Shen Qiuhua was really worried that Lan Ruozhu was tired.

She still remembered when Su Binglan brought Lan Ruozhu home at first, the young man looked so weak, and it made people feel distressed.

Shen Qiuhua was really worried about Lan Ruozhu.

Lan Ruozhu could tell from Shen Qiuhua's expression.

He felt warm in his heart.

"Godmother, I think our family's tea is delicious to drink. After drinking it, my whole body is full of energy, and I want to help make a piece of glutinous rice balls."

"I haven't made dumplings myself, it should be fun."

"And I can't get tired of cooking."

Shen Qiuhua looked at Lan Ruozhu's excited look, and Shen Qiuhua nodded with a smile: "Okay, a piece of rice balls, if you are tired, you must say it, you know?"


Lan Ruozhu went to the stove to help Su Binglan.

Shen Qiuhua went to the yard where Lan Ruozhu was staying, and took out the quilts and mattresses and put them on the drying pole to dry.

It's still half afternoon and the sun is still pretty good.

After drying for a while, the quilt and mattress are also comfortable to use.

In fact, a few days ago, Shen Qiuhua took out these quilts and mattresses to dry them once.

In this way, the quilts, mattresses and pillows will not be damp.

Shen Qiuhua also took firewood to burn the kang.

Add half a pot of water to the pot, then burn wood on the stove.

After the pot was boiled, the kang was hot, and Shen Qiuhua took another quilt that had just been dried before and spread it out on the kang.

It can cover the kang after unfolding, so that the heat on the kang will not spread.

Shen Qiuhua then added some more charcoal to the stove.

Charcoal burns for a long time and maintains the heat.

Generally speaking, they will use wood to burn the kang.

But Shen Qiuhua was worried that the wood would burn quickly and the heat of the kang would not be maintained well.

So she used charcoal, so that the charcoal would keep burning and the kang would be hot.

When Lan Ruozhu comes back to rest at night, he will be able to sleep on the hot kang.

Sleeping on a hot kang in winter will be comfortable.

After everything was cleaned up, Shen Qiuhua came to the main house from the small yard.

At this time, Su Binglan had already fished out the glutinous rice and poured out the water.

Liu Yinyin looked at the glutinous rice and asked, "Sister, do you want to go to the mill in our village to make glutinous rice flour?"

In the past, wheat and everything were ground into powder in a mill.

Su Binglan said: "These are not many, we just grind them out with a stone mill."

Su Wenzhe next to him changed his expression, "Yeah, you can use a stone grinder. In the past, tofu was ground with a stone grinder. Sister, I'll come, I will."

Speaking of grinding beans with a stone mill, Su Wenzhe also had some previous memories in his mind.

In the earliest days, they soaked and ground beans at home to make tofu.

It was very busy at that time, but I didn’t feel hard at all, because I could make money with tofu.

At that time, every day I went out to sell tofu and came home, I would quickly give the money to my mother, and then count it again.

The whole family had big smiles on their faces.

He used a stone mill to grind beans, and he also felt energetic, because he could make money when he was busy.

The better the life at home, the better the food.

Thinking of that time, Su Wenzhe also had a smile on his face.

Liu Yinyin said, "I'll help you."

"it is good."

In the earliest days, the husband and wife were grinding beans together. Later, they went to sell tofu, and mother and father were grinding beans at home.

But now that they have a tofu shop, they hire people to do it, and they are free.

But at that time, my parents were also working very hard.

Think about it, they are also very distressed.

Because grinding beans is not an easy job.

Fortunately, they have the ability now, and the parents can relax.

This house is very big. When this house was built, they had not opened a tofu workshop.

So this house also has a special stone mill.

Seeing the figures of Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin going to the stone to grind these glutinous rice, Su Binglan's expression also changed.

Obviously she also remembered some memories of making tofu before.

Su Binglan said to Lan Ruozhu, "When we first made tofu, we used a stone mill to grind beans."

Lan Ruozhu looked interested, he had never seen these before.

Seeing her brother's expression, Su Binglan understood what her brother was thinking at this time. She said with a smile, "Brother, do you want to go over and take a look?"

"Okay, go and have a look." He was about to say, but he didn't know how to say it, but fortunately, his sister spoke directly.

Still his sister understands him.

Lan Ruozhu followed Su Binglan to the side of the stone mill.

At this time, Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin had already started grinding glutinous rice.

Looking at their operations, Lan Ruozhu felt novel.

It turns out that you can grind beans and glutinous rice.

This is really the labor and wisdom of the people.

Lan Ruozhu said, "Sister, let me grind it for a while."

Su Binglan instinctively wanted to organize Lan Ruozhu to do this, but suddenly realized that her brother's health was completely healed.

He can do this.

In the past, my brother couldn't do anything. For the sake of his health, the people around him would also discourage him from doing one thing and another.

he just

like a fragile child.

In fact, my brother would be very depressed.

Su Binglan thought of this, nodded and said, "Okay."

She said to Su Wenzhe again: "Brother and sister-in-law, stop first and let us grind."

In the Su family, everyone instinctively listened to Su Binglan's arrangement and listened to Su Binglan's words.

As soon as Su Binglan spoke, Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin put down their work and handed it over to Lan Ruozhu and Su Binglan.

Su Binglan scooped the soaked glutinous rice into it with a ladle, while Lan Ruozhu pushed the stone mill around.

When pushing the stone mill, Lan Ruozhu showed a surprised look.

He looked down at the turning stone mill, his face shining brightly.

He had never done this kind of work, and it was strange to him.

When he really did these things, he also let him understand the difficulties of the common people.

Grinding this stone mill is not easy.

It takes a certain amount of strength, and if you grind for a long time, you will definitely be tired.

He also heard his sister say just now that they used this to grind beans before.

Wasn't it going to take a whole day at that time?

Thinking like this, Lan Ruozhu felt uncomfortable.

He will also think that he loves his sister, but many villagers also have to do this work.

Su Binglan looked at the stone mill and continued to put glutinous rice in it.

The ground glutinous rice paste is put into a large bucket.

While doing this, Su Binglan said, "For the villagers, it is really hard to grind a stone, and some people's family conditions are better, and they are willing to buy a small donkey. "

"We were reluctant to buy a donkey at first, but after we made money selling tofu, I didn't want my parents to work hard, so I bought a donkey, which is still on a leash at the back of the yard."

"It is also expensive for ordinary people to buy a donkey."

"But if you buy cattle, it will help the farmland, and it will be easier for spring plowing."

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