Li Erying thought that she didn't need to worry about her grandmother's body now, and she didn't need to think about anything else.

She can eat and sleep well every day.

She is very grateful to Miss Su, and she wants to learn from Miss Su.

Even if she can't reach the height of Miss Su, it's good to learn a little.

This is Li Erying's mind.

Mrs. Li was very relieved to hear Li Erying's words.

She continued: "But this is not good for your reputation. Studying with boys is always affected."

"Grandma, I'm not afraid, there are always people who don't care about these reputations."

"Grandma looked at Miss Su, and no one said she was bad. Everyone was grateful to Miss Su and said that Miss Su was good."

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Grandma is very pleased that you can think of this."

"Grandma will call the shots and let you study medicine. If you can study medicine with Miss Su, you don't need to work in the embroidery workshop."

"Now that life at home is fine, you can rest assured and study medicine."

Li Erying was very happy, "Grandma, did you want me to study medicine from the beginning?"

Mrs. Li nodded and said, "Yes, I have this plan after hearing the news, but I'm worried that you don't want to study, or you care about these reputations. Once people have concerns, even if they go to study, they will not learn well."

"But you are not afraid, you are brave, and grandma is very happy."

"Just watch it. Now some people care about these reputations. One day you learn it, and everyone will envy you."

Mrs. Li takes a long-term view of things.

Her ideas are not old-fashioned.

She feels that whatever is good for her grandchildren will do.

"Also, don't just look at the immediate interests in everything, but look at the future."

Mrs. Li said these words seriously.

Li Dazhuang, Li Erying and Li Sanzhu all nodded seriously.

Li Erying was happy and excited at this time.

She never thought that her grandmother would really let her study medicine.

You must know that if she does not go to work in the embroidery workshop, she will lose more than one or two silver a month.

It hurts to think about it.

Mrs. Li looked at Li Erying's expression and knew what she was thinking.

Mrs. Li opened her mouth and said, "If you really feel sorry for the money working in the embroidery workshop, then study hard, learn your skills, and let everyone see that your decision is the right one."

"When you learn your ability one day, and you look back, you will find that the decision you made was the right one. You have to move forward, don't look back, understand?"

Li Erying nodded seriously and said, "Well, grandma, I understand."


Dong Xiaolei's house

Dong Xiaolei is now working in the embroidery workshop with her mother Zhou Wenye.

Mother and daughter are dependent on each other, and now they can be together every day.

In the morning, mother and daughter eat together and go to work in the embroidery workshop together.

Now Zhou Wen'e is a group manager of the embroidery workshop.

Several of them who first worked in the embroidery workshop have become the stewards of each group.

That is, the team leader, responsible for managing the affairs of their large group.

Each of them has groups and groups.

Anyway, he is still a small leader.

Even Dong Xiaolei became Ding Wan's assistant.

At noon, the mother and daughter came back for dinner together, took a rest after eating, and went to work in the embroidery workshop in the afternoon.

After get off work in the evening, go home together.

In order to make it easier for their mother and daughter to be together, Ding Wan gave them the same classes.

Rest is also rest together.

The mother and daughter worked in the embroidery workshop, made money, and their life was getting better.

They also had more smiles on their faces.

However, after hearing that Su Binglan was going to accept a female apprentice to teach medicine, after Zhou Wen'e and Dong Xiaolei returned home, Zhou Wen'e asked Dong Xiaolei, "Xiao Lei, do you want to study medicine?"

"I heard that Miss Su wants to recruit girls between the ages of ten and thirteen to study medicine. You are exactly the right age, but you just want to study with boys."

"But mother doesn't think it's a big problem. Mother can support the family by herself now. You can study if you want."

Dong Xiaolei actually wanted to learn.

The moment she heard the news, she couldn't wait to sign up.

But after thinking about it, she still decided to work in the embroidery workshop.

She wants to be with her mother.

There are always trade-offs in many things.

She is with her mother every day, and she can take care of her mother.

And she enjoyed spending time with her mother.

Before her mother was in poor health, she was very afraid, and she wanted her mother to stay by her side.

Now that her mother is in good health, she can go to the embroidery workshop with her mother to make money.

She made money and could buy cloth for her mother to make clothes.

There are also duvets from Xiufang, which are said to be very warm.

She also wanted to buy it for her mother.

Dong Xiaolei lowered her head and said, "Mother, I don't want to study. I think it's good to work in the embroidery workshop. I can earn more than one or two silvers a month, and I have a good reputation."

Dong Xiaolei did this on purpose, and she didn't want her mother to worry.

Zhou Wen'e listened to Dong Xiaolei's words and nodded, "Well, if you want to be in the embroidery workshop, it's fine. If you don't learn it, you won't learn it. Simple is fine."

Dong Xiaolei didn't want her mother to think too much, so she changed the subject and said, "Mother, I heard that the duvet is very warm, it looks thin,

The cover is very warm. Now the embroidery workshop is still making down jackets. It must be very warm. I also want to buy one for my mother. "

Zhou Wen'e heard what Dong Xiaolei said, and focused on the duvet and down jacket, and said, "I heard the daughter-in-law of the fourth Su Fengchen family say that the duvet is very warm."

Dong Xiaolei said with a smile, "I accompanied Aunt Ding to do things that day, and when I saw Aunt Miao, she held Aunt Ding's hand and said how warm the duvet was, and said that they sweated when they covered it at night, it was winter. Ah, I'm still sweating when I cover it."

Dong Xiaolei felt a little weird.

However, Dong Xiaolei felt very warm when she touched the duvet in the embroidery workshop.

I just don't know what the effect of really covering one night is.

Speaking of duvets, Dong Xiaolei's eyes are bright.

Aunt Miao that Dong Xiaolei said was Miao Zhizhi.

The duvet that Su Binglan gave to Miao Zhizhi.

On the night of the bridal chamber, Miao Zhizhi and Sufeng City were built.

They slept until dawn, all sweaty and warm.

They didn't believe it, so they covered it for another day, and they were sure it was warm.

Excited, I asked Ding Wan and Su Binglan to talk about it.

Now the people in the village and the embroidery workshop also know that duvets and down jackets are good things, and they are very warm.

But the price is a bit expensive.

I heard that a duvet is worth dozens of dollars.

Many people are reluctant to buy it.

Even if they make money now, many people are reluctant to buy it.

But Dong Xiaolei thought that she and her mother had made money last month, so she planned to buy one.

Zhou Wen'e was used to it carefully, and on weekdays, she would like to split a penny into two halves.

Although I earn more now, my habit has not changed.

She was still reluctant to let her spend dozens of dollars to buy a quilt at once.

This money can be saved for the daughter to keep as a dowry.

You can also buy something delicious for your daughter.

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