No one knew what the manager who went to work the next day would say.

But there is a lot of guesswork in everyone's mind.

"Did anyone break the rules of our factory?"

"It's also possible, so the person in charge should report it? Who would be so stupid to leave a good job and not do it, and break the rules?"

"If it's not this, what is it, do you want to send something?"

"Even if it is to send things, everyone will not be sent to the company. In the past, everyone could take these when they went to work."

"Also, what's going on, Miss Su is back, do you need to rectify it?"

"Will anyone be fired?"

As soon as everyone guessed this, everyone's face turned white with fright.

They were afraid of being fired by the factory.

They have so many salary bonuses every month.

Everyone cherishes this job, works hard when they work, and no one is lazy.

You know, if they don't work hard, there are many people outside who are racking their brains to fight for a spot.

So no one is stupid.

Some people think wildly and start to reflect on whether they did not do a good job at work.

Some people think too much and lose sleep at night.

Some people scare themselves.

Some people are very excited, they think that there must be something good to announce when Miss Su comes back.


On Su Binglan's side, in the afternoon everyone has completed the accounting and prepared the gifts.

Just wait until the next morning to send it to everyone.


The next morning, the people in the tofu shop were still thinking about what was going on when they went to work.

And early in the morning, Shen Qiuhua called several stewards of the tofu workshop over to talk about things.

After a while, Lin Dahua, Liu Qiao and the others went out. When they came back, several of their stewards had smiles on their faces.

Lin Dahua's eyes narrowed into slits, and the smile on her face could not be hidden.

The corners of Liu Qiao's mouth also rose.

Everyone in charge almost burst out laughing.

When everyone saw their expressions, they understood that there must be something good in Tofufang.

Sure enough, Shen Qiuhua put down a big backpack and said, "To let everyone go to work today, I want to tell everyone a news."

"We will have a holiday from today until the Lantern Festival, and come back to work after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

Upon hearing this news, everyone present was blown up.

Everyone widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

When they heard the news, they were naturally excited, but they suspected that they had heard it wrong.

I heard before that they would have an early holiday, but they didn't know that it was put on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Taking such a long vacation?

It's been almost a month.

Did they hear it right?

Some were so excited that their palms were sweating.

Everyone returned to their senses and looked at each other in dismay. From each other's eyes, they could see that the news was true.

What they heard was true, not false.

After a while, someone came back to their senses and asked boldly, "Mrs. Shen, is this true?"

Everyone respectfully called Shen Qiuhua Mrs. Shen.

In the past, when everyone was busy with the autumn harvest, they would relax.

At that time was forced to idle.

Nothing to do, of course, is equivalent to a vacation.

But the mood back then was different from what it is now.

At that time my heart was empty.

But it is different now. If you are on vacation now, even if you are resting at home, you will feel at ease and feel safe.

Because they know that the family's conditions will be good in the second year, they still have jobs and can receive wages every month.

This kind of work holiday is completely different from the feeling of being idle at home.

So this kind of holiday, everyone is really excited.

Shen Qiuhua said with a smile: "Of course it's true, and we will send out this month's wages in advance today, and we will also issue a year-end bonus."


Pay wages and year-end bonuses?

It's just not long after this month, and the wages and bonuses will be distributed?

What is the year-end bonus?

What happened to the year-end bonus, is it also a bonus?

Is it different from what they usually get?

Everyone was full of doubts.

But he couldn't contain his excitement.

You can get an early vacation and get your wages and bonuses early.

This is too exciting.

This is a good thing.

Think about it, you can go home and do a lot of things when you go on vacation early years ago. The key is to go home with your salary and bonus in your hand.

This feeling is different.

"The year-end bonus is to give everyone a New Year's bonus, so that everyone can go back and have a good New Year."

When everyone listened to Shen Qiuhua's words, their eyes lit up, and they all stood up straight, looking at Shen Qiuhua, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

For fear of missing any important words and news.

Many people also began to think in their hearts that they could get 2 taels of silver when they had a lot of money on weekdays.

This is the New Year's bonus, will it be more than usual, so will it be three or two?

But this month is only a few days away, and this month's bonus should also be

It's just that the bonuses for the past few days should be given by Miss Su wishing them to have a good New Year.

Everyone thought about these and guessed the numbers.

Shen Qiuhua first called the steward to get the salary and year-end bonus.

Liu Qiao was the manager who was promoted to Tofu Workshop at the beginning.

Moreover, Liu Qiao performed very well and worked very seriously, so the bonus is naturally a lot.

When Liu Qiao saw that twelve taels of silver were written on the bill for the payment of wages and bonuses, she was stunned for a moment.

The hand holding the pen trembled.


is that true?

Liu Qiao's eyes widened, she asked herself in disbelief.

She felt that her eyes might be drenched.

Shen Qiuhua will give Liu Qiao the bonus and wages she needs.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "There are gifts next to each person, each person has a box of tofu products, two bottles of wine, a set of four, and then a box of instant noodles and hot pot ingredients. Once you get them, they will be distributed in a while, and everyone can go home. Have a good New Year."

Liu Qiao had already taken over the twelve taels of silver, but her hands trembled with excitement, but when she heard Shen Qiuhua's words again, she felt dizzy.

Liu Qiao was stunned, feeling that her feet could not be obeyed.

Shen Qiuhua said, "What's wrong?"

Liu Qiao hurriedly returned to her senses, shook her head and said, "'s all right."

"Well, it's fine, just take the gift, and you can rest when you get home."

Shen Qiuhua didn't know that Liu Qiao was shocked by these surprises at this time.

She felt that her hands and feet were unresponsive.

Her heart beat faster, and she stepped forward to take something, feeling that she couldn't hold it with both hands.

But the corners of his mouth grinned.

On weekdays, Liu Qiao is a relatively quiet and steady person.

Everyone knew her character, so the people standing behind at this time looked at Liu Qiao, who was walking a little erratically in front of her, and it became strange.

"what happened?"

"Liu Qiao is not like this on weekdays."

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Shen sent so many gifts to Manager Liu."

"I didn't expect that not only can I receive wages in advance, but also have year-end bonuses, early vacations, and bonuses."

"It's really good."

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