When Yang Xiaoxun came to Su Teng Village, she always thought about what Su Binglan said about acting.

At first, Yang Xiaoxun was not very confident, but Su Binglan always encouraged her on the way back.

Therefore, the blood in Yang Xiaoxun's heart was also aroused.

She wants to study, to perform, and to make herself better.

In the past, Yang Xiaoxun lived just to live simply, and felt that every day of life was just a day.

But now Yang Xiaoxun looks at the living conditions of the women in the embroidery workshop, and she feels that she also wants to live a good life and to live a meaningful life.

Yang Xiaoxun is not afraid of enduring hardships, and there is still a sense of tenacity in her body.

Su Binglan brought Yang Xiaoxun to the Su family's separate study.

This study was built after Su Binglan asked Su Wenxiu to repair it.

Most of the books in it are medical books, and there are also some collected books.

It was for the more than 30 students to see.

There are also special desks and chairs and pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the study.

Su Binglan asked Yang Xiaoxun to sit down first.

Su Binglan asked, "Can you read?"

Su Binglan intends to train Yang Xiaoxun, so she will train her well, regardless of whether she can read or not.

Even if she couldn't read, Su Binglan planned to teach her personally.

Yang Xiaoxun nodded and said, "Well, I can read."

She was illiterate at first, but when she entered the Han residence, she realized that many people behind her joked that she was from the countryside and could not read a single big character.

At that time, in order not to be ridiculed and ridiculed, she began to learn to read behind her back.

She learned secretly, and if she didn't know some words, she first learned to write.

She is in the Han residence, and she spends almost all of her time studying.

But before she told Han Mobei that she could read and write, she found that everything had changed.

She felt that there was no need to tell Han Mobei this anymore.

Su Binglan was ready for Yang Xiaoxun to be illiterate, and she was ready to teach her literacy in person.

But suddenly I heard her say literacy.

Su Binglan's eyes lit up.

"Then can you understand this script?"

Yang Xiaoxun carefully took the script handed over by Su Binglan and read the story above.

She looked at it carefully and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Su, I... I can only recognize some of the words."

Some characters Yang Xiaoxun still doesn't recognize.

Yang Xiaoxun felt very sorry.

Su Binglan encouraged her: "It's good that you can recognize some characters."

"I'll tell you these words and then tell the story."

When Su Binglan told Yang Xiaoxun the story of the female concubine, Yang Xiaoxun was moved by the story.

I was touched by the spirit of the heroine in the story.

She thought that she must perform well.

Su Binglan told Yang Xiaoxun this story carefully, and while she was talking, Su Binglan couldn't help humming a tune.

"In order to save Li Lang from his home, who would have guessed that he was the champion in the imperial list. The champion in the middle is wearing a red robe, and the hat has a palace flower, so it's so fresh. I have also been to the Qionglin Banquet, and I have also played in front of the Mayu Street. People People praise me for Pan An's appearance, but who knows that I wear a gauze cap and a hood. I don't take the top spot to show my name, and I don't take the top spot to be a high-ranking official. To save the affectionate Young Master Li, the love between husband and wife is full of love. "

Su Binglan has always liked this tune.

He hummed involuntarily.

Then Yang Xiaoxun thought Su Binglan was teaching her, so she snorted.

Su Binglan was shocked by this humming.

"Xiao Xun, can you sing?"

Yang Xiaoxun shook her head and said, "I...I don't know. I just watched Miss Su sing, and I'll follow you to learn."

She thought that Miss Su sang really nicely.

She had never heard such a nice tone.

It's better than the qin played by the first talented girl I've ever heard in the capital.

Su Binglan looked at Yang Xiaoxun and said happily, "Xiaoxun, you are very smart, you are really talented in this area."

Yang Xiaoxun was originally very unconfident, but after being encouraged by Su Binglan, her eyes lit up.

She had doubted that she could really act, okay?

But looking at Su Binglan's encouraging eyes at this time, she felt that her whole body had strength.

She has to study hard and perform well.

Su Binglan said a little excitedly: "I'll sing a few more sentences, you sing along."

Yang Xiaoxun nodded, "Okay."

In this way, Su Binglan taught Yang Xiaoxun while singing.

Su Binglan found that after she taught it a few times, Yang Xiaoxun sang very well.

Then correct some details.

Then join the show.

Yang Xiaoxun has a graceful figure and learns quickly.

Su Binglan taught little by little, and Yang Xiaoxun learned little by little.

Yang Xiaoxun found that she really liked what she taught her.

She likes to sing and she likes to act.

Because she found that Miss Su was really good-looking when she walked around while singing.

She was fascinated.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for dinner soon.

Su Binglan left Yang Xiaoxun to eat at home. After dinner, the two continued to work in the study.

That night, everyone in the Su family could hear the moving tune coming from the study, which was very novel and pleasant.

Su Wenxiu was arranging medical books in his room, but when he listened to the song, he was shocked.

"It was sung by my sister, isn't it so good?"

Even Luo Jinan heard it.

Luo Jinan listened to the tune and looked at the night, her eyes deepened.

He never thought that she could sing such a novel and touching song.

Luo Jinan felt that the current Su Binglan was different from the previous Lan Ruobing.

She knows a lot of things that Lan Ruobing can't.

As if it wouldn't be possible without her.

Luo Jinan was looking at the information in his hand.

At this time, I forgot to check these, and I was completely attracted by Su Binglan's voice.


Su Binglan didn't know this at all. She saw that the time was almost up, so she sent Yang Xiaoxun back.

For two consecutive days, Su Binglan was teaching Yang Xiaoxun.

After Yang Xiaoxun had learned almost, Su Binglan started looking for other supporting roles to act.

To act in this drama, we need a few more people and a pianist.

The soundtrack of a play is also very important.

During dinner that day, Su Binglan asked, "Father and mother, eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother, third brother, do you know any famous piano masters in this area?"

Everyone thought about it carefully and shook their heads.

They have never been in contact with luthiers on weekdays, and naturally they don't know if there are any famous luthiers in this area.

According to Su Binglan's knowledge, there really isn't any pianist in this area.

Is it possible that she still needs to teach herself?

Singing can be taught, but playing an instrument requires basic skills.

She wanted to show everyone "The Concubine" when she was driving the mountains a few years ago.

It is also a local custom to go to the mountains, that is, to go to the big market in the village.

Usually when there is a big market, people around will come, and there will be a lot of people. If everyone can watch the opera, it will be more lively.

Lying on the kang at night, Su Binglan would not be able to sleep for a while, she was thinking about these things in her mind.

Just when she was thinking about things, Luo Jinan said softly, "Want to find a piano teacher?"

As soon as Su Binglan heard these words, she understood what Luo Jinan meant, and her expression changed, "You have a recommended piano teacher, right?"

Luo Jin'an looked at Su Binglan's bright and bright expression, and said softly, "There is a pianist, but his situation is a bit complicated."

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