Chapter 347

"Okay, eldest sister, I'll go make a fire."

Li Mei's second sister happily hurried to the stove.

Her third sister and younger brother also hurriedly said, "Eldest sister, we will help you."

Li Mei said with a smile: "Okay, let's cook lunch together, and we'll also stew chicken at night."

Li Mei's second sister said: "Eldest sister, didn't you say that the chicken has grown up, and you want to sell it for money?"

Although the eldest sister earns a lot of wages, they can't waste it so much. Although the rooster does not lay eggs, it can still be sold for money.

Grandma Su’s house can make braised chicken with chickens, and one chicken can be sold for a lot of money.

Li Mei said, "Let's eat something good occasionally, eat well, and work hard."

Not only is she thin, but her younger siblings are also thin, and now she can finally make up for them.

She didn't dare to think about it before, she used to be afraid of starving her younger siblings to death.

So she kept all the things at home to sell, and she was reluctant to cook eggs and chicken.

I only eat whole grain cakes at home.

Coarse grain cakes are not enough, and everyone only eats a little per meal.

Li Mei only ate two meals before. She was so hungry at night that she couldn't sleep, so she could only get up and drink water constantly.

Now I can finally eat delicious food.

Li Mei said this, her younger siblings are happy.

They all thought that they would drink soup and let the eldest sister eat meat.

They also feel good that they can drink chicken soup.

Li Mei came to the stove and began to cut tofu, ready to make tofu stewed wild vegetables.

"Sister, this is tofu, it's really fragrant."

"It feels so soft."

"certainly delicious."

The three children looked at the tofu and smelled the tofu, and they were about to drool.

They had heard of tofu, but they had never eaten or seen it.

They never dared to think that they could eat tofu before, but they didn't expect that they would be able to eat tofu at noon today.

Su Binglan looked at the curious and greedy looks of her younger brothers and sisters, smiled and cut three small pieces of tofu and handed them to them: "One piece for each person, taste it first, and let's cook for a while."

"Make it with wild vegetables and add salt, it will taste better and the soup will be delicious."

Li Mei heard it from someone who worked in the tofu workshop together.

Some of them have eaten tofu, and they have heard how it is done, and they have also heard that it is delicious.

She remembered it all.

This time she also stewed wild vegetables with tofu.

The three of them looked at the tofu handed over by the eldest sister and dared not eat it.

"Miss, you eat."

"Miss, we are not hungry."

"Well, eldest sister eat."

The three of them were about to drool, and their eyes were glued to the tofu, but they insisted that Li Mei eat it.

Children are the least likely to hide their thoughts.

Seeing them like this, Li Mei knew they wanted to eat.

"It's alright, eat it, there's still here, we can still eat a lot of tofu in the future."

Listening to Li Mei's words, the three of them carefully ended up eating the tofu.

They don't dare to take big bites, but take small bites.

"Sister, it's delicious, soft, and fragrant."

I didn't put anything, just eating tofu like this made me feel delicious.

All three had big smiles on their faces.

Excitedly, I told Li Mei that the tofu was delicious.

Li Mei secretly swallowed her saliva. She didn't eat it. She planned to try it after cooking.

It was also Li Mei's second sister. After taking a small bite, she insisted on handing the other piece to Li Mei to eat.

Li Mei looked at Ermei's persistent eyes and ate.

Li Mei chewed lightly, only to feel that the mouth and mouth were exuding a fragrance.

There was a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Really delicious."

Li Mei also showed a bright smile, "By the way, in a few days, the eldest sister will take a day off and take you to the town to buy things."

Li Mei has not been to the town for many years.

Since her parents went, she has not been to town, let alone go to the market to buy things.


The three got excited.

The child still wants to go to the town and feel happy even if he turns around.

"But let's save the money, just take a little to town, buy some cotton and cloth to make a quilt, and it won't be cold in winter."

"And buy cloth and give you the soles of your shoes."

Their shoes were all straw sandals, all torn.

Li Mei went to work in the tofu workshop and wore a good pair of shoes, but the soles were actually worn out.

But she always dresses like this.

Li Mei talked about what to buy and her plans for the winter. Her younger brothers and sisters listened carefully, and their eyes were bright.

They were looking forward to lunch, but now they are looking forward to Big Sister cooking chicken in the evening, and they are looking forward to visiting the town in a few days.

Looking forward to winter and the New Year.

Because of the wages and bonuses, Li Mei's family also became lively.

The atmosphere is much lighter.


There are other people.

After receiving the wages and bonuses, everyone is happy.

Some heard the news and hurriedly told the night shift workers at home.

After hearing the news, everyone didn't even bother to eat lunch.

, grabbed a few mouthfuls of rice, and hurriedly went to inquire about the news from the people on the morning shift.

After hearing the news, they all wished they could go to work in the tofu workshop right away.

But the tofu shop has a rule that they can't go to work until the shift time.

They feel that time goes by so slowly.

It was finally time for a shift change, and they all went to the tofu workshop early to work.

Although they were working, they looked towards the door from time to time, waiting for Su Binglan and Shen Qiuhua to come in.

In that case, they should also be able to receive wages.

Sure enough, after the time was almost up, Su Binglan came to pay wages and bonuses to the following people.

Everyone is the same.

Shen Qiuhua still gave everyone a pound of tofu during the meal break in the evening.

Everyone went home happily.

In just one day, everyone in Su Teng Village knew the news.

Even the people in the two or three surrounding villages knew the news.

Everyone is envious.

"I didn't expect that I could get so much wages working in Suji Tofu Factory, wouldn't it be fake?"

"It's absolutely true, everyone in Su Teng Village knows it."

"Oh, we can all work and have a lot of strength, but Su Ji Tofu Workshop in Su Teng Village only uses Su Teng Village's own people."

"Su Teng Village is getting better and better, and they all follow the Su family. Even the consultation is free."

"I heard that Miss Su is very skilled in medicine and has cured many people at once."


Everyone was discussing this, and they all envied the people of Su Teng Village.

They are also constantly inquiring about the news of Su Teng Village.

They also thought that there was something good in Su Teng Village, and they could also come and work.

Those who have relatives with the people of Su Teng Village, know that the news has become active, and they are all ready to visit their relatives.

In fact, it is to establish a good relationship with the relatives of Su Teng Village, and by the way to inquire about the news, it will be easy to follow in the future.


After sending wages and bonuses to the tofu workshop, Su Binglan began to prepare for the embroidery workshop.

She gave the drawn picture to Su Xueye, paid for the construction of the package, and let Su Xueye rest assured to build an embroidery workshop.

She went to Ding Wan to talk about the embroidery workshop.

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