Chapter 429 Become featured

This is why Su Binglan opened the jewelry store here.

Use the flow of people in the hot pot restaurant to drive the business of the jewelry store.

She believes that these items from the jewelry store will definitely be very popular.

There is no such thing in this day and age.

It's new to many people.

Especially now that there are more guests coming here from other places, all of them are businessmen from other places.

Some foods can't be brought back, but these things can be brought back.

She believes that these backpacks, handbags and puppet handicrafts will become local characteristics in the future.

These are also nice to give as gifts.


Of course, Su Binglan didn't know that many people visited their jewelry store that afternoon.

In fact, this is originally the east side of the town, and there are more people.

On weekdays, there will be many people passing by the street gate.

It's just that when many people pass by here, they can't help but see if the hot pot restaurant is open.

Then everyone suddenly found that the shop next to the hot pot restaurant was open, and there was a plaque of Su Ji jewelry store hanging on it.

Everyone doesn't know what it is.

But after seeing Su Ji, someone couldn't help but come in to see it.

Especially women and children were amazed when they saw what was inside.

The children didn't want to leave when they saw the puppets.

Some of them were crying loudly and insisted on buying puppets.

Fortunately, there are expensive and cheap puppets, and you can buy things according to the price.

In fact, adults also like these dolls, and whenever conditions permit, they will also buy one for their children.

Some of them look like people from wealthy families. If there are many children in the family, they will buy a few more.

Because some puppets are very cheap, the small puppets are only two cents apiece.

But the ladies prefer that kind of handbags.

Really nice handbag.

Everyone chooses the tricks and carries them on their backs, and they all love it.

So most people still buy a handbag when they end up leaving.

However, some homes are not in good condition and they live frugally. They can only leave quietly when they come in to have a look.

But they thought that if they had money in the future, they must come to buy that handbag.

Really practical and beautiful.

When you go out to buy something small, you can carry a handbag.

Mainly to take out decently.

Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin didn't expect that there would be more people in the store this time.

Su Binglan saw that Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin were completely busy, so she didn't need to worry about it.

She left things in the store to Liu Yinyin and Su Wenzhe, while she went to the east market.

Su Binglan's store is still some distance away from the market.

Su Binglan walked a distance, turned a corner and entered the market on the east side of the town.

From a distance, she saw a lot of people gathered in front of a booth, and everyone was lining up behind.

Su Binglan saw the food truck in front and knew that Su Wenwu and Songyi were selling stinky tofu.

Seeing so many people coming to buy stinky tofu, Su Binglan was surprised.

"In less than an afternoon, is stinky tofu so popular?"

The picture Su Binglan imagined was that everyone was hiding far away when they smelled the smell.

Su Wenwu and Songyi need to follow the method she taught and let everyone come and taste for free.

As long as you have eaten stinky tofu, you will definitely feel delicious.

After a long time like this, the business of stinky tofu will get better.

This is what she imagined.

But she never thought that stinky tofu was so popular at the beginning.

Everyone doesn't think it tastes weird anymore.

"Come on, give me a big one. I bought a small one and brought it home to my daughter-in-law to eat. My daughter-in-law didn't eat it at first, but after eating it, she said it was delicious and asked me to buy another one. A large portion."

"Haha, my children also said it was delicious. This is the second time I have come to line up."

"I was my neighbor who went back and said that stinky tofu was delicious, and it was Su Ji's stinky tofu, so I hurried to buy one and try it."


Seeing such a picture, Su Binglan had a smile on her face.


This time Su Binglan didn't bring much stinky tofu to Songyi, and he sold out in half an afternoon.

Many people still want to buy it, but they can't. Songyi can only say: "Everyone come here at noon tomorrow, or here, I will bring some more stinky tofu."

"But everyone came early, and if you bought it late, it might be gone."

Song Yi did not expect that the effort would be sold out in this moment.

Songyi originally wanted to go to Suteng Village to get some stinky tofu to sell.

But Su Wenwu said: "My sister said, don't sell too much at the beginning, don't worry, when you're done, put the small dining car in the backyard of the hot pot restaurant, and you can go home early to rest."

"Go home early, tell your parents, don't let them worry, and bring back these two stinky tofu for your parents, don't be polite to me."

"it is good."

Song Yi also couldn't wait to go home and share the good news with his parents.

His parents must be happy to know.

As if thinking of something, Su Wenwu said to Song Yi, "Also, when my sister was cooking at noon, I told my sister about your father's feet."

"My sister said it can be cured, let my second brother

Treat your father, don't worry, my second brother's medical skills are also very good. "

Song Yi believed in Su Wenwu.

After putting the trolley away, Songyi ran straight to the house.

He was excited and excited, thinking about going home and telling his parents about this.

Although the town is far from Beishan Village, Songyi runs very fast.

By the time he ran home, it was already evening.

The sun is almost setting.

It was a two-hour journey, but Songyi ran home in more than an hour.

When Songyi came home, his father was sorting out the pine firewood, and his mother was cooking the fire.

Seeing Song Yi coming back, the two of them hurried out, "You kid, did you run back, why are you sweating all over your face?"

Song Yi was panting, trying to speak at all.

But looking at the smile on Song Yi's face, Song Yi's parents knew that there must be something good about the child's return.

Song Yi's mother quickly poured him a bowl of water.

After Song Yi drank it, he rested for a while, and then he said, "Mother and father, this is for you to eat."

"What Wenwu said is true. Now Su Tengcun is doing well. His sister is a very capable person..."

"And now I'm selling stinky tofu with a small dining cart. I earn at least one hundred and fifty cents a month. The more stinky tofu I sell, the more I earn..."

"I sold a lot today. This is what Brother Wenwu asked me to bring you to taste..."

Song Yi told his parents everything about everything today.

As he spoke, he was all smiles.

Songyi's parents were also looking forward to Songyi's return at home and wanted to know what was going on.

Hearing this at this moment, both of them were shocked.

After a long time, Song Yi's parents came back to their senses.

Song Yi's father sighed with emotion, "Child, you have met a good brother Su Wenwu, and you have a great fortune."

Song Yi's father couldn't be more happy.

A person who is usually serious and rigorous, there is also a smile on his face at this time.

Song Yi's mother happily wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "This is really nice."

? ? Little cuties, I'm still staying up late to write, and there are updates.



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