Originally, Luo Kang, Qiu He and Luo Juanjuan were helping in the tofu shop.

Luo Juanjuan and Du Xiaoju are currently making meatballs for the hot pot restaurant in a separate room in Tofufang.

If Luo Juanjuan and her parents are arranged together, they need to hire a few more people to make the ingredients for the meatballs.

All these have to be arranged, but Su Binglan doesn't do everything by herself, and she can leave many things to her parents to do.

While eating, Shen Qiuhua said, "Daughter, you can arrange your affairs. Mother and father here in the tofu shop can be busy."

"Besides, you promoted Liu Qiao to be the manager. Liu Qiao is indeed capable. She helps manage the tofu workshop, and I am much more relaxed."

"Go back and promote the manager again, and you can get busy."

Su Fengmao also said, "Yes, girl, what you have to do must be important. How should you arrange it?"

No matter what Su Binglan does, the Su family supports her.

Su Wenzhe asked curiously, "Sister, why did you suddenly think of opening a canteen in the academy?"

Su Wenwu also knew about the Blue Mountain Academy. He was eating with his head down and concentrated, when he heard his sister's words, he was full of doubts.

He raised his head and asked, "Yes, sister, isn't Blue Mountain Academy very strict? Can we have a cafeteria in the academy?"

"And Blue Mountain Academy are all students, can they have money to buy food?"

Su Binglan looked at Luo Jin'an, and then explained, "We don't run the cafeteria in the academy for the purpose of making money, but to provide convenience for the students in the academy."

"The cafeteria we run has cheap and affordable meals, so just make some money."

"In this way, many students can eat hot meals, make steamed buns that cost half a penny each, and have special cheap side dishes."

"That way everyone can afford to eat."

Liu Yinyin was amazed, "Sister, in this case, the students in Blue Mountain Academy will no longer have to worry about not being able to afford food."

In fact, as long as the students who can be sent to the academy to study, their family background can be considered, and they can spend one or two taels of silver a month.

But if you go out to buy food every day, it will cost several pennies for a meal, and it will cost hundreds of pennies a month.

If these hundreds of pennies can be saved, they will be enough for the living expenses of ordinary people for several months.

Shen Qiuhua will understand now, she said seriously: "Lan Lan, mother supports you, you can do what you want to do."

Su Fengmao also nodded and said, "Yes, this is a good deed, and Dad supports you too."

The Su family felt very comfortable with the ability to do good deeds, so they were also very happy.

Su Wenwu opened his mouth and said, "Fortunately, Blue Mountain Academy is strictly guarded, and other people generally cannot enter Blue Mountain Academy."

"Otherwise, people in the town know that the food in the cafeteria is cheap and delicious, and they all go to eat."

Su Binglan looked at Luo Jinan.

Luo Jinan understood the meaning of Su Binglan's eyes, and he said softly, "The Blue Mountain Academy is very strict, only the student dean and the steward of the Blue Mountain Academy can go to the cafeteria to eat, and non-Blue Mountain College people cannot buy and eat in the cafeteria. "

Su Wenwu nodded and said, "It's still good."


After dinner, Su Binglan went to Qiuhe's yard.

At this time, Luo Kang and Qiu He had also eaten. When they saw Su Binglan coming, they hurriedly got off the kang and came to the door and said respectfully, "Miss Su!"

Su Binglan waved her hand and said, "I don't have so many rules here, just do whatever you want."

"I came mainly to arrange for you to do other things."

Luo Kang asked, "We all listen to Miss Su's arrangement, but we just don't know what to do next?"

The Luo Kang family has also been here for a long time, and they know that the Su family is very good.

Miss Su is very good to everyone.

They are grateful to Miss Su from the bottom of their hearts, and they all want to work hard with Miss Su.

Su Binglan said, "You should know about Blue Mountain Academy. I plan to open a cafeteria in Blue Mountain College, and then arrange for your family to go to Blue Mountain College to be responsible for the cafeteria, including buying ingredients, cooking, and serving meals for the students."

"It's just the three of you to do these things at the moment. After things are on the right track, you can take a look and hire someone to help."

The three were stunned, none of them thought that they could go to Blue Mountain Academy?

It was the most famous academy of this generation.

Needless to say, the environment of the academy is full of knowledge and the aroma of books.

Others can't even get in if they want to, but they can actually go to the Blue Mountain Academy to do things.

Although it was a cafeteria, they were all very excited.

Qiu He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Miss Su, what kind of food are we going to buy at the Blue Mountain Academy? How is the price determined?"

Qiu He was excited, but he still grasped the point.

Su Binglan said: "Tonight, I will teach you to fry a few simple ingredients and meat dishes."

"The meals in the cafeteria of Blue Mountain Academy are mainly simple and cheap, no need to be complicated. It's good to cook some home-cooked dishes, and occasionally some noodles."


Su Binglan told Luo Kang and his family about everything about the cafeteria.

Then I went to get some ingredients and started teaching three people to cook.


the other side

After Zhou Shan was arranged by Su Binglan to study in a hot pot restaurant, Lin Zheng and Li Shi came to visit the dessert house.


By evening, the dessert house will close.

Lin Zheng looked at Li Shi and said, "Is it your time to rest tomorrow?"

Li Shi smiled honestly and said, "Yes, Brother Lin, but now Zhou Shan is going to the hot pot restaurant, Brother Lin, why don't I continue to come and help tomorrow."

Lin Zheng said: "Master said, everyone will take turns to rest. Tomorrow is your rest time, so you should have a good rest too."

Lin Zheng hesitated, but still said, "Let's go back to the village and have a look."

Lin Zheng knew about Li Shi's situation. At the beginning, they were both sympathetic and self-sacrificing, so they became gangsters.

They also met the master and were pulled by the master, and they returned to the right path.

They are no longer what they used to be.

They used to be spurned and looked down upon, but now they will never be looked down upon again.

Now they can walk with their backs straight and their heads held high.

In the past, even if Li Shi was resting, he slept in the dormitory in the backyard.

He never returned to the village.

The wages and bonuses that Su Binglan gave him, apart from spending some money on food, he saved the rest without spending a cent.

"Brother Lin, thank you."

Lin Zheng patted Li Shi on the shoulder and said, "We are all brothers, so thank you."

"Master, she also hopes that you all have a good life, don't compete with yourself, ah."

Lin Zheng had also competed with himself before, but after experiencing a lot of things and seeing a lot of people, he already understood a lot of truth.

Li Shi said: "I understand, it's just that I can't get over the hurdle in my heart."

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