There are not enough people in the pottery workshop. Su Binglan originally wanted to recruit a few more people, but the pottery workshop also pays attention to the technical level.

She was worried that recruiting so many people at once would be easy to mess up.

So we recruited more than ten people first, and after making these more than ten people familiar, we recruited people.

In this way, Tao Zhenggang and Tao Dayong can also adapt to this process.

They also teach their apprentices skills, such as how to make good jars and bottles with their hands.

All these have to be learned.

But the key to the real firing of pottery and porcelain will not be passed on to the outside world.

This is what Su Binglan meant.

The real technology of the pottery workshop cannot be leaked.

During this time, the days are getting colder and colder.

Embroidery workshop's down jackets are also made.

After someone bought a duvet, they realized that this thing is really warm, so as soon as the down jacket came out, many people bought it.

Down jackets are not cheap.

Many people buy down jackets not for themselves, but for the elderly at home.

People are old and can't resist freezing, so wearing down jackets will keep them warm.

This is also an expression of filial piety.

But people who bought down jackets are also reluctant to wear them.

That is to say, wear it when you go to a market or go to town, but you are reluctant to wear it at home on weekdays.

On weekdays, everyone will also discuss duvets and down jackets.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so warm."

"It's not like going out in a down jacket, no matter how cold the weather is, you won't feel cold, just wrap your legs and keep your whole body warm."

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive. Fortunately, my daughter works in the tofu factory and makes a lot of money. I can still afford a down jacket."

"Our family didn't buy down jackets, but the duvets they bought were warm when they were covered, and they didn't feel cold in winter."

"This is really a good thing, that is, Miss Su can get it out."

"There is also wine from the winery. After drinking it, I like the wine from the winery. I don't drink any other wine."

"The taste is really fragrant and strong, and the price is cheap, no other wine can compare."

Everyone thinks that after drinking the wine of Su Ji Distillery, the taste has been cultivated, and they don't want to drink ordinary wine.

"Miss Su has done a lot of good things. If she hadn't created so many things to allow everyone to work in these places, everyone's life is still the same as before, and it's not like now that there are so many wages and bonuses, and they are willing to buy things. ."

"No, I can still eat some meat occasionally. Before, let alone meat, I was reluctant to put oil."

Every time we talk about this, we can't help but sigh.

They are all reminiscing.

So cherish life more.

Of course, some people didn't work in the Su family. After listening to this, they were all trying to become good, diligent, and filial. They thought that if the Su family built another workshop or factory to employ people, they might be recruited to work.

Because there were a few people who were not recruited by the embroidery workshop before, they worked hard to show that they were filial to their parents and treated their younger brothers and sisters well, and they worked diligently and conscientiously.

So when the embroidery workshop expanded its enrollment, they were recruited again.

So everyone knows that as long as you work hard to get better, you can still work in places like the Su family and make money.

So for a while, a good atmosphere was formed around Tenghe Town.


Mrs. Li's family also ushered in a happy event.

That is Li Dazhuang and Jiang Xiaocheng getting married.

Mrs. Li also handled the marriage of the two very solemnly.

She specially ordered a set of wedding embroidery in the embroidery workshop for Li Dazhuang and Jiang Xiaocheng, and also ordered a wedding cake.

He also invited people to make a table, and cooked a good meal to entertain the guests.

Since Miao Zhizhi and Su Fengchen got married, everyone started to order wedding cakes and wedding supplies after they held weddings.

Su Binglan made these wedding cakes and asked Su Wenwu to bring them over.

As Li Dazhuang's brother, Su Wenwu naturally followed the ceremony.

And Li Erying is also Su Binglan's student, Su Binglan also prepared some things and attended the wedding in person.

Su Binglan participated in person, which can be said to have given enough face.

Mrs. Li was very happy.

She knew that if Su Binglan could participate, it was Li Erying who watched.

Many people who came to watch the ceremony were shocked when they saw Miss Su coming to participate.

After careful consideration, everyone understood that it was because Li Erying was Su Binglan's female apprentice, so Su Binglan came to participate.

Many people are annoyed in their hearts. If they knew earlier, they would also send their daughters to study.

Don't worry about fame or not, there are many benefits.

On this day, Mrs. Li and Li Dazhuang and Li Erying were very happy.

Jiang Xiaocheng's mother was also very happy.

They will be family from now on.

Mrs. Li also specially packed two rooms for Jiang's residence.

Seeing that Li Dazhuang and Jiang Xiaocheng got married, Mrs. Li's heart also fell into place.

She was finally relieved.

Today's Li Dazhuang can be regarded as a family and a business.

If the two have children again, she can have a grandson.

She can also help value her grandchildren.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li was very happy.

She looked at Li Erying next to Su Binglan again, feeling that since Li Erying and Su Binglan studied medicine

, the temperament of the whole person is also different.

There is a bookish air on his body, and he has grown taller and his skin has turned white.

I feel that Li Yiying is much prettier than before.

Mrs. Li had to sigh in her heart, the water of the Su family supports people.

Then Su Binglan took care of the lunch at noon.

During this time, Li Erying and the others ate at Su Binglan's house, and they ate well, and then they drank the water from Su's house, which was all spiritual spring water, and their physical fitness would naturally improve.

And the skin is better, and the appearance has grown.

Mrs. Li felt that the best thing she did was to let Li Erying and Su Binglan study medicine.

Look at those who were worried about this and that before, but now they all look at Li Erying with envy.

Fortunately, she made a decision for Li Erying early.

This was just the beginning, she felt that her granddaughter would have better luck with Su Binglan.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li smiled all over her face.

Li Erying never thought that her teacher Su Binglan would come to attend her elder brother's marriage ceremony.

She was really happy inside.

She looked at Su Binglan with admiration all over her face.

She has to work hard in the direction of the teacher.

Today, Su Binglan also specially made a nice hairstyle for Li Erying.

It looks playful and beautiful.

Therefore, the guests who came to the ceremony couldn't help but look at Li Erying.

Especially the little girls, looking at Li Erying's beautiful appearance, they all felt a little emotional.

"Sister Erying, it didn't take long for you to become so beautiful."

Someone came up to chat with Li Erying.

"How can it be so obvious, you praised it."

Li Erying actually didn't pay attention to this.

However, her grandmother, eldest brother and younger brother all said that her skin became whiter and more beautiful.

You must know that she used to help the family all the year round. She was exposed to the wind and the sun, and her skin was rough and dark.

She really has nothing to do with beauty.

But now everyone says she's beautiful.

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