Su Binglan explained: "This is the winery I set up with an embroidery workshop and a noodle workshop, and there is a tofu workshop in the village."

"So it's good for you to come here and live in peace."

"Even if Xiaoxun doesn't want to perform, he can still work in the embroidery workshop. It's almost two taels of silver per month plus bonus. You can live a good life with your grandma."

Listening to the two taels of silver, Old Lady Yang and Yang Xiaoxun couldn't believe it.

Of course, if others say they may not believe it, but the benefactor said they believe it.

Because they know it's all true.

Yang Xiaoxun felt her heart warm up.

She knew that as long as she worked hard, she could live a good life with her grandmother.

She felt as if she was alive again.

And her face was completely healed, she looked in the mirror and looked better than before.

But after going through those things, she didn't care much about her own appearance, and she just wanted to live a good life with her grandmother.

"Benefactor, I want to learn to act and perform well."

Yang Xiaoxun felt that her benefactor helped her so much, healed her face and cured her grandmother's leg, and she wanted to repay her kindness.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "If you have learned to perform well, you will also have income. The income is higher than working in an embroidery workshop."

"Every show has a performance fee."

Yang Xiaoxun was stunned.

She actually didn't know that acting also had income, she just wanted to repay her kindness.

"Study hard, and life will get better."

Yang Xiaoxun nodded seriously, "Yes."


As soon as Su Binglan and Luo Jinan entered the village, everyone knew.

"Miss Su is back."

"Miss Su is back."

Everyone shouted excitedly and ran to tell each other.

Everyone was so happy.

"Wuwu, Miss Su is back, that's great, we can rest assured now."

"Fortunately, Miss Su has come back well. If Miss Su has three strengths and two weaknesses, what can we do."

"That's right."


For many villagers now, Su Binglan is their parents.

They live a good life now, all thanks to Miss Su.

If it wasn't for the factory run by Miss Su, how could they now receive bonuses every month.

Even the New Year, are willing to buy so many things.

Not to mention the New Year, even on weekdays, they are willing to buy delicious food.

In the past, eggs were so precious that I was reluctant to eat them.

Now I am willing to eat eggs, and I am willing to eat white noodles.

Go out with dignity and respect.

And can eat delicious.

In the past, when buying New Year's goods for the Chinese New Year, I was very tight, and I was willing to buy so many New Year's goods.

They knew that there was a war outside before, and that Miss Su went to Fucheng to help.

The instant noodles and hot dry noodles made by the noodle shop are shipped to Fucheng.

During that time, they were also nervous, for fear of war coming.

They have such a stable life now, and they are afraid of being affected by the war.

Fortunately, after the war ended, it was all right.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But after the war was over, it had been more than half a month, and Miss Su had not come back. They were anxious and worried.

The villagers often go to Su's house to ask whether Miss Su has returned or not.

The Su family felt everyone's concern for Su Binglan, and they were also very moved.

All feel warm.

They could feel that the villagers were as worried about Su Binglan as they were.

Shen Qiuhua always comforts everyone, "Lan Lan is fine, don't worry."

Because Su Binglan asked Yingying to send a letter to the Su family.

Everyone was relieved to know that Su Binglan was fine.

But I didn't see Su Binglan coming back, and my heart was still uneasy.

Now that she has come back, and she has seen herself, everyone believes that she is really back.

I also know that the winery's embroidery workshop, noodle workshop and tofu workshop will continue to open.

Of course, Su Fengchen and Miao Zhizhi's Luweifang is also very popular.

There are many people working there.

Everyone is willing to buy things when they get paid.

It also boosted the town's economy.

The people who opened the store also made money, and so did the stalls.

Therefore, the people who set up the stalls have money in their hands, and they are willing to spend.

So the economy is driven up like this.

So that the New Year's flavor in Tenghe Town is particularly strong.

Old lady Yang and Yang Xiaoxun were stunned when they watched this scene.

It turns out that everyone likes the benefactor so much.

It must be because the benefactor is good.

And they looked at the villagers in this village, and they felt happy just by looking at them.

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao knew that Su Binglan was back, and hurried out of the tofu shop

"Lan Lan, you're finally back, and Jin'an, they've been out for so long."

"Are the girls all thin?"

"And Jinan, is she thin?"

Su Binglan's mouth twitched, she wanted to say that she was still the same weight.

But maybe in the eyes of the parents, they feel that they are suffering.

In fact, she didn't. She also ate and slept well in Fucheng, so she was not affected.

Su Wenxiu taught the students at home, and when he knew his sister was back, he ran out quickly.

Even the thirty or so students were excited, unable to hold back, and wanted to run out.

After the war, Su Binglan felt that the number of students was small, so Su Wenxiu expanded the number of students to 36 students in total.

As soon as the enrollment was expanded, the surrounding villagers enthusiastically signed up.

Both boys and girls are rushing to line up for places.

Don't worry as much as before.

Now I can't wait to squeeze my scalp.

Su Wenxiu selected thirty-six students from them.

In fact, there were a lot of boys and girls who wanted to learn from them that day, and the queue was very long.

"Sister, everyone misses you very much."

"And the teaching materials you compiled are so useful, and the students learn very quickly."

Su Wenwu has been busy opening more hot pot restaurants recently, so he was away from home and went out of town.

Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin helped to watch Mianfang, and they were quite busy.

But the two were busy and happy to go.

"And the business of the noodle shop is also very hot. Everyone comes to buy some instant noodles and hot dry noodles from us."


Everyone talked to Su Binglan and Luo Jinan about what happened during this time.

Su Binglan listened carefully.

The old woman and Yang Xiaoxun could feel that this village was different from the village over there.

The atmosphere here is so good, and everyone looks so enthusiastic.

The two of them had not gotten off the carriage.

When Su Binglan let them down, the two recovered.

Su Binglan explained to her parents and second brother who they were.

Shen Qiuhua felt sorry for Yang Xiaoxun, took her hand and said, "Good boy, I will take charge of this place in the future. We people in Su Teng Village are all very good, and no one will say anything."

"Everyone is working together to live a good life."

The villagers looked at the grandparents and grandchildren and knew that they were brought back by Su Binglan, and they were also very friendly to them.

Along the way, the old woman and Yang Xiaoxun were still very nervous, but at this time, seeing everyone's warm and friendly appearance, they also relaxed.

Su Binglan asked her parents to take them to the grandfather's house and let the grandfather settle in Su Teng Village.

However, there are no vacant houses in Su Teng Village for the time being.

It's really that Sutomura is very popular.

Many people are trying to settle down in Su Teng Village.

Others are renting houses in Suteng Village, and also want to live in Suteng Village.

Su Binglan could only let the old lady Yang and Yang Xiaoxun temporarily live in the women's dormitory behind the embroidery workshop.

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