The 60,000-strong army directly attacked the gate of Fucheng, which was a sneak attack.

He got the gossip that King Ding was not in Fucheng, and it was impossible for King Ding's army to be concentrated here all at once.

As long as he can capture the Fucheng, he can drive straight in and annex Dingzhou.

Jian Wang Chu Feifeng's ambition is very big.

But King Jian never thought that Lan Ruozhu had already known the news and had already made preparations.

Moreover, in order to paralyze King Jian, Lan Ruozhu was disguised as a silent Huifu City, and Lan Ruozhu had already secretly summoned the army.

When King Jian led the army to attack, the city wall lit up, and suddenly there were thousands of archers, full of great power, aiming at King Jian's army under the city wall.

Without giving them time to react, someone gave an order, "Shoot!"


Countless arrows headed towards Jian Wang's army.


Archers shoot very accurately, and some shoot two people with one arrow in a row.

That is to wipe everyone's neck and carotid artery, which is directly fatal.

The people on Jianwang's side didn't react, and many people fell down at once.

King Jian was in the car not far away, and he had a general named Jiang Bao, who was good at commanding operations.

Before annexing other states and lands, Jiang Bao led the army to command.


Jiang Bao shouted, and Jianwang's army reacted immediately, and could only take up a shield to cover it, regardless of how fast they attacked.

But even with a shield, the people on King Ding's side launched a huge bow and crossbow.

It was pulled by a cart, and several people shot together, and the arrows in the crossbow were also very long and heavy.


The icy long arrow shot out at an extremely fast speed, with a breaking sound and a long range, and shot directly at the person holding the shield in the front row.

Even if a group of people slammed their shields up, they couldn't stop the arrow.

The arrow was so powerful that they couldn't stop it, and fell to the ground with their shields.

The person behind was exposed, and was directly shot through by an arrow, and it was even carried away by the arrow.

King Jian was in the car not far away, watching the battle, his expression changed.

"What's going on, what kind of arrow is this?"

How can there be such a powerful arrow, they can't use a shield.

There was a person sitting behind the gauze in the car, and outsiders could not see his appearance.

He heard King Jian's shocked expression and said, "That should be the bow and crossbow developed by the Gongsun family."

King Jian said angrily: "The Gongsun family is indeed the Gongsun family, and the emperor should destroy them."

"They really took refuge in the Ding Palace."

King Jian had never seen such a bow and crossbow, it was too powerful.

He was sitting in the distance just now, and he could feel the strong wind.

And the shields in the front row didn't work.

Jiang Bao looked at the powerful long arrow, and his face suddenly turned pale.

He raised his head and looked over by the light of the torches, and saw the crowded team on the city wall.

He knew that King Ding had already received the news and made preparations.

Jiang Bao knew that King Jian would not withdraw, so he made so many preparations that he wanted to capture Fucheng and annex Dingzhou.

Jiang Bao gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Flying wing formation, fast forward, siege the city..."


After a series of orders from Jiang Bao, King Jian's army launched a massive attack.

The person in front fell, and the person behind quickly caught up.

Jian Wang looked at the many casualties in front of him, and his face was not good-looking.

"Can this really be captured?"

The man behind the veil said: "Even if King Ding made preparations early, it would be useless. We have arranged for a large number of troops to attack everywhere, and there is always a weak link."

King Jian said calmly: "Fortunately, we have mobilized a large number of troops."

"But it is said that King Ding has a mysterious army."

The person behind the veil smiled lightly and said, "Then see if King Ding will dispatch such a mysterious army."

"If he is dispatched, you will have more reasons. You say that you have evidence of King Ding's rebellion."

Jian Wang's face was not very good. "If he has such a mysterious power, it is very dangerous for us. Are you sure you are here to help me?"

The person behind the gauze said faintly: "Of course it is to help you, our goal is the same, that is to kill King Ding."

King Jian looked stiff, "Is King Ding so threatening to you? He is so weak, anyway..."

The person behind the veil said coldly, "Dead people are the least threatening."

King Jian's expression changed. The ancestor of King Ding and the ancestor of the royal family fought together, who should have become the emperor at the beginning.

But he gave up the throne and gave up the country.

At that time, the ancestor emperor thanked him for his kindness, bestowed the king of the opposite sex, and bestowed the mansion Ding Wangfu.

It also gave a death-free gold medal.

But as the generations passed, they all began to fear King Ding.

His father was the same, and even now Lan Ruozhu was frail, and he was afraid of him.

The people of Dingwang's mansion have been geniuses from generation to generation.

If Lan Ruozhu is in very good health, they definitely cannot allow him to live until now.

Even other countries are afraid of him...

This time, the annexation of Dingzhou is the second, and the most important thing is to kill Lan Ruozhu.

After killing Lan Ruozhu, everything was no longer a threat.

King Jian called Shadow Guard and said, "Send signals to all places and act according to the plan."



Lan Ruozhu is in good health now, but in order to paralyze the enemy, he still pretends to be weak.

He sat in a chair and coughed a few times from time to time.

Others don't see the problem at all.

Even Lan Ruozhu's subordinate generals don't know.

Only a few confidants and shadow guards knew that Lan Ruozhu was in good health.

Because Lan Ruozhu can't guarantee whether they have eyeliner and fine work.

Only by confounding the enemy's sight can we paralyze the enemy and attack him by surprise.

Ji Xingye is Lan Ruozhu's confidant, he knows that Lan Ruozhu is in good health.

Because Ji Xingye was brought home by his sister when he was a few years old, and belonged to their Dingwang Mansion, Lan Ruozhu regarded him as a family member and trusted him.

This time, Ji Xingye was commanding the battle on the city wall.

Ji Xingye didn't know that the county master was still alive. He had burning hatred in his heart, and he had to use the blood of the enemy to calm down his emotions.

He can finally fight and take revenge.

"Fire oil..."

"The boulder..."


Ji Xingye looked cold and gave orders.

He wanted to make King Jian's army come and go.


In such a short period of time, Jianwang's army suffered heavy casualties.

Even if King Jian didn't treat these people as human beings, seeing so many casualties still hurts badly.

This is his army.

"Are you sure there will be no problem going on like this?"

The man behind the veil looked at the man on the city wall in front, "Is that a boy?"

Jian Wang didn't understand why this person was still paying attention to whether a person was a teenager at this time.

Jian Wang fixed his eyes on the past. At this time, there were torches on the city wall, and he could vaguely see it clearly, "I have never seen this person before, and Ding Wang actually used this young man to command the battle."

But Jian Wang also had to admit that this young man was indeed a bit powerful.

He was about to vomit blood.

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