it's almost winter, and it's almost New Year's Eve.

During the New Year, you can buy some New Year's goods.

No need to buy anything anymore.

And I heard that the Su family also sells charcoal, and the charcoal is also cheap. This winter, they can also buy some charcoal.

Of course, they are also reluctant to burn. When the weather is particularly cold, they can burn a little bit, so that the family will not freeze.

When it was freezing cold in previous years, it was really cold.

Now think about that weather, they all feel cold.

The tofu workshop is just behind the village, and everyone will go home after a few steps.

When Yao Cuihua arrived home, everyone in the family greeted her with a smile.

The Yao family has not yet split up, and the family is her mother-in-law's housekeeper.

There are two sisters-in-law below her.

Everyone is peaceful on weekdays, but they are also secretly comparing.

She used to be a sister-in-law, and her mother-in-law also favored her because she could work.

The following two sisters-in-law are actually a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

Who made them work better than her.

Now when she came home, not only her mother-in-law smiled and said, "Cuihua is back, go ahead and drink some hot water, just boiled hot water."

"Sister-in-law, you have been busy all morning and rested in the afternoon. We have fed chickens, ducks and pigs."

"Yes, sister-in-law, we can just cook in the evening."

Yao Cuihua was not used to the warm appearance of the two sisters-in-law.

On weekdays, they wouldn't treat her like this.

Of course, Yao Cuihua didn't care about it before, mainly because the family was poor, so everyone would be a little careful.

But no one is bad.

Everyone wants to live a good life at home.

But the work of two people is really slow, and it is always easy to make mistakes.

Before the tofu shop opened, all three went to the tofu shop for interviews.

But only Yao Cui has spent it, and can go to the tofu workshop to work and receive money.

When Shen Qiuhua came to inform the news, Yao Cuihua's two sisters-in-law were a little ashamed.

It was also at that time that they really realized that the two of them were indeed not as powerful as Yao Cuihua.

Now that the family relies on Yao Cuihua, they are naturally polite to Yao Cuihua.

Besides, they also heard that the Su family will have similar jobs that need to be done in the future.

They can't be lazy anymore, they have to change their habit of working slowly, and they have to work diligently and swiftly.

Perhaps at that time, if there is any more profitable work, they will be able to do it.

My mother-in-law said that everyone in the village knows who is in the same family and who is working.

Don't think that those who are careful people can't see it.

So her two sisters-in-law are now rushing to work.

In fact, Yao Cuihua doesn't care about these things. Going to the tofu workshop is not tiring, and everyone can talk and talk while working, and the atmosphere is very good.

It's like going to play and relax.

So at home, she can also do a lot of work.

But the two sisters-in-law are rushing to work, and she feels very good that the family is in harmony.

She actually quite likes the atmosphere at home now.

"Sister-in-law, will the tofu shop still recruit people in the future?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, will there be other ways to make money?"

The two also want to make money, and also want to improve the conditions at home.

Now relying on the sister-in-law to make money, they feel embarrassed.

Yao Cuihua said, "Aunt Shen said that the Tofu Factory will expand in size in the future and will hire people."

"And Miss Su will do other big things in the future, and she will need to hire someone."

When the two heard it, smiles appeared on their faces. They must behave well and strive to let the people in the village see their diligence and hard work.

In this way, the Su family will also hire them in the future.

They thought so.


When Liu Qiao came home, her parents hurriedly pulled her in distress, "Are you tired?"

Liu Qiao shook her head and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm not tired. I'm not tired of working in the tofu shop."

"But I can't say exactly what to do, because we all signed an agreement to keep it confidential."

"Know, know."


When Li Mei came home, her younger siblings happily told her, "Eldest sister, we just fed the chickens, and the eldest brother went to chop wood."

"Tell me to get more firewood, and to heat the kang in winter, the eldest sister will not freeze."

Li Mei was a little sad when she heard the words of her younger brother and sister.

"In the future, let the eldest brother come back early, don't stay out so late, what if you encounter a beast?"


In the past, Li Mei went to the mountains to chop wood, and she did everything inside and outside the house.

She takes care of her younger siblings at home.

Now that Li Mei goes to work in the tofu factory, her younger brothers and sisters also feel sorry for her and want to do more work for the family.

Li Mei said:

"When the eldest sister pays the wages, if you save more, we can also buy some charcoal. If the firewood is added to the charcoal, it will not freeze."

She thought that if she was paid every month, she could buy a little charcoal by saving up.

Thinking of this, Li Mei also showed a faint smile on her face.

Her second sister was also very happy to see her smile.

Since their parents have gone, the eldest sister usually doesn't laugh.

"Sister, you laughed, you laughed."

Seeing the happy appearance of her younger siblings, Li Mei was also stunned.

Did you laugh?

She smiled. Are her younger siblings so happy?

Li Mei touched the heads of her younger brothers and sisters, "In the future, the conditions of our family will be better, and the eldest sister will also buy you delicious meat."

In the past, she was not physically strong enough to work in the dry fields, and she couldn't get much crops at all.

But it's different now, she has a job and can make money.

The monthly earnings plus bonuses are quite a lot in a year, and the younger siblings at home don’t have to go hungry anymore.

Thinking of this, Li Mei's mood improved.

These days, her mood is not the same as before, because she sees hope.


Everything in the tofu shop has also entered the right track.

Many merchants also cooperate with the tofu shop to directly order tofu products.

Even the tofu products needed by hot pot restaurants are purchased directly from the tofu shop.

Even many people from other towns come here to buy tofu.

Because of the existence of the tofu shop, Su Teng Village became lively.

More and more people came and went to the village.

However, Su Binglan was worried about disturbing the villagers, so she made a path behind and made a sign and arrow at the entrance of the village.

Let everyone know how tofufang goes.

Many people drove ox carts to buy goods, so they walked directly from the back road and went directly to the door of the tofu shop to buy goods.

Su Fengmao took Luo Kang in charge of the sales of tofu.

Shen Qiuhua and Qiu He watched everyone work in the tofu workshop.


On this day, Su Binglan also took the money to buy land in the town's yamen.

After buying 400 acres of land, she was about to go back, but she saw the young owner of Zuiyunlou, Xu Yunchu.

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