Chapter 321: Implicit Expression

Su Wenxiu looked easy to talk, but he was actually the most principled in his heart.

Su Wenxiu also knew that Grandma Li asked these questions for the villagers.

I also know what the villagers are most concerned about now.

Everyone saw the benefits of working in the tofu workshop, and they also thought about finding work in the Su family.

Everyone thinks that sister Su Binglan is someone who does big things.

In fact, when it comes to his younger sister Su Binglan, he is extremely proud of being a big brother.

This is his sister.

In fact, Su Binglan is obviously their sister, and they should be their elder brother to take care of her, but she takes care of them like a sister.

Prop up this home.

She is so small.

Su Wenxiu thought about this, and his heart was also distressed.

But looking at the smile on his sister's face every day, he felt that his mood would also improve.

So he has to study medicine hard and learn his sister's abilities, so that he can help her and her sister can relax.

I have to say that the brothers of the Su family are all sister-in-law.

Of course, it's also because Su Binglan is good, she is good to her family, and she deserves her brothers to be good to her.

Grandma Li was actually quite emotional when she heard Su Wenxiu say these words.

She felt that the Su family had really helped the villagers too much.

Now not only the people of Su Teng Village have followed the Su family, but even the people in the surrounding villages have followed suit.

It was Su Fengchen's collection of so many eggs and duck eggs, which made the villagers' lives better by raising chickens and ducks.

Now, because Su Binglan opened a hot pot restaurant, he began to accept pork and mutton.

Many people also began to think of ways to buy a little pig and a sheep to raise, so that they can kill and make money when they grow up.

In the past, no one dared to invest too much in it.

Mainly in previous years, sheep and pigs were raised, and it was not easy to take out when they were grown up.

If you don't say it in vain, you may not be able to recover the cost.

Mainly because of less pork and mutton.

Even if the pork and mutton are sold by the end of the year, there are not many buyers, and some pork and mutton cannot be sold, so they can only be sold cheaply.

Not enough money.

So over time, many people have stopped raising pigs and sheep.

If you raise some chickens and ducks, you can still sell your eggs for money. Even if the eggs and ducks are not sold, you can still cook and eat them, and you can cook them for the children at home.

But raising pigs is not the same. Who would be willing to kill and eat meat.

But it's different now.

Now Li Dazhuang in the village works with Su Wenwu and helps the hot pot restaurant collect ingredients, which requires a lot of pork and mutton.

Now Li Dazhuang collects pigs and sheep in the village.

You don't have to worry about the pigs and sheep being sold out.

Several families raised pigs and sheep, and they all made a lot of money during this time.

Grandma Li thought it was amazing.

The conditions of the Su family have improved, and with a little help from the villagers, everyone's conditions have improved.

"Actually, everyone is grateful to you, but it's just embarrassing to say it."

At this time, people were still very reserved, and there was no explicit way of expressing gratitude.

However, Grandma Li helped everyone to speak, and she could still say it.

Su Wenxiu nodded and said, "Grandma Li, I know that the people in our village are very good."

"No, everyone is very united. In previous years, when something happened, everyone helped each other."

"Of course, everyone is not someone who doesn't know what to do. Everyone's conditions have improved, thanks to your Su family, everyone remembers it."

Hearing this, Su Wenxiu actually felt a burning sensation in his heart.

He liked the feeling that it was helping himself and others.

Of course, all this is actually the credit of his sister, and he hasn't done anything yet.

But he thought that he would also learn from his sister in the future.

After Grandma Li talked to Su Wenxiu, she left.

Many people are waiting for Grandma Li not far away.

Seeing the smile on Mrs. Li's face, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that girl Su was willing to see a doctor.

When Mrs. Li conveyed Su Binglan's meaning to everyone, everyone was stunned.

Everyone's eyes widened, showing disbelief.

"We don't need medical fees in our own village?"

"Your aunt, did you hear it right?"

"I've never heard of a doctor who doesn't charge a doctor's fee."

"No, our village has gotten a lot of light with the Su family."

"If it weren't for the Su family, how could you make money by relying on eggs and ducks to leave the village."

"No, we have two pigs in our family, and we were worried that we wouldn't be able to sell them at a good price before the end of the year, but they were sold two days ago, and the price is very fair, because the hot pot restaurant Su saw needs pork, and only pigs can be sold. of."

"Girl Su is really good."

"Now Li Dazhuang works with Su Wenwu's child, and now the conditions at home are getting better, and they can eat good food."

"Miss Li can now rest assured."

Old Mrs. Li and Li Dazhuang's grandmother are also related to each other, so she naturally hopes that Li Dazhuang will get better.

It's nice to have a decent job.

Mrs. Li said, "It's true, everyone heard it right."

"See the doctor tomorrow afternoon, but everyone hurry up

Time, if you have any problems, go to see it immediately, only our village does not need medical fees, and other villages do. "

"Also, there's no problem. Let everyone who has problems see it first."

"Indeed, Su girl is so busy, she also sees a doctor for free, and everyone should be considerate of her."

"But girl Su said it's free to see the doctor, we can't really let people see the doctor for free, why do you have to bring something."

"You can bring some digging wild vegetables and radishes from the ground."

"You can also bring eggs or something."

"Girl Su is a good person. She might not accept things like that."

After a long time, everyone knows Su Binglan's temperament and that she has principles in her actions, and she will often consider for the villagers.

Besides, everyone knows that Su Binglan is not short of these things, and it is mainly a matter of heart for everyone to bring things.

The people in Su Teng Village are very down-to-earth.

Everyone is also thinking of having a good time first.

Everyone talked and discussed for a while, and they all went home early.


Soon the people in the village knew the news.

There are dozens of households in Su Teng Village. If there is any news, everyone will know it soon.

Mainly now is the slack time for farming, and people who have nothing to do will stand on the street and talk, just chatting about gossip and the like.

After the expansion of the tofu workshop, many women in the village went to work in the tofu workshop.

Some people are men at home.

After a few days of idleness at home, they felt that the women at home were more important.

But because the women in the family can make money, they also started to learn to cook and clean up the house.

In general, because of the good atmosphere of Su Teng Village, the villagers are all living together.

Won't fix this or that.

Lin Chai hurried home, and quickly told his daughter-in-law, Mrs. He, about the consultation.

? ? Today's 10,000-word update is up. I will continue to write the early morning update.



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