Li Wei said: "Mrs. Du is also very good, and she will send over the delicious food."

Because Li Mei and Du Xiaoshuan are both engaged, the communication between the two families is normal.

Du Xiaoshuan's mother regarded Li Mei as her own daughter.

At the beginning, their Li family was not like it is now. At that time, Du Xiaoshuan was kind to her sister.

So Li Wei felt that this was the real thing.

Nowadays, many people are polite to them because they think their sisters are capable.

They want to see who is most sincere to the eldest sister.

And Du Xiaoju is also a good person, and treats Li Mei as her own sister.

Li Wei and Li Su also watched.

They also treat their younger brothers as their own brothers.

And Li Wei can feel that since the eldest sister and Du eldest brother got engaged, the smiles on the eldest sister's face have increased.

She could see that the eldest sister was happy.

If there is anything at home, you don't have to worry about the elder sister. Brother Du helped to do it.

Li Mei now has a sense of relief psychologically.

I feel like I can rely on it mentally and spiritually.

In the past, she had to worry about and think about everything at home.

Sometimes I have to think carefully when I sleep, for fear of forgetting something.

Back then, I couldn't sleep well.

But now it's different, she sleeps very peacefully.

Even if there is something she accidentally forgets, Du Xiaoshuan will help her think about it.

Thinking of this, Li Mei also showed a relaxed smile on her face, "Okay, it's getting late, rest early."

"Third sister, you should also take care to protect your eyes."

Li Su still wanted to learn, and she wrote down everything she understood during the day in her notebook.

Paper is very expensive, and the paper she used was given by her master, who said she would let them use it with confidence.

But Li Su was also reluctant to use it. She wrote very small words, densely written, and a lot of writing on the back.

Moreover, she followed the teacher to learn to write with charcoal, and the writing is small and does not take up paper.

Li Suyi put down her pen reluctantly, then sorted out the written notes and placed them on the table with care and value.

Although she wants to study, she also knows that it is not good for her eyes to study too late at night.

Just when the family was about to rest, Li Erying ran over, "Li Su, Li Su, hurry up, the teacher called us to go to the doctor."

Hearing this sentence, Li Su immediately ran out.

Li Mei said: "It's cold outside, put on your jacket first."

Li Mei chased and ran out with the coat, and asked Li Su to put it on.

"Eldest sister, I went to the doctor with my master, you don't have to worry about me, you just need to sleep first."

Having said that, Li Su and Li Erying ran away.

Li Mei has been standing in place, looking at Li Su's figure.

Li Wei came out and said, "eldest sister, it's cold in the yard, come in quickly, the third sister is with Miss Su, we can rest assured."

Li Mei nodded and said, "I actually just saw the figure of the third sister, only to realize that the third sister has also grown up."

"It's not the same as before, and now she feels very happy."

Li Mei felt that it was right for Li Su to study medicine, and her sister's personality had changed a lot.

And she could feel her sister's happiness.

Li Wei actually envied the third sister in her heart. In fact, the eldest sister asked her if she was going to study.

At that time, she was still working in the embroidery workshop to make money.

So she thought about it, and let her sister go to learn.

There is always a sense of responsibility to be a sister.

The eldest sister has paid so much for them, and her work in the embroidery workshop can reduce the burden on the family, so that both she and the eldest sister can make money, and the third sister can study with peace of mind.

Li Weidao: "Sanmei used to be introverted and didn't talk much. Now she has a lively personality and loves to talk. She has a lot of smiles on her face, which is very good."

Seeing her sister like this, Li Wei was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

Being an older sister also wants her sister to be well.

She probably understands the mood of the eldest sister now.

I used to worry that the eldest sister would ignore them.

But when she thinks about things from the perspective of being a sister, she understands that it will not.

"Yeah, it's good for her to study, and she can learn knowledge and skills with Miss Su."

The two sisters were talking and entered the house.

They didn't plan to go to sleep either, instead they wanted to wait for Li Su to come back.

Although she and Miss Su went out to see them, they were relieved, but they couldn't sleep without seeing Li Su coming back.


Li Erying and Li Su hurried to the door of Su's house. At this time, Su Binglan had already pulled the carriage out and waited for the two of them.

Su Binglan looked at Li Erying and Li Su and said, "You two get on the carriage, and we will go to Dongshi Village in a while."

At this time, the man from Dongshi Village was still on the carriage, and Su Wenxiu was sitting outside the carriage driving the carriage.

Su Binglan followed suit.

Su Wenxiu whipped his horsewhip, and soon the carriage started to drive.

After the previous earthquake, Li Erying and Li Su also followed Su Wenxiu to other villages to see a doctor, and they are both used to it now.

But this time, they were visiting with Master, so they were still a little nervous.

Su Binglan said in the car: "We will be delivering babies for a while. I have taught you and trained you before. You all know what you should know. Don't be nervous for a while, watch me do it and learn from me."

"is teacher."

Although Su Binglan asked them to call her teacher, in their hearts, Su Binglan was their master.

Only the master can teach them knowledge so sincerely and take care of them like that.

Master Ming is not very old, but he has been taking care of them.

They didn't even know how to thank Master.

The man's face turned pale, but seeing Su Binglan's calm and calm expression, his fear calmed down a little, but he was still worried.

The carriage soon arrived at the man's house in Dongshi Village.

At this time, the man's father was walking back and forth in the yard, and he was anxious.

The man's mother has already entered the delivery room, and there is also a stable mother in the delivery room.

"Wan Wan, don't faint, wake up..."

The old woman anxiously woke her daughter-in-law.

But her daughter-in-law was really weak, and she was sweating all over at this time.

Their family was anxious.

At this moment, Su Binglan came.

When everyone saw Su Binglan, it was as if they saw a savior.

Su Binglan didn't care to talk to them, so she took Li Erying and Li Wei in directly.

After a while, a loud cry came from inside the house.

Hearing the child's voice, the family was completely relieved.

The men all knelt on the ground and cried.

He was really intimidated.

Granny Wen took the child and packed it up and showed it to the family, then said, "Thanks to Miss Su and her two students, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

When Granny Wen said these words, she felt lingering fears.

It was really thrilling just now, but Miss Su and her students were really amazing.

It can also give birth.

And it was obvious that the woman had no strength, but Miss Su didn't know what to eat for her, and she immediately regained her strength.

It's amazing.

Moreover, Miss Su's two students, who are so young, can do things so calmly and calmly, which makes her admire.

If she was young, she would also like to learn her skills with Miss Su.

That is not an ordinary skill, it is a great skill that can save people.

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