Su Binglan pondered while listening.

Su Fengzhang opened his mouth and said, "Lan Lan, it's okay, this pottery pot is still made, and there are pottery pots in the town next door. Although it's a bit far away, it won't be too troublesome for us to transport it by ox cart."

Su Wenxian also nodded and said: "Yes, sister, these things are simple, my father and I can do it."

Su Wenxian was afraid that his sister would find it troublesome and would stop working on the winery.

Su Fengzhang was also in a hurry. He was all excited now, so he thought about brewing wine as soon as possible to make a strong-scented wine, and he felt proud to say it.

Su Fengzhang said: "Lan Lan, leave these things to the uncle to do, we should make wine."

Su Binglan thought for a while, and said, "Uncle, how is the family that burns clay pots in Liuteng Village?"

Su Fengzhang didn't understand at first, "How about what?"

Ding Wan understood what Su Binglan meant, and reminded: "Lanlan means what is the character of the family, and how is it?"

Su Fengzhang said: "To be honest, it's very good. The couple is very simple and honest, and the two sons in the family are also very filial. In the past, whoever went to their place to buy a big bowl and a big pot would sometimes take credit."

"The couple are good-hearted, and they make people so credit. In fact, some people don't give money back, and they delay it."

Su Wenxian was also stunned, "Father, is there such a person?"

Su Fengzhang nodded and said: "Of course, our villagers are good, but not all villages are like our villagers. Some people in some villages are indeed selfish and take advantage."

Su Wenxian said, "That family is so pitiful."

Su Fengzhang sighed and said, "There are too many people who are not easy."

But many people can't even manage their own family affairs, how can they manage the affairs of others.

Su Binglan said: "Uncle, let's not go to the next town to buy wine jars, you can go to the family in Liuteng Village and ask if they burn clay pots, and we will buy the wine jars we need from there."

Su Binglan knows that what she can do is limited, but she can help one more person within a limited range.

Mainly because of good character, she will help.

When Su Binglan said this, Ding Wan understood that Su Binglan wanted to help that family.

Both Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian understood.

Su Fengzhang said: "Okay, Lan Lan, don't worry, uncle will go and ask first, and I will tell you when I come back."


Next comes the winemaking thing.

When it comes to winemaking, both Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian are very interested and their eyes are shining.

Su Binglan explained patiently: "We can make many kinds of wine, that kind of spirits, that kind of fruit wine, wine, and juice..."

Su Binglan said this, and Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian listened and were stunned for a while.

There are a lot of wine names that they have never heard of.

"Cider, wine?"

"Sister, is wine made from grapes? Can grapes be used to make wine?"

Su Wenxian suddenly felt that he was ignorant.

He didn't understand a lot of what his sister said.

When Su Binglan talked about wine, he also thought of a lot of things, "Yes, grapes can be used to make wine, fruits can be made to make wine, and wine is sweet, even women can drink it."

"There are also juices, no degree, just drinks, even children can drink."

"There are many fruit wines, and there are various flavors, all of which are based on the taste of the fruit..."

When Su Binglan talked about this, he was also eloquent.

It was mainly the uncle and Su Wenxian who were interested, so Su Binglan was willing to speak.

Ding Wan originally thought that winemaking had nothing to do with her, and she didn't understand it either.

But after listening, I was also interested, "And fruit wine, it's amazing, I want to taste the taste of fruit wine."

Su Binglan said seriously: "Delicious."

Su Fengzhang's eyes were bright. He listened to Su Binglan's words and was amazed in his heart. It turned out that there were so many varieties of wine.

"I used to know that wine is made from grain, but I haven't heard that it can be made from fruit."

Ding Wan said: "That's because we don't understand, Lan Lan said that if it can be brewed, it can be brewed.

Su Fengzhang said proudly: "That's right, Lan Lan is a girl from our Su family, she's smart."

Seeing Su Fengzhang's proud face, Ding Wan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Su Binglan also laughed.

This kind of atmosphere makes people feel better.

Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian continued to listen carefully, they just wanted to hear more from Su Binglan.

Su Binglan continued: "I drink the kind of good wine in town, but I actually drink it rather rough. If that kind of wine is put into the pot and two processes are added, the wine will taste purer and more fragrant."

"Add two more processes?" Su Fengzhang didn't know anything about winemaking.

But at this time he was very interested and he wanted to learn.

Su Binglan said, "I will teach Uncle and Brother Wenxian to make wine, and you will know what the process is."

Su Wenxian cupped his hands and said, "Sister, brother, thank you first here."

Su Binglan said, "Don't be polite to me, eldest brother. I will set up a winery, but I can only rest assured if my uncle and eldest brother help me watch and manage it."

Su Fengzhang said seriously: "Don't worry, Lan Lan, uncle will definitely take care of you."

Su Wenxian also hurriedly said, "Sister, don't worry, eldest brother has also learned some kung fu outside."

Su Binglan's expression changed, "Big brother also

Will kung fu? "

"Learn a little bit."

Su Binglan said, "If eldest brother wants to learn kung fu, he can learn with my third brother if you have time."

Originally, Su Wenwu wanted to learn kung fu from Su Binglan, but Luo Jinan was afraid of tiring Su Binglan, so he offered to teach Su Wenwu.

Have been learning for a while.

Su Binglan thought that Su Wenxian could follow along.

It's always good to learn more kung fu.

Su Wenxian said with a smile: "Then eldest brother is welcome. It feels good to have a younger sister. Not only can I know a lot, but I can also learn a lot."

Ding Wan laughed angrily: "You think all the younger sisters are like your sister Binglan. Your sister Binglan is smart and good-natured, that's why you help you."

Su Wenxian said: "Of course I know that my sister Lan Lan is the best."

"If I say it, others will definitely envy me."

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Brother, don't say that, I'm going to float."

"Ha ha."

Everyone was talking and laughing happily.

After talking about the conversation again, Su Binglan saw that it was getting late and went back first.


Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua drove the ox cart home in the evening.

In the afternoon, Li Shi took his parents back to Beisong Village and gave the ox cart to Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao.

He was also waiting by the side, helping to move the barrels of oil to the ox cart.

Neither Shen Qiuhua nor Su Fengmao did anything.

I have to say that Li Shi's strength is indeed great.

And he also tied the oil drums tightly, and they drove the ox cart all the way, and they didn't spill it.

Originally, Li Shi wanted to send them back, but Shen Qiuhua persuaded Li Shi to take care of his parents first.

After returning, the two moved the oil drums one by one to the storage room.

When Su Binglan went home, she could smell a strong scent of oil.

It is the oily fragrance of fried rapeseed, which is different from the fragrance of peanut oil.

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