Since the two were officially engaged, Du Xiaoshuan has helped with Li Mei's family affairs whenever he is free.

Du Xiaoshuan did almost everything like chopping firewood and fetching water.

He also helps take care of her younger siblings on weekdays.

At first, Li Mei had a good impression of Du Xiaoshuan, but because Du Xiaoshuan treated her family and her sincerely, she became more and more moved.

His feelings for Du Xiaoshuan deepened.

No one has treated her like this since her parents left.

Li Mei stepped forward and said, "Little Shuan!"

Hearing Li Mei's voice and seeing Li Mei's figure, Du Xiaoshuan's eyes lit up, "Xiaomei."

Du Xiaoshuan really liked Li Mei, so when he saw Li Mei, he was very happy, and there was light in his eyes.

He put down the pole and said with a smile, "Are you tired today? I brought food for you and your younger siblings and put them on the stove."

Having said that, Du Xiaoshuan did not idle, and poured the water in the bucket into the water tank.

Two big buckets of water went down, and the water in the tank was almost full.

Du Xiaoshuan was also going to pick up a load of water.

Li Mei pulled him and said, "This water is enough for several days, you rest, I will pour you some water to drink."

Li Mei poured hot water and soaked Du Xiaoshuan in sugar water to drink.

This is a good thing at home. On weekdays, they are reluctant to drink bubble sugar.

But Li Mei was willing to give Du Xiaoshuan a drink.

Du Xiaoshuan was indeed thirsty.

He took the bowl that Li Mei handed over and started drinking water.

When I drink it, I feel that the water is sweet, as sweet as honey.

Du Xiaosuan was stunned, "So sweet, Xiaomei, did you get the sugar water?"

"Well, is it delicious?"

Du Xiaosuan nodded, "It's delicious, but... you are reluctant to drink it on weekdays."

"No, you can drink as much as you want. You've worked so hard, so drink more." To the peasants, this is a good thing.

Water is sweet when you put sugar in it.

Du Xiaoshuan took a few sips and was reluctant to drink it, and said to Li Mei, "I'm not thirsty anymore, so drink it too."

Du Xiaoshuan looked straight at Li Mei, and Li Mei was very embarrassed.

His face turned red.

Du Xiaosuan's mind was blank, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He remembered, "Xiaomei, I went to Da Zhuang's wedding at noon today. I think they are really good. I think we have to live a good life in the future."

"My mother said that she will hold a ceremony for us in the spring, what do you think?"

Li Mei knew this. The neighbor's grandma Li told her about it before, and she had no opinion.

After getting married, the date of marriage is also fixed.

But Du Xiaoshuan still wanted to ask Li Mei.

Still want to talk to Li Mei.

I just feel like talking to someone I like, and talking about a lot of things over and over again without getting tired.

Li Mei blushed even more, "I... I have no opinion."

"My mother said that we can live in your house or mine in the future, we can do whatever we want."

Hearing this, Li Mei was really moved.

She felt that Du Xiaosuan's mother was really good.

Everything is considered for her.

In fact, the atmosphere in the village is now better than before, and everyone's minds are more enlightened than before.

Not as stubborn and conservative as before.

Everyone thinks that living a good life is more important than those old-fashioned ideas.

After Li Dazhuang and Jiang Xiaocheng got married, people in the surrounding villages would also chat on weekdays.

Everyone suddenly felt that this way of doing things was good.

The two children are doing well, and the family members of the two families are doing well as well.

There's not that much to compare.

Look at people.

In fact, even after Li Dazhuang, Li Erying and Li Sanzhu lived with the Jiang family, they felt maternal love from the Jiang family.

Jiang Xiaocheng was by her mother's side, and she felt at ease, and lived a good life with Li Dazhuang.

The two of them are also very filial to Grandma Li on weekdays.

Jiang Shi also helped Grandma Li with her work on weekdays.

Really like a family.

Home is warmer than ever.

Mrs. Li went out with a smile on her face.

Others asked her about the news of her home, and Mrs. Li also said.

Everyone was also happy for Mrs. Li.

The old people in the village couldn't help but say to Mrs. Li, "Sister Li, you have a granddaughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law. You've earned it."

Mrs. Li laughed, "No, Jiang's is really good, and he is rushing to cook on weekdays and doesn't let me do it."

"The children can eat hot meals directly when they come back, and the grandson-in-law, Xiaocheng, is really good-natured. I have discussions with Da Zhuang, and the two are very good."

Those who used to gossip now don't gossip anymore.

Mrs. Li is living a good life, and the children at home are all well, so what else can we say gossip about.

Can only be emotional.

Thinking about what it was like at Mrs. Li's house, Mrs. Li wanted to marry Li Dazhuang, and many people despised the conditions of their home.

He also disliked that Li Dazhuang had no parents, that he was raised by his grandmother, and had younger siblings to take care of.

So Li Dazhuang is nineteen years old. Generally speaking, when he is fifteen years old, he gets married when he is sixteen.

But Li Dazhuang did not become a child until he was nineteen.


But Li Dazhuang got married late, but he found a good daughter-in-law.

Days are better now than before.

Li Dazhuang is also Su Wenwu's brother, and his right-hand man can make a lot of money every month.

Furthermore, his daughter-in-law Jiang Xiaocheng is also a skilled person.

If the two of you live together, the day will be even better.

So everyone sighed and felt that they could never underestimate people.

Because no one knows what the future will be like.

You can find out by looking at Mrs. Li's house.

In the past, Mrs. Li looked like she was about to go into the ground, but now she is so tough and walks so neatly that she couldn't tell from the back that she was an old man at all.

Not to mention other people's feelings, even Mrs. Li was also very emotional.

What kind of life were they at home in the past? They couldn't live.

She was afraid that she would suddenly go away and what would happen to her grandchildren.

Don't worry now, their family will be better off.

So Mrs. Li smiled every day.

Jiang Shi is also, every day he sees that his daughter and son-in-law are doing well, that he is in a good mood, and that he is motivated to do things.

She also opens a shop in the town on weekdays, eats in the town at noon, and comes back for dinner at night.

Of course, she is not as busy in the store as she used to be.

She also takes a break every few days and hangs a rest sign at the door of the store.

Then go home to help Mrs. Li clean up the house and cook for the family.

Yes, now Jiang Shi feels at home.

This is all with my daughter.


A few days later, another snow fell on this side of Tenghe Town.

Hot pot restaurants are still very popular.

When Su Binglan slept at night, she dreamed of that day's scene again.

I dreamed of Luo Jinan.

The arrow on the city wall that day shot directly at Luo Jinan.

That is a very strong archer, with a strong arm, and the bow and arrow are also specially made bows and arrows, which are powerful.

There was a cracking sound when it shot out.

Then it shot straight into Luo Jin'an's back.

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