Su Binglan comforted Li and said, "Don't worry about it in the future. Your family will work in the pottery workshop from now on, so don't worry about what you do."

"And when I'm busy in the future, I'll hire more people."

"When the winery is built, it will need more wine bottles and jars, and the pottery workshop will have to hire more people. At that time, your family will be the master and the apprentices as stewards, and the wages and bonuses will be more."

Hearing Su Binglan say this, Mrs. Li's eyes turned red.

"Miss Su, you are our benefactor."

Li's words are not exaggerated.

She herself knew what it was like to listen to her heart and what life she was living now.

The key is that now both sons can eat and sleep well, and they can still be by their side.

She doesn't have to worry about anything.

The family can live a peaceful life.

Now that she has money, she will try to find a good girl for her eldest son.

The second son is not yet young, but he can also prepare money for the second son in advance.

You can also build a big house at home.

When the son marries his wife and has children, he can live there.

Or build a house for both sons, and they can all build it.

Now they are confident.

There has never been such a foundation before.

Su Binglan waved her hand and said, "I'm also helping myself, so there's no need to be so polite, Aunt Li, life will get better in the future."

"Well, Miss Su, we will follow you to do things, and feel at ease."

After some gossip, Su Binglan took out the blueprint and said, "Actually, I mainly want to tell you guys this time, and then burn some such small wine jars and wine bottles."

Tao Zheng just took the drawing and looked at it, and was startled, "Miss Su, do you want to burn such a slender bottle?"

"There are too few things like this."

Tao Zheng understood as soon as he saw the drawing, but he had some doubts in his heart, so he asked the doubts.

Su Binglan said: "Well, just burn it according to the drawing. I want this kind of small bottle and small jar. The second page of the drawing is some small cups, which are used for drinking."

"However, if you use another kind of soil to burn, you can burn more beautiful utensils with high temperature."

Su Binglan then explained the difference between the firing of pottery and porcelain.

When Su Binglan spoke, Tao Dayong listened carefully.

In fact, Tao Dayong is more talented than his father in firing pottery.

He learned this craft quickly, but Tao Zhenggang didn't actually teach him much.

What he did was actually better than Tao Zheng.

Tao Dayong listened carefully and asked carefully, "Miss Su, what kind of soil is kaolin?"

Su Binglan directly took out a small bag of soil, "This is the soil I found when I passed by the foot of the mountain behind your village. If you use this soil to burn at a higher temperature, you will be able to burn porcelain. The surface of the porcelain looks shiny and more beautiful. You'll know when you burn it."

When Su Binglan came this time, she originally wanted the Tao family to burn the things on the drawings.

She also happened to discover kaolin, and then said something.

As for whether it can be burned, it depends on the craftsmanship of the Tao family.

Tao Dayong looked at this soil and listened to Su Binglan's explanation just now, his eyes lit up.

He wanted to burn out something more beautiful.

Tao Dayong's heart was burning with fighting spirit at this time.

Li said seriously: "Miss Su, we will definitely study it carefully."

Su Binglan said: "Don't be under pressure, I'm just telling you, it's better to burn in the original way, work at the hour, take an hour break at noon, rest and eat when you arrive, and rest for two days after five days of work."

"I must not be tired. When I need more things in the future and recruit more people, I will reschedule my shifts."

To be able to rest so much and earn so much money, the Tao family is not too moved.

They all want to work hard and hard.

After explaining some things, Su Binglan went back.


Time flies, and it's winter in the blink of an eye.

It gets cold in winter.

When walking on the street, the north wind howled, and everyone could feel the chill.

There is nothing to do at this time, and everyone will not be walking on the street.

All huddled at home.

In winter, everyone is worried about the heavy snowfall.

Before it snowed, Su Binglan wanted to collect the soybeans.

I bought 50 acres of land and planted soybeans, and now they are all mature.

But to collect these soybeans, the Su family can't be too busy.

So it was Su Fengmao who went to find Mr. Su.

Just like when planting in the spring, Mr. Su hired the strong men in the village to harvest soybeans.

Because it is winter to work, the weather is cold.

It's not as cold as in autumn.

So people in the village were hired to work and each was given three cents a day.

As soon as Mr. Su said that, the villagers actively signed up.

Grandpa Su arranged for some people in the village to collect soybeans.

There are many people and great strength. Everyone works hard. In two days, the soybeans of 50 acres of land have been harvested.

Fortunately, Su Binglan's family built a very large house. There are several large houses in the family for storing grain, and there is a large granary to store these soybeans.

Otherwise so many soybeans,

Can't let go at all.

Another part is placed in the warehouse of the tofu workshop.

These soybeans are enough for the tofu shop for a long time.

When the spring comes, Su Binglan plans to plant soybeans again. In this way, there are enough soybeans for the tofu workshop to make tofu.

During this time, Suji Embroidery Workshop was also famous in the surrounding villages and towns.

There are also many people who come to work in the embroidery workshop.

Everyone also received wages and bonuses.

On the day of receiving wages and bonuses, everyone was happy, and they all ran home excitedly to share the good news with their families.

Many people work in the embroidery workshop to make money, which directly improves the conditions at home.

Embroidery workshop business is still very good.

Businessmen from other places have inquired about coming to the embroidery workshop to order.

The businessmen who came to order were not like talking to others. They were all polite when they faced Su Binglan.

Mainly it's how popular something like this is in their local area, they know best for themselves.

And as long as you can buy goods from here and sell them back, you can definitely make a lot of money.

This is a novelty and good thing, both the elderly, children and young people like it.

Walking on the street now, you can find many people carrying backpacks and handbags in their hands.

Even they are used to carrying backpacks when going out, which is really convenient.

"Miss Su, this time we want to order more goods, Miss Su, don't worry, I have brought the deposit."

The businessmen were really warm and sincere towards Su Binglan.

They were afraid that Su Binglan would say that there was no stock.

"Miss Su, I came first. Miss Su, we are all regular customers. I also want to order more this time."

"Miss Su, and me, I've been queuing here for a long time, Miss Su, don't forget we also order."


Su Binglan looked at everyone's sincere and anxious eyes, and thought that the embroidery workshop would need to expand its scale and recruit some more people to do these things.

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