Chapter 452

Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan helped Su Fengzhi in the skewer shop and worked diligently.

The two of them thanked the brother-in-law from the bottom of their hearts.

They knew that their brother-in-law could hire others, but they hired them to do the work just to help them.

Their land is not much, their harvest is not much, and their days are very tight.

Also don't know what to do.

It was only by relying on their sister and brother-in-law that they could follow her brother-in-law to help in the skewer shop.

Not only can I have enough to eat on weekdays, but I also get paid every month.

They are all content.

Back in the village, others envied them for having a good sister, and now they can live a good life.

In fact, my brother-in-law used to be good at cooking. When I was cooking outside, my life was good. My sister often came back to bring them something to eat.

But now the people in their village envy them for being close to the Su family.

It was rapeseed, and my sister brought them a few kilograms so they could plant all the land.

In those days, my brother-in-law even gave them a special holiday.

They were busy at this time, and suddenly they were puzzled when their brother-in-law said that the door was closed early today.

Su Fengzhi said: "Big brother, second brother, I see that the weather is not very good and it looks like it is snowing heavily. I will close the door early today and go back early to rest."

Su Fengzhi still remembered that when it snowed, they would have a lot of snow here.

Su Fengzhi remembered that in previous years, when the sky looked like this, with such a wind, it might snow heavily.

Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan were still a little stunned.

Both of them have relatively simple and honest personalities, "Is it going to snow?"

Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan are in Yangshan Village, not far from the town.

If it snows heavily, it's hard to go back.

There is a place to rest at the back of the store, but if it snows heavily, the family must be worried.

It's better to go back early, and the family can feel relieved when they see it.

The wind was blowing a bit louder.

Su Fengzhi looked at the door, and everyone on the street was rushing home.

"Seeing that the weather is not very good, it should be snowing heavily at night."

Liu Dashan also looked outside and said, "It snows late in previous years."

Liu Ershan said: "This year seems to be a bit later than last year."

There is also some charcoal in the store. These charcoal are used for kebabs, and there are more spares.

Su Fengzhi filled Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan with some charcoal and said, "If it snows heavily, the weather will be extremely cold. Bring this charcoal back and it will not be cold at night."

"This charcoal is precious, brother-in-law. We can't ask for your charcoal."

"It's my brother-in-law. You help us so much on weekdays, how can you get any more charcoal."

Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan are both sensible people who know what to do with each other. They all know how their brother-in-law and sister treat them well on weekdays.

Where can I get anything more.

The two refused, but Su Fengzhi insisted: "Big brother, second brother, don't be so polite to me."

"You also know that this charcoal is also burned at home by Wen Lin and Wen Chi. You don't care about yourself, but also the children at home."

"Children can't be frozen. Heat the kang and then burn charcoal. No matter how heavy snow falls at night, it won't be cold."

Su Fengzhi really wanted to help the two uncles.

Mainly for Liu's sake, they are all a family. If the eldest brother and the second brother are at home, Liu's family doesn't have to worry about it.

In fact, Su Fengzhi always felt that he couldn't feel sorry for the Liu family and the children when he was decadent in the past few years.

At that time, the family's work was also done by Liu's going to her parents' house to find her two brothers to help.

And it would be good if their Su brothers also help each other.

Now that the days are better, I don’t care about these things anymore, and I’m more generous.

After so many things, Su Fengzhi also understands that family love is very important.

You may not see anything on weekdays, but you can see it at critical moments.

If it weren't for their niece, their family wouldn't be what it is now, let alone helping others.

Su Fengzhi insisted, and Liu Dashan and Liu Ershan refused.

It was mainly because the two of them also thought of the grandchildren at home. Children really shouldn't be frozen.

In previous years, when the weather was freezing cold, it snowed heavily in the village, and it was very scary for children to have problems with cold and fever.

So the two of them took it.

But I thought in my heart that I must help my brother-in-law work and watch the store on weekdays.

Fortunately, in the early years, they all helped their sister and brother-in-law. They didn't think that when their sister married, they were someone else's family.

Now my brother-in-law is also thinking of their well-being and helping them.

This is the relationship between people.


Liu Yinyin's parents also closed the duck blood fan shop early and went home early.

So when it snows, most people go home from town.


The Su family had not slept, waiting for Su Wenxiu and Su Wenwu to return.

It wasn't until midnight when the two came back despite the wind and snow.

The snow was so heavy that a thick layer of snow fell on both of them.

"Oh, it's so cold, it's still warm at home."

As soon as Su Wenwu entered the room, he felt a surge of heat.


Busy will brush off the snow at the door, and then enter the house.

His clothes were all wet.

Su Wenxiu sighed at the collection, and put the medicine box away carefully.

Su Wenxiu treasures his medicine cabinet very much.

"The second brother and the third brother are back."

Seeing that they were back, the Su family was relieved.

It takes the heart to come true.

Su Wenwu said: "Come back, the snow outside is really heavy, and the carriages are not easy to walk. Fortunately, sister, the grunts you asked Uncle to do are non-slip, and the snow will not affect it."

"We went to Yangshan Village. Someone happened to be going to a relative's house today. They came back late. When the snow fell on the road, the ox cart was overturned by the bridge behind Liuteng Village, and the six people fell directly out. Fortunately, the children were fine. , Xue Da, it's okay for adults to fall, but one person's leg was crushed by an ox cart and broke."

When Su Fengmao listened to Su Wenwu's words, his expression became serious, "So serious?"

Su Wenwu went back to the back room to change his clothes, and after changing his clothes, he came out and said: "No, when we went, the family saw the second brother and saw the savior, and then the second brother connected the legs and fixed them directly. It's alright."

"The family is very grateful to the second brother."

A faint smile appeared on Su Wenxiu's face.

This is the meaning of his study of medicine, and he hopes to help more people.

Seeing their eyes change from decadence and despair to full of hope and confidence, he felt that studying medicine was meaningful.

He doesn't drink anymore.

Fortunately, he had made a sober medicine before, and after he drank it, he went out with his third brother.

"Father and mother, the third brother helped me a lot this time. If the third brother had not learned kung fu and had the strength, he would not have been able to fix the ox cart."

The two talked about the situation.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that they were false alarms.

"Oh, yes, they have a daughter in their family. Seeing that my second brother's medical skills are so good and can save people, he said that he also wanted to study medicine."

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