Su Binglan thought about going back before cooking dinner at home, so she would come to arrange dinner.

And I want to eat bananas for everyone.

Su Binglan just wanted to make everyone happy together.

When Su Binglan came home, Shen Qiuhua was preparing things at home.

Seeing Su Binglan and Luo Jinan come back, Shen Qiuhua was stunned, "Is this going out?"

"Why are you still carrying a backpack?"

Su Wenzhe just took the charcoal from the grocery store and went back to the house, when he saw his sister and brother-in-law coming back, he was stunned, "Sister, brother-in-law, are you out?"

Su Fengmao also brought firewood into the house and wanted to add more firewood to the stove. Looking at the two of them, he also said, "My mother and I both thought you were making up for sleep."

In the afternoon, Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua were also making up their sleep at home.

Su Wenzhe went out to chat with a few well-connected brothers, and he just came back.

They didn't see Su Binglan and Luo Jinan go out in the afternoon, they thought they were still sleeping.

Su Binglan and Luo Jinan put down the basket on their backs and said, "We went to Back Mountain and found something good again."

Hearing this, Su Wenzhe hurriedly put down the charcoal and leaned over to see, "Wow, sister, what is this?"

"Is this color a vegetable?"

Su Wenzhe had never seen anything like this before, so he was curious.

He lightly poked the skin of this thing with his hand, not knowing if he could move it.

His sister is so powerful that she can find good things when she goes to the back mountain.

Su Wenzhe didn't need to think about it, he knew that it must be eaten.

As soon as he thought about it, his eyes lit up, and he had something good to eat at night.

Shen Qiuhua didn't bother to pack her bags, and came over to see, "Ah, what are these things in the back basket, they look delicious."

This color is really rare.

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao couldn't guess what it was.

But they were curious.

Su Binglan explained with a smile: "This is called a banana, it is a kind of fruit, but it can be made a lot of delicious food. Let's make sushi with rice at night, banana sushi, and then make crispy fried bananas. After eating, you can also make sushi. Drink banana soy milk."

She didn't get much milk from town before, could she make banana milk pudding.

If you got bananas early, you can add bananas to the fruit cream cake you made yesterday.

You can also use bananas to make cakes, banana cakes, banana breads, and the taste will be delicious.

Su Binglan's spirit suddenly came to her mind when she thought of cooking food.

"It happened that there was still a lot of rice at noon yesterday. Just heat it up and use the rice to make sushi."

Yesterday's lunch was very rich. I made a lot of main dishes, including steamed buns and pastries, rice cakes, bean cakes and rice.

Do a lot and this will still be a lot of rice.

It's perfect for making sushi with rice.

Shen Qiuhua was also very happy, "I thought you were sleeping, but I was thinking of waiting for you to wake up and ask what you want to eat at night, but I didn't expect you to go to the back mountain."

"You can eat fresh food again."

Although I don't know how it tastes, Lan Lan said that it must be delicious if it is delicious.

However, Shen Qiuhua also found a strange phenomenon, that is, if they went to the back mountain, no matter how long they walked, they would not be able to enter or find anything.

Marking doesn't help either.

Only by going to Houshan with Lan Lan can you find good things in the forest.

It's really weird, but it's weird, and Shen Qiuhua doesn't go into it.

Anyway, she knew that there must be a lot of delicious food with her daughter.

Shen Qiuhua was still thinking about what to do at night, but now she doesn't have to think about it, just listen to her daughter.

Su Binglan flipped open the bananas and handed them to Shen Qiuhua, Su Fengmao and Su Wenzhe, "Father and mother, big brother, you guys should have a taste first."

Su Wenzhe looked at the banana in a daze and said, "Sister, how do you eat this?"

Su Binglan took it and peeled it off and handed it to Su Wenzhe, "Just eat it like this."

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao also knew, peeled off the skin and started to eat.

At this time, Su Wenzhe had already taken two bites and exclaimed: "This is fragrant, smooth and soft, sister, is this a fruit?"

Su Wenzhe remembered that the fruits he ate were all wild fruits, hard and a little sour.

But this one was completely different. He couldn't describe the feeling. It was a little sweet and different from other things.

Shen Qiuhua's eyes lit up when she was eating, "This is delicious, this is soft, your grandparents will definitely like it."

Mr. Su and Mrs. Su have bad teeth, and they can't bite too hard things. It's better to eat soft things.

However, Su Binglan couldn't do anything about teeth. He couldn't make his grandparents' teeth harden all of a sudden.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "We made dinner and sent some to grandparents together with dinner."

Su Binglan also likes to make more delicious food for the whole family to eat together.

She likes to eat food together.

That would be happier.

"it is good."

Su Binglan said making sushi, and everyone started to get busy.

Su Fengmao was in charge of burning the fire to cook the rice, while Su Binglan prepared things.

they don't have

Seaweed, Su Binglan used dried bean skin as seaweed.

After the rice was steamed, Su Binglan put the rice in a pot, and then put sesame oil, salt, vinegar, sugar, sesame seeds and some seasonings into the pot.

After stirring and adjusting, put the tasted rice on the dry bean skin and open it up.

Then put bananas, and boiled sweet potatoes, roll them up, and cut them into pieces.

Su Binglan made it relatively simple, but everyone thought it was delicious.

After Su Binglan was done, let Luo Jinan and the others taste it.

Even Luo Jinan nodded.

Of course, Su Wenzhe couldn't help but exclaim: "It's delicious, it's delicious, so this is sushi, and there are bananas, it's delicious."

"My sister is amazing, we have fresh food again."

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao both nodded.

At this time, Su Wenxiu, Su Wenwu and Liu Yinyin also came back with their two children.

Su Wenwu smiled and said, "As soon as I entered the yard, I heard the voice of eldest brother. What delicious food did eldest brother eat?"

Before Su Wenwu came, the voice came in.

As soon as he heard his elder brother's voice, he knew there was something delicious, so he walked into the house in three steps.

Su Wenxiu and Su Wenwu both went out to play in the afternoon.

Liu Yinyin took Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai to chat with Lin Tongtong.

The two children played with Xue Rui, while Liu Yinyin had a conversation with Lin Tongtong.

In fact, during the first month of the month, it is the time when everyone gets together to play together.

So I didn't come back until dinner time in the evening.

Seeing his two sons, Su Wenzhe hurriedly took sushi for his son and Liu Yinyin to eat, "Quickly try it, this is the sushi made by my sister."

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