As soon as Zhou Wen'e heard the wages, she thought of the wages and bonuses from the tofu workshop.

That number is really enviable and eye-catching.

So many bonuses.

At this time, Zhou Wen'e was very excited, her eyes widened, and she pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

For fear of missing some information.

For Zhou Wen'e, Ding Wan is now bringing good things.

If you have a job, you will earn more or less.

Life at home will be much better.

Zhou Wen'e wanted to say something, but at this moment she was a little too excited to speak.

She held Ding Wan's hand tightly, her lips trembling, and after a while, she said, "Sister Ding, I trust Miss Su, I will do it well."

Zhou Wen'e would not hide her mind to ask about the specific wages.

She felt that it was a great thing to be able to work in Miss Su's embroidery workshop, and it must be a great thing.

Didn't you hear Ding Wan say that when the embroidery workshop is built, more people will be recruited.

At that time, everyone may not be able to get in.

Ding Wan patted the back of Zhou Wen'e's hand, soothed her excitement, and said, "Don't worry, Sister Zhou, listen to me first."

"Lan Lan said that the basic salary of our embroidery workshop is sixty cents a month, which is equivalent to two cents a day."

"But this is the basic salary, which means at least 60 cents a month, but the more you do in the embroidery workshop, the more wages you will get."

"If you make one more piece of something, you can get an extra penny, some can get two cents more, and some can get three cents more."

"Everyone does a good business, and there will be subsidies."

"That is, as long as you work hard, you can earn a lot of money every month."

Zhou Wen'e was so excited that she was speechless when she heard this.

She was counting the numbers in her head.

After a while, Zhou Wen'e said with a trembling voice, "Sister Ding, that means the more work you do, the more you will earn?"

At least sixty cents a month.

You can get 60 cents a month, not to mention the extra money for each piece.

I was so excited that I couldn't believe it, so my voice trembled.

Zhou Wen'e felt that she was not like this on weekdays.

But really excited.

With this job, and making money like this, life at home will definitely be better.

Xiaolei doesn't have to work so hard.

Ding Wan smiled and nodded: "Well, that's it, Miss Zhou, I understand your temperament. You are a diligent person and you work hard. Just work hard and your life will get better."

"When the time comes, you can save money and build a big house."

"You also eat more delicious food to nourish your body."

Before Ding Wan came, she heard Su Binglan say that the main reason for Zhou Wen'e's weakness was malnutrition.

If you don't eat well, you get dizzy and dizzy.

Zhou Wen'e choked and said, "Well, Sister Ding, thank you, I didn't expect you to think of me in such a good life."

Zhou Wen'e could probably guess that when Ding Wan came to her, it meant that Su Binglan had handed over the embroidery workshop to Ding Wan.

Su Binglan was so busy, she definitely didn't have time to worry about so many things.

Su Binglan's mother, Shen Qiuhua, manages the tofu workshop, and the embroidery workshop has to be managed.

It happened that Ding Wan's embroidery was alive and well, she guessed that it was Ding Wan's management of the embroidery workshop.

"Looking at what you said, you can do embroidery work, needlework is good, and you are diligent and diligent, of course I will think of you."

Zhou Wen'e was happy, but she suddenly thought of one thing. She said a little nervously: "Sister Ding, I... I haven't done embroidery for many years. I guess I gave birth by hand."

"I don't even know what I can embroider."

Ding Wan explained patiently: "Don't worry, it's all simple needlework, and you can't use complicated embroidery skills. I'll teach you later, you can definitely learn it."

"Ai, Ai, thank you Miss Ding."

Zhou Wen'e was relieved, she didn't know how to thank Ding Wan anymore.

Ding Wan smiled and said, "This is all Lan Lan's idea. If it wasn't for Lan Lan, I wouldn't have thought of this."

"Actually, Lan Lan is a good-hearted child, and she also wants to help people in our own village."

"This embroidery workshop has not been built yet, so let me contact you a few and make things first."

Ding Wan did not forget to say more about Su Binglan's goodness, so that everyone was grateful to Lan Lan.

Zhou Wen'e nodded seriously, "Sister Ding, I don't even know how to thank Miss Su."

"It's okay, as long as you work hard, this is the best gratitude to Lan Lan."


Dong Xiaolei burned some more wood on the kang at the stove.

They are reluctant to burn firewood when they are at home on weekdays.

But there were guests at home, and Dong Xiaolei was also very discerning. She brought some more firewood and burned it, so that it would be warmer on the kang.

Dong Xiaolei was burning firewood at the stove, and she also heard what her mother and Aunt Ding said in the back room.

Her heart was pounding with excitement.

When she put the firewood into the stove, she forgot to take it back, and almost let the fire burn.

Really excited.

She thought she had heard it wrong.

Mainly through a door.

Although the doors are a lot old and broken, they are not soundproof.

But Dong Xiaolei always felt that she had heard it wrong.

she is small

Sometimes she also did needlework with her mother, she didn't know if she could do this.


After Ding Wan came out of the back room, Zhou Wen'e also went down to see her off.

Ding Wan said softly: "Sister Zhou, you don't need to send it. Just go to the house where Lan Lan lived before tomorrow, and we will start making things tomorrow."

Ding Wan also held the contract in her hand.

This is a contract prepared by Su Binglan. After signing it, it is guaranteed.

"Okay, okay." Zhou Wen'e didn't know what to say.

Dong Xiaolei also followed her mother to send Ding Wan.

She wanted to say something, but felt that she shouldn't.

Ding Wan thought carefully, saw the little girl's expression, and said, "Does Xiaolei have something to say?"

Dong Xiaolei looked up at Ding Wan, "Aunt Ding, can I say something?"

Dong Xiaolei was afraid that she would make Aunt Ding unhappy by saying the wrong thing and make her mother lose this job.

Ding Wan looked at Dong Xiaolei's cautious look, her heart was not happy.

She touched her head and said, "Of course you can, just say whatever you want. When you were a child, the aunt hugged you."

Dong Xiaolei said seriously: "Aunt Ding, I... I can also needlework. If I can help my mother make things, I will do it seriously."

Dong Xiaolei's father doesn't know what's going on now. Her mother has worked hard to take care of her grandparents over the years, but her grandparents have also passed away.

Then she and her mother depended on each other for life.

She has only one relative of her mother, and she is worried that her mother is exhausted.

She thinks she can work.

Zhou Wen'e's nose was sour, how could she not know what Dong Xiaolei was thinking, "You child, mother can do these things, you are at home."

"Embroidering is not physical work, so it's not tiring."

Ding Wan looked at Dong Xiaolei, her expression softened.

This boy is a filial good boy.

She said, "Of course, you can learn something with your mother tomorrow."

Dong Xiaolei didn't expect Ding Wan to agree, she was stunned for a while, and after she recovered, she said excitedly, "Thank you, Aunt Ding, thank you Aunt Ding."

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