Lan Ruozhu listened carefully to her sister's speech.

As long as his sister said, he would listen carefully.

I understand and feel sorry for my sister.

My sister is still as smart as before, or rather knows more than before.

She now has a healthy body and can do more.

Lan Ruozhu turned to look at Su Binglan, and found that she had a smile on her face when she talked about some things about Tofufang.

She is so happy.

For Lan Ruozhu, it's good that my sister is happy.

It was also the first time Lan Ruozhu saw such a tofu shop.

It turns out that this is how things are made in the market.

It turns out that tofu is made in this way.

There was a curious look in his eyes.

Su Binglan saw Lan Ruozhu's expression and knew that her brother liked to know about this.

"I'll take you to my uncle's Luweifang in a while."

Hearing the lo mei, Lan Ruozhu's expression changed, "Is that the lo mei you ate last night?"

Su Binglan nodded and explained with a smile: "Yes, it's the lo-mei that my brother ate last night. It was made by my uncle and aunt."

"I'll take a look at it later, my brother likes it, I'll buy some more."

Lan Ruozhu smiled shyly, "It's delicious."

He really likes to eat, but how dare he ask his sister what he wants to eat when he is a brother.

"I'll buy it."

Seeing her brother like this, Su Binglan burst out laughing.

She thinks such a brother is very cute.

"Brother and sister don't need to be so polite, I'll just buy it."

In fact, Su Binglan taught Su Fengchen and Miao Zhizhi the method of lo-mei.

The two made these lo-mei according to Su Binglan's method, but they didn't expect the business to be so hot.

Everyone's demand for lo mei is more than that of braised chicken and roast duck.

The main reason is that the price of luwei is reasonable, and everyone can try it after buying a little.

If you want to buy braised chicken and roast duck, you have to buy the whole one at once. In everyone's opinion, it is more expensive than the luwei.

And the taste of the luwei is very good, you can buy a little and try it out and you can eat it.

So many people buy it.

From time to time, everyone will come to buy a little and go back to improve the food and fight teeth.

The feelings between their brother and sister are not expressed in words.

It was the feeling that once depended on each other.

When Su Binglan came to the door of her grandparents' house, she saw a lo-mei shop at the door.

It is modeled after the current store, and it is much more convenient to open a store in front of your home.

There are long queues at the entrance of the store, and everyone is waiting to buy lo-mei.

Su Fengchen went back to the house to get the new lo mei, while Miao Zhizhi stood there to collect money for everyone to fill the lo mei.

"Give me two pounds of Juewei duck neck, not spicy."

"Another pound of pork head meat."

"I want six duck heads, why are there not many duck heads, don't let the people in front buy them."

"I want to eat that peanut side dish, it's cheap, and I can have a drink when I go back."

"There are some people in front of us, I don't know if we can buy it."

"Should be able to buy it. When you go to the market, there will be more lo-mei."

"I didn't get it last episode, I'm going to buy some more this time."

"I also bought it from the last episode. The pork head meat is gone. The pork head meat tastes much better than the one we made by ourselves.


In fact, Su Fengchen followed Su Binglan to know what hunger marketing is, but he is really not hunger marketing, he really doesn't have enough lo mein to sell.

Even if you make a lot of lo-mei, there are many people who buy it, and the supply is in short supply.

Su Fengchen felt that the popularity of Luwei exceeded his imagination.

But it's true, it tastes delicious and makes people want to eat it again.

Especially when you say this at home, nibbling on the duck's head and duck's neck, it feels quite tasty.

At the beginning, I made the lo-mei according to the method that Lan Lan said. He, his parents, and Miao Zhizhi also thought it was delicious, and couldn't help eating them for several days.

Later, I thought about restraining myself, no matter how delicious it is, I can't eat it every day.

Miao Zhizhi had a bright smile on her face, "Don't worry, everyone, there will be lo-mei in a while, they are all freshly made and still warm, so it's just right for everyone to bring them back for lunch."

"Our lo-mei is made fresh every day."

Miao Zhizhi explained, and everyone in the queue laughed.

"Don't worry now, we can buy it when we line up."

"We believe that the lo-mei is fresh. If the little guy comes late, we won't be able to buy it. If there is no more, you have to make it now."

"But how did you make your lo-mei, it tastes so delicious."

Miao Zhizhi said proudly: "Our niece Lan Lan taught us all the exclusive secret recipes."

Everyone suddenly said: "Ao, Miss Su, Miss Su is really capable. The food she has researched must be delicious."

"Yes, we went to town to eat that skewer before. The shop opened by your third brother said that it was the method taught by Lan Lan, especially the seasonings, which are all exclusive recipes."

Miao Zhizhi was busy packing the lo-mei packaging for everyone, and said, "Of course our Lanlan is fine. She is very smart. Even if others imitate the taste of the food she studies, it cannot be imitated."

When everyone heard it, Ying He said: "It is true, there is a fried skewer shop in the town, and the fried skewers are also good, but it lacks a little taste, and the seasoning is different from the skewer shop."

Miao Zhizhi was busy, and when she saw that the small box next to the money was full again, she was happier and moved more quickly.

When Miao Zhizhi saw Su Binglan, there was a look of surprise in her eyes, "Is Lanlan free to come over today?"

"After a while, your uncle will bring out a new luwei, and I will pack some for you and take it home to eat."

Although Miao Zhizhi was not a few years older than Su Binglan, as an elder, she also cherished Su Binglan very much.

I don't know why, but seeing Su Binglan makes me feel good.

Miao Zhizhi felt that it was because Su Binglan was popular.

It was theirs, so she was proud.

Su Binglan shook her head and said, "Auntie, you can't give me anything anymore, I want to buy something."

Miao Zhizhi insisted: "Don't buy it, you own all the shares, and it is your business. If you hadn't told me and your uncle how to make lo mei, we wouldn't be able to make such a popular lo mei. "

Su Binglan said: "Uncle and aunt are smart. I didn't do anything. I bought it when I said it. Next time you give it to me, I will be embarrassed to come and eat luwei."

Su Binglan was very persistent.

She felt that it was a bit troublesome to deduct the dividends from the shareholding, and the uncle and aunt might not be included in the calculation, and it might even be given to her directly.

So on weekdays, she spends money to buy it, so it's easy to settle accounts.

One yard to one yard, so everyone feels at ease.

At Su Binglan's insistence, Miao Zhizhi could only take the money and weigh it.

Only then did Miao Zhizhi see the young man behind Su Binglan, "Huh? Who is this?"

Although the boy's breath is restrained, Miao Zhizhi still feels that there is a noble temperament in the boy.

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