When Su Binglan faced her elder brother Lan Ruozhu, her whole body changed.

She seemed to suddenly become Lan Ruobing, as if she had returned to her youth.

At that time, she and her brother were both in good health, and the two of them were carefree.

When I was young, my father often guarded the border, sometimes my mother would go to see my father, and sometimes she had other things to do.

So when she was in Dingwang's mansion, she spent more time with her brother.

When I was a child, I thought the sun was shining brightly.

Later, she knew the situation of Prince Ding's mansion and that the emperor wanted to kill her brother.

Knowing that many people wanted to attack the Ding Palace, she had to start planning and protecting the people she cared about.

Later, she died. Three years later, as Su Binglan, her soul was completely integrated, and her memory slowly recovered.

She remembers many things.

When she was Lan Ruobing, after her parents left, she lived with her brother.

This feeling cannot be described in words.

Lan Ruozhu listened, tears also fell, he grabbed Su Binglan's hand hard, and said hoarsely, "Sister."

Really his sister.

He remembered that his younger sister Lan Ruobing had spoken to him before she left.

Said maybe one day she would still be alive.

She said she would be back.

She said that she may have changed her appearance at that time, but the memory will not be forgotten.

She once said that the Blue Mountain Academy was an opportunity.

He was immersed in sadness at that time, and only felt that his sister was comforting him.

At this time, he suddenly remembered these words, and realized that his sister should have predicted everything.

Many times she can know something in advance.

Although he didn't know why his sister had this ability, he understood at this moment that what her sister said was true.

She's alive, she's back, she's back.

Lan Ruozhu was too excited to speak.

His mood fluctuated violently.

At this moment, Lan Ruozhu felt her heart come alive.

He felt that he had a meaning in life.

Because he is not alone in this world, he still has relatives, he also has a sister.

Su Binglan also tried her best to control her emotions and not let herself cry.

When she cried when she was a child, her brother became anxious.

So she can't cry, can't let her brother worry.

Su Binglan nodded seriously and said, "Well, brother, it's me."

At this time, Lan Ying knew that Su Binglan was the county owner, and she was also very excited.

Because they had seen some special abilities of the county lord, and heard some amazing words from the county lord, they just believed that she was the county lord at this moment.

Moreover, the things Su Binglan said were secrets between siblings, and even Shadow Guard didn't know it.

And Lan Ruozhu himself has telepathy.

He could feel that this was his sister.

Both siblings were very excited.

Lan Ruozhu finally calmed down a little bit. Seeing Su Binglan wearing plain clothes, she felt distressed, "How did you become like this?"

"Have you suffered, has anyone bullied you?"

Lan Ruozhu had a lot to ask Su Binglan.

"Sister, are you the Su Binglan that everyone is passing on now?"

Su Binglan nodded and smiled softly: "Brother, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine now, and I have parents and relatives who love me."

"I'm not wronged, and I only recently regained my memory, otherwise I would have gone to my brother long ago."

Lan Ruozhu doesn't care about himself, he only cares about his sister.

As long as her sister is doing well, Lan Ruozhu feels relieved.

"It's fine if you don't feel wronged. You are fine, and my brother can rest assured."

He is just such a younger sister, and Lan Ruozhu wants to give all the good things to her younger sister.

As a child, he thought that he was a man and he wanted to protect his sister.

But then again and again, it was his sister who protected him.

When he was an older brother, he did nothing for his younger sister.

Lan Ruozhu even thought that if it wasn't for saving him, her sister wouldn't die.

No one knows his inner self-blame and guilt.

He is the only one who thinks about this every day and suffers.

Seeing that his sister is very healthy now, he is relieved

Su Binglan looked at Lan Ruozhu and said, "But my brother didn't take good care of himself."

They are brothers and sisters, and they have heartfelt feelings.

So Su Binglan knew that Lan Ruozhu didn't take good care of himself.

Lan Ruozhu wanted to say something, but couldn't explain it.

He paused and said, "In the future, I will listen to my sister and take care of myself."

"Sister, is your health okay now?" Lan Ruozhu was most worried about Su Binglan's health.

Back then, his younger sister Lan Ruobing was weak and wise, but she couldn't do many things.

He looked anxious.

Su Binglan smiled lightly and said, "I'm in good health now, and I'm very healthy, and I'm good at medicine, so I can cure my brother."

"Brother, do you remember what my mother said before, saying that my soul was incomplete at that time, in fact, this body and soul were not complete. Later, when I died as Lan Ruobing, I came back to life as Su Binglan with a complete soul. Memories are gradually coming back.”

Su Binglan briefly explained.

Lan Ruozhu understood.

"No matter who you are now, I only know that you are my sister."

Su Binglan also smiled softly, "Brother, I will cure you and protect you, and I will not let anyone bully you in the future."

Lan Ruozhu touched Su Binglan's hair, "Fool, I'm brother, I should protect you, brother won't let you have any trouble."

When he said these words, Lan Ruozhu had a fierce look on his face.

Su Binglan also said solemnly: "Brother, we can't call it that to the outside world, and we can't let people know where your weaknesses are."

Su Binglan also regarded Lan Ruozhu's safety as extremely important.

Lan Ruozhu said: "No, you are my sister or my sister. In this way, I have recognized a righteous sister, and you are still the county master."

Lan Ruozhu is also stubborn in this regard.

Su Binglan said, "But this..."

Before Su Binglan could finish speaking, Lan Ruozhu said, "No, but if I didn't have my sister, I would only live for revenge. You are the county owner and your status is honorable. My brother wants to protect you and doesn't want you to be wronged."

"And with this level of identity, you can do a lot of things, and it's easier to let go and do some things."

Hearing these words, Su Binglan fell silent, her brother was indeed right.

If she is still the county owner, it is more convenient for her to do some things.

She also wanted to make the entire Dingzhou rich.

Because this is my brother's territory.

She wants to make Dingzhou a place of granary, and she wants to make Dingzhou an iron wall.

In this way, even if the war starts, Dingzhou is still a stable place, and it can be attacked and defended.

Today's Dingzhou is still a barren land, and the output of food and weapons is low.

It was precisely because of this that the emperor let Lan Ruozhu come to Dingzhou.

Because in the eyes of the emperor, King Ding guarded a remote and desolate place like Dingzhou and couldn't do much.

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