Su Binglan also talked about the study time and some details of teaching, which also reassured Yang's parents and Yang's mother.

Since the Yang family really sent their daughter to study, she naturally has to say some details to reassure them.

"In the future, they will eat at our house at noon, and they will leave school early in the afternoon. Let them go home early, and there will be ox carts to pick them up. You don't have to worry."

Both Yang's father and Yang's mother are very grateful to Su Binglan.

Now no matter where you go to study, you have to pay.

How can there be free learning and meals.

No one teaches girls what they want to learn.

Not to mention medicine.

When a doctor accepts an apprentice, he has to pay the apprenticeship fee.

Some doctors do not necessarily teach all of them sincerely.

But they knew that Miss Su must have really taught.

And there are ox carts to pick them up every day, so they feel more at ease.

After Yang's father and Yang's mother left, Su Binglan took Yang Man in for dinner.

After a while, Li Erying and Li Su also came.

In the morning, seven girls came one after another.

Su Binglan accepted all of them, so the places for ten female students were full.

Su Binglan officially started the class.

Even Su Wenxiu's three apprentices came to class together.

Su Wenxiu took in seven more boys, and they also studied together.

When Su Binglan lectured on the blackboard, she first explained some nursing knowledge.

It also shows you some first aid methods.

At noon, everyone ate at Su Binglan's house.

Su Binglan knew that when they were growing up, the meals they cooked were very nutritious.

A total of twenty students, two meat and two main food is full.

Now that Su Binglan has money on hand, she can still manage the students' meals.

Many students come from very poor families, and they can't get enough to eat at home on weekdays.

But I didn't expect to study and still have enough to eat.

In their hearts, Su Binglan's image is so tall.

She guides them like a light.

Everyone has a full meal and is more motivated to study.

Everyone cherishes the opportunity to come and learn.

As long as Su Binglan explained it, everyone listened carefully.

If you don't understand something, Su Binglan patiently explained it again.

Even the boys listened carefully.

Su Binglan treats boys and girls the same, and explains patiently.

After explaining some theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, Su Binglan asked Su Wenxiu to take everyone to catch small animals to learn.

There is also the identification of medicinal materials, so Su Wenxiu took everyone to the backyard to identify medicinal materials while planting medicinal materials.

It's a quick learner.

Everyone found that it is very fast to know the medicinal materials and memorize the knowledge of medicinal materials in this way.


When someone thought about it again and sent the girl over, the quota was full and Su Binglan stopped accepting it.

At this time, these people were even more annoyed when they knew that Su Binglan was still in charge of meals at noon, and that there was a special ox cart to pick him up and down.

They should have sent their children to study earlier.

"Mother, I said we should have come earlier. How many people want to study medicine with Miss Su, but you won't let me."

Some girls are a little angry, they really want to study.

The woman said, "I'm not afraid of your bad reputation."

"Study together is not for doing anything else. Besides, if you say that you are Miss Su's student later, others will only envy you, how can you look at your reputation."

When the woman heard her daughter say this, she was a little surprised, "Oh, it's the mother's demon barrier, I didn't even think of this level."

"How good is that."

The woman was annoyed, and seeing her daughter's unhappy appearance, there was nothing she could do, because the quota was already full.


The girls were very happy when they returned home in the ox cart at night, and then shared with their families what they had learned during the day.

"Well, the teacher made us delicious food for us at noon, but it was delicious, as well as chicken legs. I ate two bowls of rice."

At this time, this girl still has a lot of aftertaste when she talks about eating.

The girl's parents couldn't help but ask curiously, "What did you eat for lunch?"

"I ate chicken drumsticks, pork ribs rice, and tofu and shredded potatoes. It was delicious."

"Eating so well, for free?"

The girl explained excitedly: "Yes, the teacher said to take care of the lunch, let us eat well, and have the energy to study. The teacher also planted a lot of medicinal herbs in the backyard, and we all planted and identified the medicinal herbs together."

"Those medicinal materials are the medicinal materials that the teachers gave to everyone during their consultations."

The girl's parents said happily: "Daughter, you have to study hard with Miss Su, and you will have great prospects in the future."


The girls went home to share the news with their parents, and their parents were very happy.

Thankfully, they were sent away in the first place.

I heard that it was delivered late, and there are no places.

At first, who would have thought that it would be so good to take care of meals at noon while studying medicine, and to pick up and drop off with an ox cart.


For more than ten consecutive days, Su Binglan has been busy teaching everyone to learn.

These girls are thirsty for knowledge and study hard


Su Binglan was very pleased to see everyone's enthusiasm for studying.

She teaches half-day classes every day, and Su Wenxiu teaches the other half-day classes.

Everyone earnestly learns practical knowledge, and will also simply bandage and deal with wounds.


The rest of the time, Su Binglan was busy with business.

The winery has also officially opened and is on track.

Anyone who enters the winery to work, everyone works seriously.

But the real winemaking method is in the hands of Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian.

They don't spread the word, and the hired person is only responsible for one of the processes, so it doesn't affect anything.

The pottery workshop has also been expanded. Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong have also made ceramic bottles with patterns, which look very beautiful.

With such exquisite bottles, the price of wine is several times that of ordinary wine.

This kind of wine also has a few more processes than ordinary wine, and the price is expensive, and it is sold to some wealthy people in other places.

As soon as the winery opened, business was very good.

Many people are anxious to order from them.

Who doesn't know that as long as they do business with the Su family, they will definitely make money.

Just look at the previous tofu and Xiufang products.

Those are things that are not seen on the market, and it is amazing to take them out.

Don't the ladies of the rich family like such novel things, they are beautiful and practical, so they buy more.

The products they ordered from Su's family can make a lot of money when they go back.

Moreover, they drank all the wines from the winery, and they were very delicious. The wines were all high-quality wines, and they were very valuable when they were sold.

In fact, they also wanted to buy some fruit wine. Those fruit wines were wines that no one else had ever drunk, but the fruit wines were limited, so they couldn't buy them even with money.

Everyone just hopes that when the winery can make more fruit wine.

And the exquisite bottles and jars made by the pottery workshop are so beautiful that many people also want to buy them.

So the bottle jar is also marked with a price.

In addition to the goods supplied to the winery, other goods can be taken out.

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