Especially at this time, Luo Jinan didn't look at the clothes, but looked at her fixedly, and the eyes were really captivating.

Su Binglan felt that her heart could not resist.

She looked away and said, "I'll take a shower and help my mother prepare breakfast by the way."

Su Binglan was in a hurry to get off the kang and went out in a hurry.

But when Su Binglan got off the kang, Luo Jinan grabbed her hand and said, "Put on new clothes."

Su Binglan felt that Luo Jin'an's hand was hot.

It's actually an electric shock.

When she got close at this time, she could even smell the good smell on Luo Jin'an's body.

The dark fragrance in the elegance is refreshing, but it also makes people palpitate.

Su Binglan always felt that she had a sense of familiarity with Luo Jin'an from her soul, and a feeling of throbbing deep in her soul.

She actually didn't understand why.

Then Su Binglan blushed and put on her new clothes.

When Su Binglan changed into new clothes, Luo Jinan was amazed.

Su Binglan's clothes are actually the same color as Luo Jin'an.

This was prepared by Su Binglan deliberately, it was a couple's outfit.

Su Binglan thought Luo Jinan would say something that she couldn't resist, but she didn't.

Luo Jinan just hugged her and patted her hair gently.

"You're hungry, let's wash and have breakfast." His voice was so gentle, so gentle that it made my heart feel warm.

Su Binglan listened to Luo Jin'an's gentle voice and felt a sweet feeling in her heart, "Okay."

After washing up, the family had breakfast together.

Everyone was wearing new clothes, and they all looked brand new.

Everyone had a big smile on their face.

Then the family was busy preparing for lunch.

It looks like there is a morning, but the time is quite tight.

Because the old house of the Su family, where the old man Su and the old lady Su lived, also had a table dedicated to worshiping the ancestors.

Su Fengzhang and Su Fengmao, as well as Su Fengzhi and Su Fengchen, have to help prepare the things that need to be sacrificed.

Each family will prepare some food and send it to the old house.

Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua attached great importance to it.

"We take out the pastry we are going to sacrifice, as well as chicken and fish, wine, and incense..."

Everyone was busy preparing, and when they were ready, Su Fengmao said, "Wen Zhe, help me take your grandma's house together."

"In the afternoon, let's go to your grandparents' house to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner together."

Although all the houses are separated, but during the New Year's Eve, everyone still has to go to the old house to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner together and have the New Year's Eve dinner together.

It was also to accompany Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, and the four generations of the family lived together, and it was lively.

Everyone knows this habit, and the Su family follows this habit every year.

But this year, everyone has a smile on their face.

Because everyone is having a good time.

Moreover, the Su family's reputation is getting better and better now, its influence is also great, and it is also respected. When everyone gathers and talks, it will also show a relaxed look.

Shen Qiuhua's busy feet did not touch the ground, and said: "At noon, fish, chicken, and pig's heads should be prepared, and rice, rice cakes, and steamed buns should be prepared. You can eat whatever you want, and it's delicious at noon. "

Liu Yinyin said, "Mother, I'll prepare the pig's head."

Su Binglan said, "Mother, I'm going to make a fish."

Su Wenxiu said, "Daddy, I'll cook the chicken dish."

Su Wenwu said: "Then let me steam the rice first."

Everyone has to participate in the lunch to show that the family is working together.

Everyone prepares a dish first, and then prepares their own dishes.

Everyone was busy with the things in their hands while talking.

Su Wenxiu was busy with the dishes in his hand: "Sister, by the way, where are the peppers?"

Su Binglan was preparing seasonings, and when she heard the second brother's words, she took out the peppers and said, "Here, I have taken out all the seasonings and put them on the table."

Liu Yinyin went to get the seasonings and said with a smile, "It's really convenient to have your sister's seasonings. It saves a lot of trouble when cooking directly with seasonings."

Su Wenxiu agreed: "No, with seasonings, I think my cooking skills are much better."

"I eat rice for lunch."

Su Binglan said, "I want to eat rice cakes. The rice cakes I made are delicious."

Liu Yinyin said, "I also want to eat rice cakes."

Su Wenwu said: "I want to eat the sweet potato cake made by my sister. It tastes very unique."

Su Wenzhe went to the old house to bring things back, and he also helped, and then followed everyone's words and said with a smile, "I want to taste everything."

When he said this, the big guy laughed.

Everyone prepares what they are doing, talking and laughing.

Soon, lunch will be ready.

Everyone worked together to prepare a sumptuous lunch.

The family sat around the dining table, ate the staple food with chopsticks and the dishes, all laughing.

Su Fengmao took out the wine and poured everyone a glass of wine.

Let's clink glasses together and say something happy together.

"This year's New Year is really happy. I wish us every year to be happy, just like the fish on the table, with more than every year."

"Yes, and I wish our family a better life."

"Yes, more and more happy."

"I want to thank my sister. Following my sister, I have learned a lot, and I am respected by others."

"Yes, and I wish my parents good health and long life."

"I wish our family happiness and always be together."

"I would like to wish our family many children and good luck."

Everyone was talking happily.

The New Year's atmosphere is very strong.

After having lunch and packing up, the family went to the old house.

The whole family gathered together and it was even more lively.

Fortunately, the old house now has a large space and can accommodate many people.

Everyone passed with things in their hands.

Mr. Su and Mrs. Su watched their sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren together with smiles all the time.

Always smiling.

This is really four generations living together.

Especially the two sons of Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin, that is their great-grandson.

Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehaizu's grandparents and grandparents shouted, making the two of them laugh from ear to ear.

The family specially prepared some candy, just for the great-grandson to eat.

Ding and Liu, as well as Shen Qiuhua and Miao Zhizhi, began to knead dough and stuffing to prepare dumplings.

Ding said: "In previous years, New Year's Eve dinners were the main food and vegetables. Now eating dumplings is very meaningful."

"Everyone in the village said to make dumplings at night."

"Eating dumplings and eating some dishes is quite New Year's flavor."

"The key is that the dumplings are delicious. Let's make more fillings tonight."

"But you must prepare the meat filling."

"Yes, yes, haha."

Su Fengzhang took his son to look at his younger brothers and said, "The firecrackers are all ready. I'll set off firecrackers before dinner and set off firecrackers after dinner."

Su Fengmao said: "Brother, don't worry, I've already hung it up, and I'll set off firecrackers when I light it up."

Su Fengzhang said: "I also brought firecrackers for children to play with for Xuexuan and Xuehai, but watch them and don't touch your hands."

Su Fengchen also smiled and said, "Zhizhi has prepared a small lantern for them, and it looks good in hand."

While the family was talking, firecrackers sounded outside.

In the middle of the afternoon, every household in the village started to set off firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers in the ear kept making people excited.

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