The young man and woman were especially happy to see their daughter smiling at them.

Seeing her parents smiling so happily in this life, Lan Ruobing couldn't help but smile at them.

When the last life was in modern times, Lan Ruobing did not enjoy family affection.

So in this life, she came with the memories of the previous life, she felt that her parents liked her, and she liked them very much.

She wanted to smile at them.

They liked her to laugh, and she just wanted to laugh at them more.

The woman hugged Lan Ruobing and smiled brightly.

"Good daughter, mother's daughter is also very cute and beautiful when she smiles."

The woman was so happy that she couldn't help kissing her daughter's cheek.

The man also wanted to kiss his daughter's cheek, and felt that her daughter's cheek was soft and cute.

The woman said to the man: "You have to be careful, you haven't shaved your beard yet, don't shave your daughter's beard."

The man looked at the woman with resentful eyes and said, "Madam, your attitude towards me has changed when you have a daughter."

The woman smiled and said, "Our daughter is the first."

This cannot be refuted.

"Yes, yes, first."

When the man looked at his daughter, his face was full of fatherly love.

He held his daughter's little hand and said, "Ruobing, Dad is going to fight. When Dad comes back, I will bring you some good things."

"You have to obey your mother."

Even if he knew that his daughter could not understand now, the man wanted to talk to his daughter more.

Lan Ruobing nodded at the man.

This is her father. She feels that her father and mother have a very good relationship, and she can feel a sense of warmth.

So she likes her family in this life.

Lan Ruobing tried her best to respond to them.

And going to war is very dangerous, Lan Ruobing is worried about the safety of the man.

Seeing her daughter nodding, the man's eyes widened in shock, he thought he was wrong.

"Awan, look, my daughter nodded, she nodded to me."

The man was too excited at this time.

Even the woman was a little surprised.

My daughter can really understand them.

It's also amazing.

The woman also saw her daughter nodded.

The woman looked at her daughter tenderly and said, "Daughter, you can understand what your parents say, right?"

Lan Ruobing can really understand, she is thinking, should she nod her head.

At this time, she frowned and thought, which made both women and men laugh.

The two also understood that their daughter was born smart.

Should be able to understand them.

It really got them excited.

The man whispered to the woman: "Awan, do you think she is related to your Ice Clan, so she was so smart when she was born."

"Is she the chosen daughter?"

When the man said these words, his expression was a little serious, with a worried look on his face.

In fact, he just wanted to make his daughter live a happy life.

The woman listened to this, the smile on her face also restrained, and the look in her eyes was also worried.

After a while, she said solemnly: "Even if she is the chosen daughter, we must protect her and don't let anyone know about this. I just want our daughter to grow up happily."

"We take good care of her, she just needs to be carefree and happy."

Yes, a woman just wants her daughter to be happy.

She must protect her daughter.

The man also said firmly: "Well, we will definitely protect our daughter."

"By the way, and Ruozhu, he is the elder brother, and he should also protect his younger sister."

The baby boy lying on the crib next to him was still sounding asleep.

He didn't even know what his parents were talking about.

If bamboo?

her brother?

Lan Ruobing wondered if there was another brother?

Then she followed the line of sight of her parents and saw another baby in the crib next to her.

Is that her brother?

She likes her relatives in this life, and she will protect them.

Although he has memories of two lives, Lan Ruobing is now a baby, so his body is still lethargic.

After a while, she got tired and wanted to sleep.

Then he fell asleep in the woman's arms.

She felt safe when she was asleep.

Does she think this is what motherhood feels like?

It's really comfortable in my mother's arms, it's a very warm feeling.

The woman Bing Suwan looked at her daughter with a motherly love on her face.

She was reluctant to let go of her daughter.


In this way, Lan Ruobing began to live in Ding Wangfu in this life.

She lived in Prince Ding's mansion for a while, listening to her mother's talk from time to time, listening to the chatting of the maids, she knew what her status was now.

She is the Princess Lan of Prince Ding's mansion, and she has a twin brother named Lan Ruozhu.

Her father is Wang Lan Xiyao of the opposite sex, and her mother is Bing Suwan.

That day, she remembered what her parents said about the Ice Clan.

She thought that her mother might be from the Ice Clan.

As for what the Ice Race is, Lan Ruobing doesn't know.

No one mentioned it either.

She wants to know a lot when she grows up.


There is a king of the opposite sex in Prince Ding's mansion. The ancestors of Prince Ding's mansion fought together with the founding emperor of Chu.

Therefore, the status of King Ding is very high.

King Ding holds part of the military power.

In order to defend the home and the country, he often went to the battlefield.

So after she saw her father that day, she never saw her father again.

She knew her father was going to war.

Go to guard the border.

Because there are several countries in the mainland now, there will be wars from time to time.

However, the generals of the state of Chu were so powerful that the enemy could not invade the territory of the state of Chu.

All she knew was her father, the Wei family army, and a general Baili, all of whom were quite powerful.

The reason why she knew this was because the maids who served her were bored on weekdays and had time to discuss them.

She also knew that their Ding Palace had a high prestige in the hearts of the common people.

After knowing this, Lan Ruobing was also worried.

Because since ancient times, emperors have tabooed that the ministers under him have high merits.

But the Ding Palace had fought with the founding emperor a long time ago, and the military power possessed by the Ding Palace was promised by the emperor at the beginning.

So it can't be changed.

Lan Ruobing hopes that she will grow up soon, so that she will protect her relatives.

She felt a lot of warmth in this life.

She likes her mother very much, so she has to grow up quickly and protect them.

Guard the Ding Palace.

Being a baby was boring.

Mainly because I can't move on my own.

Every day, my mother would come to hold her, watch her and talk to her.

Her mother knew that she was very smart and seemed to understand, so she always told her a lot.

She also listens carefully, but the baby is very weak and needs constant rest.

So she sleeps a lot.

She was lying in a crib with her twin brother.

Her brother is a very quiet boy.

Don't cry, don't make trouble.

Sometimes when I wake up and look at her, I will smile.

Lan Ruobing felt that her brother was really good-looking, even prettier than the dolls in the New Year's paintings.

So when she's bored, she also finds it pleasing to look at her brother.

She also smiled at him.

Then touch him with your little hand.

When she touches him, he giggles and seems quite happy.

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