Chapter 728 Master Protection (four more)

Su Wenwu was stunned for a moment. Is there anyone standing at the door?

There will be no queues. If you come to eat, you should come in directly.

Su Wenwu had some doubts in his heart and walked towards the door.

When he came to the door of the store, he suddenly saw a person standing not far away.

Su Wenwu's eyes lit up for a moment.

"Brother Ye!"

When Su Wenwu called out these two words, his voice was all excited.

Su Wenwu wanted to quickly move towards Ye Fei.

But his footsteps were a bit reluctant, and at this time the whole person was stiff in place.

Su Wenwu suspected that he had read it wrong.

He blinked his eyes hard, looked intently, and determined that it was Ye Feiran.

Ye Feiran saw Su Wenwu for a moment, and her heart trembled fiercely.

For some reason, her eyes were red.

The Su Wenwu in front of him is seventeen years old after the new year, and he looks better than last year.

The young man is tall and slender, and the lines on his face are cold and white.

His eyebrows were like distant mountains, and his skin was a little bronze. He was wearing a black robe, with a bamboo pattern on his waist and a jade crown on his head. He was neat, handsome and powerful.

Ye Feiran was amazed when she looked at him.

Ye Feiran was also more certain that she missed him.

So she looked for it regardless.

She knew that he had said that he lived in Su Teng Village in Teng County.

Along the way she inquired about riding over.

She thought that Su Teng Village was very biased, but she did not expect Su Teng Village to be so prosperous.

She didn't expect him to be so famous.

When I was inquiring with people in Tenghe Town, everyone heard Su Wenwu's name, and they were very enthusiastic towards her, and they also talked to her a lot about the Su family.

It turned out that he was such a legendary figure.

She went to the hot pot restaurant and asked where Su Wenwu was.

Learned that he opened a new store today.

Then she came on horseback.

She watched the people coming and going in the store at the door, and she knew that the business he opened was very popular.

She wanted to go in and see him, but she had a feeling of being close to the nostalgia.

I don't know if he welcomes her.

She guessed that he should be very busy now, and when she saw her words, she didn't know what her expression would be.

Or if you are too busy, you can't even entertain her.

It was the first time that Ye Feiran thought a lot about forward and backward.

Obviously want to see him want to see him, but dare not go in.

But I didn't expect Su Wenwu to come out.

Ye Feiran was a little caught off guard.

But the moment she saw him, her heart throbbed.

When I saw him, I couldn't help but feel better.

There is a feeling of joy spreading in my heart.

"Brother Su."

Ye Feiran is older than Su Wenwu.

Ye Feiran was also a little helpless about this.

She thought a lot, Su Wenwu was a few years older than her, and she was younger than him.

But in fact, she was three years older than Su Wenwu.

Hearing Ye Feiran's voice, Su Wenwu was sure that he heard correctly.

He hurried over and hugged Ye Feiran.

"Brother Ye, I miss you so much, I didn't expect to see you here."

The moment Ye Feiran was hugged by Su Wenwu, her whole body froze and her mind went blank.

She was stunned and didn't know how to react.

But the moment she was hugged by Su Wenwu, Ye Feiran felt her whole body warm up.

It was clearly snowing and the weather was cold, but she felt strangely warm and her heart warmed.

Ye Feiran could also feel Su Wenwu's excitement.

Ye Feiran hoped that Su Wenwu would hug him for a while, but she had to think about Su Wenwu more.

Now that the Su family is famous, everyone pays more attention to them.

She didn't want others to talk about Su Wenwu behind his back.

Ye Feiran reminded gently: "There are still people outside, everyone is watching."

After hearing Ye Feiran's reminder, Su Wenwu came back to his senses, "Ao, yes, look at me, I'm excited to see you patronizing."

"Oh, it's snowing outside. It must be cold. Come on, let me warm up in the store first."

Su Wenwu's mind is simple and straightforward.

He was very sincere to his brother, and when he was talking, he dragged Ye Feiran into the store.

"Little boy, fasten the horse."

"Okay, boss."

The shop boy happily took the horse rope and tied it to the fixed position at the door.

When Su Wenwu opened the store, he had experience and knew that he had to arrange a place at the door to tether a horse, cart, and ox cart.

Therefore, it is also very convenient for the shop assistant to lead the horse and tie it up.

At this time, there were not many people in the store. During the festival and the snow outside, many people went home.

There was also a place on the first floor, so Su Wenwu hurriedly poured a cup of hot water for Ye Feiran.

"You drink a cup of hot water to warm your body first, and I'll get you what you want to eat."

Su Wenwu knew that Ye Feiran didn't like to drink other things, she was used to drinking hot water.

It is said that the stomach is not good.

So Su Wenwu paid attention to this.

Ye Feiran took a sip of water and found the temperature

Just right.

She smiled lightly.

He looks carefree, but he is actually very careful and caring.

Ye Feiran said: "I'm not hungry, you don't have to worry about me, you can just get busy first."

Su Wenwu shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm not busy either."

Su Wenwu also sat down in front of Ye Feiran and asked, "Did you come from home on such a cold day?"

The south is far from here.

If you calculate the distance, Ye Feiran will set off in the first month of the month.

"Did you come alone?"

Ye Feiran shook her head and said, "No, with two family guards, when I arrive in the town, I will let them live in the town first."

Su Wenwu became serious, "Why don't you let them protect you, what if you encounter danger from Tenghe Town to Su Teng Village?"

Su Wenwu became nervous when he thought of that scene.

He still remembered that the first time he saw Ye Feiran, Ye Feiran was hunted down.

Hearing Ye Feiran say, that should be the killer sent by his uncle.

And the dark guard beside him was transferred away with Tiaohu Lishan.

Ye Feiran was really in danger that time.

Su Wenwu just saw it that time, regardless of the shot.

After the real shot, he realized that his martial arts turned out to be pretty good.

His kung fu was learned from Luo Jinan.

At that moment, he realized how powerful his brother-in-law was.

Seeing Su Wenwu's nervous appearance, Ye Feiran smiled and said, "It's fine, and I found that your Dingzhou side is very safe, especially Tenghe Town's side is safer, and everything will be fine."

Ye Feiran heard from the dark guard that there are experts around here to protect her.

She was actually quite suspicious.

This place, Suteng Village, Tenghe Town, is not like an ordinary village at all.

Instead, there is a feeling of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Su Wenwu also smiled, "Indeed, my sister also said that this is the safest place, and you don't have to worry about going out at night."

Before Su Wenwu asked a question, Ye Feiran didn't have time to answer. At this time, he replied: "I heard you talk about your hometown before. I thought that since we are sworn brothers, we should come to pay New Year's greetings on the first month of the month."

Ye Feiran didn't know what reason to find to explain why she came to him suddenly.

After thinking about it, let's say New Year's greetings.

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