This is just some of the situation that Su Binglan knows. What is the specific situation in Bianzhou? Maybe after going there, Su Binglan can understand.

Even so, Su Binglan must go there for Luo Jin's sake.

Her eyes were firm.

Su Binglan said, "Mom and dad, you don't have to persuade me, I must go there, but you don't have to worry about me, I won't be in danger."

"Really, there are many people around my brother, and I will arrange for someone to protect me."

Su Binglan knew that if she went alone, her parents would not be at ease.

She didn't want her parents to worry either.

They didn't know about the assassination last night.

Although she said so, Su Binglan was not going to take the dark guard, so she was going to take her apprentice Lin Zheng there.

Those dark guards should stay by my brother's side to protect my brother.

She must be assured that there must be enough people by her side to protect her brother.

When Su Wenzhe and the others woke up, they knew that Su Binglan was going to Bianzhou, and they also had the right to Su Binglan, but it was useless.

Su Binglan must go to Bianzhou.

So everyone still supported Su Binglan and just wanted to help her pack up and prepare some things.

Su Binglan didn't have Luo Jinan there, and she didn't want her family to worry too much.

Lan Ruozhu's heart tightened when she heard that her sister was going to Bianzhou.

But he could guess and know that his sister went to Bianzhou because of Wei Jinan.

Maybe it's time to talk about today's Luo Jinan.

Wei Jinan became Luo Jinan today.

Su Binglan thought it was normal for her to worry about Luo Jinan.

Lan Ruozhu knew that it was useless to persuade his sister when it came to Luo Jin'an.

It used to be so.

So he can only support his sister.

He plans to arrange for more people to protect his sister along the way.


After breakfast, Su Binglan started to pack up and prepare things.

She kneaded her face to find out.

She's going to make those compressed cookies.

This kind of biscuits are very foundational and can come in handy at critical times.

Not just compressed biscuits, she's also going to make some foods that are suitable for preservation.

After Su Binglan made noodles, he started making pork jerky.

In this era, everyone is very protective of cattle, and they can't easily kill cattle. Su Binglan can't make beef jerky, so he makes pork jerky.

This pork jerky is also suitable for storage.

Su Binglan also went to the embroidery workshop and asked the embroidery workshop to prepare a batch of down jackets, duvets, sweaters, hats and scarves.

She is going to take these things to Bianzhou, which may come in handy and be prepared.

Su Binglan went to her uncle and aunt again.

When Su Binglan passed by, Su Fengchen was not at home, and Miao Zhizhi was at home.

"Lan Lan is here, it's cold outside, come in quickly."

Su Binglan didn't see Su Fengchen and asked, "Auntie, where is my uncle?"

"Your uncle went to your uncle Zhengde's house after breakfast. He is going to build a Luwei workshop right away. Once it is built, he can make more luwei."

Su Binglan nodded.

Miao Zhizhi asked, "Lan Lan, are you looking for your uncle for something? I'll go to Brother Su's house to find him."

According to the seniority, Miao Zhizhi followed Su Fengchen to call him Su Zhengde's hall brother.

Su Binglan's name is Uncle Su Zhengde.

Su Binglan said: "It's okay, I just want my uncle and aunt to make some dry sausages, so I'll buy some from my uncle and aunt."

Although Su Fengchen and Miao Zhizhi both took shares for Su Binglan, Su Binglan also bought everything they used on weekdays.

This also makes it easier for her uncle and aunt to settle accounts.

In fact, after thinking about it, Su Binglan still thinks that dry sausages are easy to store and delicious, and they can eat with steamed buns.

She plans to go to Border State with dry intestines.

"Dry intestines?"

They have only made lo mei recently, but they still don't know what dry sausage is.

Miao Zhizhi's face was full of doubts, "Lan Lan, what is dry intestine?"

Miao Zhizhi feels that dry intestines must also be delicious.

So at this time, she looked at Su Binglan with expectant eyes, and seemed to be eager to know what dry intestines were.

Miao Zhizhi was thinking about eating at this time.

I didn't expect to make dried sausages and sell them like lo-mei.

She just thinks it must be delicious, and it can be eaten when it is made.

The delicacies researched by Lan Lan must be delicious, there is no doubt about this.

"It's also something to eat."

"Well, I'll teach you how to do it with your grandparents first. When the uncle comes back, you can tell him how to do it."

Miao Zhizhi nodded, "Okay."

She was eager to do it.

The store at the door is here, even if it is not in the market, people will come to buy lo-mei.

Miao Zhizhi hired someone from the village who could count to see the shop.

According to what Su Binglan said, Miao Zhizhi wrote the price next to everything and did not bargain directly.

If anyone comes to buy it, just calculate it according to the price, so that it is easy for those who visit the store.

Miao Zhizhi and Su Fengchen were also relaxed.

Now there are people at home who are helping to make lo mei and grilled chicken and roast duck.

They were all hired by Su Fengchen.

They are also paid monthly wages, and there are bonuses for more numbers, and everyone works hard.

These people are in the west

busy in a room.

Su Binglan and Miao Zhizhi went to the main room.

Mr. Su and Mrs. Su were also making grilled chicken in the main room.

Seeing Su Binglan coming, Mrs. Su and Mr. Su were very happy.

Su Binglan smiled sweetly and said, "Grandpa and Grandma."

"Oh, Lan Lan is here."

The old lady Su didn't care about burning the fire anymore, she got up and took Su Binglan's hand and said, "Our Lanlan is beautiful again."

The granddaughter is so good, and the old lady is also proud.

Su Binglan smiled and talked to the old lady Su, and then she got down to business.

Both Mr. Su and Mrs. Su also supported Su Binglan.

Of course, they also want to eat the dry sausage that Su Binglan said, it must be delicious.

Then Su Binglan began to prepare dry intestines.

Because my uncle and aunt make lo mei, there is also a lot of pork at home.

Su Binglan made it directly with pork, and the seasonings at home are also complete.

She started teaching everyone how to make dry intestines.

She prepared the seasoning first, then went to another house to pick out the pork, brought it back, put it on the cutting board, and cut the pork into small cubes with a knife.

Mr. Su, Mrs. Su and Miao Zhizhi were watching carefully.

Now everyone has made more braised chicken and roasted ducks, so you can remember what to eat when you see them.

Unlike when they first started making braised chicken, they didn't understand anything, not even condiments.

I know more now.

After the pork is chopped, put the prepared seasoning in and start stirring.

After stirring well, pour in the homemade braised soy sauce.

Yes, this braised soy sauce was prepared by Su Binglan himself and used by himself.

They are all secret recipes that are not rumored, and they are different from those bought in the market.

Although many people came to ask what condiments they used to eat, and wanted to buy them, the Su family did not plan to take out for the time being.

For many delicacies, the key is seasoning. If you master the secret recipe of seasoning in your own hands, you will master the key.

For many delicacies, the key is seasoning. If you master the secret recipe of seasoning in your own hands, you will master the key.

This way, you don't have to worry about others stealing your way.

Because even if you learn how to do it, if you can't master the seasoning, the taste will be different.

In fact, no one else knows how the food of the Su family is made.

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