Shi Cui nodded happily, "Yes, my hands are much better. I didn't feel any pain in my hands when I woke up this morning, and it didn't affect my cooking."

"When I used to cook, it would hurt a little when I moved my hands."

Shi Cui was a little excited, so she came early in the morning to tell Ding Wan about this.

She also wanted to express her gratitude to Ding Wan, "Big sister, I really want to thank you. If you hadn't persuaded me to see my hands, my hands would not have healed so quickly."

"It cost a total of five cents. You gave twenty cents, and you still have fifteen cents left. This is for you."

"The five cents will be paid back to you when I receive the wages."

Shi Cui was very excited, she didn't expect her hand would heal.

The holes that had been opened before were healed overnight.

According to Su Binglan's explanation, she put the medicine on her hands before going to bed last night, and when she woke up the next morning, she felt amazing when she looked at her hands again.

I used to have swollen hands, but now my hands are not so swollen.

Shi Cui was grateful to Su Binglan and Ding Wan.

If it weren't for Ding Wan, she wouldn't take her hand seriously.

The incision was swollen, and it started to hurt in the fall.

Now she doesn't feel the pain in her hand anymore, not to mention how happy she is.

Ding Wan said: "It's good to have a good hand, Lan Lan's medical skills are good, and your hand will be completely healed in a few days."

"Well, Miss Su said the same thing."

Because her hands don't hurt, Shi Cui didn't delay her needlework in the morning.

When it was noon, Ding Wan asked everyone to go back to eat, and continue to work in the afternoon.

At noon, Ding Wan went home for lunch, and after noon, she went to He's house.

The reason why I didn't go at noon time was because I didn't want to go there at dinner time.

If she had passed that time and the He family would cook and eat at home, she would definitely entertain her.

Then it's all restricted.

It's better to talk to Mr. He at this time.

When Ding Wan went, the He family had already eaten, and she was sitting in the yard soaking and washing clothes.

He was surprised when he saw Ding Wan coming.

"Sister Ding?" Mrs He stood up in surprise, and was a little stunned.

She didn't understand how Ding Wan came here.

I don't know if something is wrong, and He didn't respond.

Ding Wan smiled kindly and said, "Sister He, I want to tell you something. I don't know if it is convenient for you now?"

Mrs He hurriedly wiped her hands and said, "It's convenient, Sister Ding, hurry into the room."

Ding Wan walked in and said, "The weather is cold, so sister He should use warm water to wash her clothes."

He knew that Ding Wan cared about her, and she felt warm in her heart, and said, "The water that the child's father just drew from the well is not cold, so it's okay to wash his hands without freezing."

"I used to be weak, and I didn't have much strength to wash clothes. Now I feel that my whole body is full of strength. Those quilt covers and sheets that I didn't have time to remove and wash in the past, I plan to remove and wash them. After the weather is cold and snowy, I can't dry them. It's sunny at noon now, and it's easy to dry."

Ding Wan nodded, "Well, that's right. Although it's almost winter now, the sun is still very good at noon."

"I see that the weather is good today, and I also took out the quilt and dried it in the sun."

While the two were talking, they entered the back room.

"Aren't the kids at home?"

Seeing that the room was empty, Ding Wan asked casually.

He explained: "The child's father took them to chop wood, thinking about chopping more firewood before winter, so that there will be something to burn after it snows."

Ding Wan said: "Yes, it is good to chop more firewood."

After Ding Wan said a few words to the He family, she could feel that the family was very diligent and knew how to live.

And the house is very clean.

Mr. He poured Ding Wan a cup of hot water and asked Ding Wan to drink it.

Ding Wan took a sip and said, "Sister He, it's like this, Lan Lan is going to open an embroidery workshop. Although the embroidery workshop is under construction, she also asked me to find a few people in the village who can do needlework to make things first."

Hearing this, He was excited.

She had some guesses in her heart.

When she saw the doctor yesterday afternoon, Miss Su also asked her if she could do needlework.

She said she could sew at the time, but she didn't think much of it.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wan came to tell her about the embroidery workshop at noon today.

She doesn't know any of this.

He listened carefully and looked at Ding Wan without blinking.

Ding Wan didn't give a shit, she just told some things about the current embroidery workshop.

"Sister He, I don't know if you want to work in the embroidery workshop. Every month, you have a basic salary of sixty cents, which is equivalent to two cents a day. Then you will give bonuses according to the work done by the big guy. The more you earn, the more you earn.”

"Yesterday Lan Lan told me personally that you can do needlework, and let me come over and ask you."

"We Lan Lan have a good heart. In fact, she also wants to make money for the people in our own village, so that everyone's life can be improved."

He was so excited and moved that he didn't know what to say.

She said with trembling lips: "Think, think, Sister Ding, I really want to work here with Miss Su. I only know needlework, but I will definitely learn and do it well."

He was too excited, so she expressed her thoughts frankly.

she also knows

Miss Su is a good person, if it weren't for Miss Su, she would not be well.

Not to mention anything else.

And Lin Chai's stuttering was cured by Miss Su.

She didn't even know how to express her gratitude, but she thought that she was working with Miss Su, and she must do it well.

Ding Wan's reaction to He's is not surprising. She went to find everyone to work in the embroidery workshop. Almost all of them responded like this, and everyone was very excited.

Know that it's a good thing to make money.

Moreover, he still works in his own village, so he knows everything at home and doesn't delay anything.

Three meals a day can also be eaten at home.

If she could do this kind of work before, she wouldn't be depressed.

But now she manages the embroidery workshop very well.

Ding Wan told He Shi about the embroidery workshop again.

Originally, Mr. He could go back the next morning.

But Mr. He was so excited that he wanted to go directly to study and work in the afternoon.

She said that it was not too late to wash clothes at night.

Seeing He insisted, Ding Wan took her to study there.

For the arrival of the He family, Sun Damin and the others were very enthusiastic.

He didn't know it at first, but Sun Damin and the others eagerly taught her.

Originally, He was still very restrained, and she hadn't talked to people in the village very much before.

But feeling the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of everyone, Mr. He gradually relaxed and began to talk to everyone.

Hearing everyone talking and laughing, He couldn't help but laugh.

The ambience here is really nice.

She didn't feel like she was doing something, but it seemed like everyone was doing something new together.

Doing these activities does not feel tiring, but motivates.

When the sun was about to set in the evening, everyone went back one after another.


He couldn't wait to go home and share the good news with his family.

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